Food systems and sustainable nutrition
Optimization and improvement of food systems on land and ocean in line with the UN sustainable development goals
Future scenarios of sustainable food systems
Dr. Alon Shepon
B.Sc. in physics, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 2001
M.Sc. at the department of Earth and Planetary sciences, the Weizmann Institute of science, 2006
PhD at the department of Plant and Environmental sciences, the Weizmann institute of Science, 2017
Postdoc at Harvard T.H. Chan school of public health, Harvard university, USA, 2020
Academic Appointments
Senior lecturer, The department of environmental studies at the Porter School of Environment and Earth Sciences, Tel Aviv university, 2021
Awards and Prizes
FORMAS grant from the Swedish academy of sciences, 2020
FORMAS grant from the Swedish academy of sciences, 2019
ELI grant, Berkeley University, 2018
Weizmann Institute of science award for original research in biology, 2017
SAERI, Weizmann Institute of science, 2008-2010
Rieger foundation, 2005