Prof. Athalya Brener

Hebrew Culture Studies
לימודי התרבות העברית עובד מחקר
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Personal Data

Name:                                     Athalya Brenner

Date of Birth:                         17th July, 1943

Place of Birth:                        Haifa, Israel

Marital Status:                       Divorced

Children:                                 One son, born 1972

Nationality:                            Israeli and Dutch

Lives:                                       In Haifa and in Amsterdam


Academic Degrees

2002                                      Honorary PhD, University of Bonn, Germany

1979                                       PhD, Near Eastern Studies/Bible, University of Manchester, England

1973                                       MA, Biblical Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem

1970                                      BA, Biblical Studies and English Language and Literature, Haifa University


To my Amsterdam homepage



Athalya Brenner, List of Publications (updated to May 2012)


Ph.D. Dissertation

Brenner, A., Colour Terms in the Old Testament, University of Manchester, Manchester, England. Supervisor: Prof. James Barr


Books, Authored

Brenner, A., Colour Terms in the Old Testament (Ph.D. Dissertation; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1982), 300 pp.

Brenner, A., The Israelite Woman: Social Role and Literary Type in Biblical Narrative (Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1985), 150 pp.; trans. into Japanese by T. and T. Yamku (Tokyo: Shinchi Shobo, 1988), 244 pp; trans. into Portuguese, 2004.

Brenner, A., The Book of Ruth: Literary, Stylistic and Linguistic Studies (in Hebrew; Tel Aviv: Afik and Sifriyat Po'alim, 1988), 168 pp.

Brenner, A., The Song of Songs (Old Testament Guides Series; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press for the British Society for Old Testament Study, 1989), 106 pp.

Brenner, A., and van Dijk-Hemmes, F., On Gendering Texts: Female and Male Voices in the Hebrew Bible (Leiden: Brill, 1993), 210 pp.

Brenner, A. The Intercourse of Knowledge: On Gendering Love, Desire and 'Sexuality' in the Hebrew Bible (Leiden: Brill, 1997), 200 pp.

Brenner, A., I Am: Biblical Women Tell their own Stories (Minneapolis: Fortress Press: 2004), 248 + pp.

Athalya Brenner's pubs2012 


  • The Esther Scroll: story, language, history, ideology
  • Life and death in biblical wisdom literature
  • The bible and/in cultural studies
  • The Song of Songs revisited
  • The bible as transformed through reception: from text to culture
  • War, violence, gender and conflict-solving in the Hebrew Bible
  • New approaches to biblical studies
  • "Eat and drink for tomorrow we shall dies": eating and drinking in the Hebrew bible
  • Institutions and roles in biblical societies
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