Prof. Amir Goldbourt

School of Chemistry
ביה"ס לכימיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Amir Goldbourt
Phone: 03-6408437
Another phone: 03-6407002
Fax: 03-6409293
Office: Shenkar - Chemistry, 111


We use magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and develop methodologies, to unravel in atomic-resolution the structures of proteins, enzymes and other biological assemblies

Using NMR we are able to determine the atomic resolution structure of viruses (e.g. M13 bacteriophage), we study the molecular basis for the action of lithium carbonate as a main drug for psychiatric illness, and we characterize protein-DNA, protein-RNA, and protein-surface interactions

In many cases with develop new techniqes to improve the resolution and efficiency of NMR methods, using quantum-mechanics as a basic too in this process. We also work on non-fourier signal collection and processing methods (e.g. non-uniform sampling)

In recent years we got involved in projects in environmental science with emphasis on toxic waste immobilization in geopolymer matrices using advanced solid-state NMR characterization techniques.

 One of the dominant fields of research in our lanb is to develop methods for measuring of accurate (down to 0.1 Angstrom) inter-atomic distances between atoms (particularly metal ions) with nuclear spins that posses high quadrupolar moments, and other 'complex' atoms (e.g. with low gyromagnetic ratio, low natural abundance, low spectral dispersion etc.)

We develop techniques for lithium NMR spectroscopy. Lithium, in the form of lithium carbonate, is a medication for bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. Aside from NMR, hardly any spectroscopic techniques exist that can be used to characterize its binding site due to lithium's low atomic mass and low binding affinities.


We develop methods to solve structures of known crystalline proteins In order to improve, promote and strengthen the technique of protein MAS NMR spectroscopy in view of the current known methods of crystallography and solution NMR. 


  • Full Professor in Tel Aviv University, 2020-present

  • Associate Professor in Tel Aviv University, 2015-2020

  • Senior Lecturer in Tel Aviv University, 2007-2015

  • Post-doctorate in Columbia University, 2004-2007

  • Ph.D. from the Weizmann Institute of Science, 2003

  • B.Sc. from Tel Aviv University, 1996

Academic Appointments

  • Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance

  • structural chemistry, biology, virology

Prizes & Awards

  • The Gitte Vold Memorial Prize Lecture, 7th Alpine conference on Solid-state NMR, Chamonix-Mont Blanc, France, Sep 11-15, 2011

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