The Main Regulations of Tuition Fee for Research Students – Ph.D. Degree

A. Stage 1 Research Students

A Stage 1 research student shall pay tuition fee in the amount of 25% each year until the submission of a research proposal and acceptance as a Stage 2 research student. If the student is accepted for studies from Semester 2 or the summer semester, the student will pay tuition fee in the amount of 12.5% for the same year, and in the following year will be charged tuition fee at a rate of 25%.


B. Stage 2 Research Students

Stage 2 research students will pay a minimum accrued tuition fee for the degree in the amount of 80%. The students will pay a tuition fee in the amount of 40% in each of the first two years of their studies, and starting in the third year will pay a tuition fee in the amount of 10%. The payment is fixed and is unrelated to the number of hours of study. If the student is accepted as a Stage 2 research student from Semester 2 or from the summer semester, the student will pay 20% of the annual tuition fee for the same year. The student will be charged 40% in the following year.



  • Stage 2 research students who were accepted from Semester 2 or from the summer semester, and their accrued tuition fee is 60%, will pay a tuition fee in the third year of studies at a rate of 25%. If the students complete their studies in Semester 1 of the third year, they will pay a tuition fee at the rate of 20%.
  • Research students spending time abroad for the purpose of their studies, throughout the entire academic year, must pay the base tuition fee and are exempt from the ancillary fees (they must furnish the tuition fee unit with a suitable certificate from the Research Student Office or from the faculty).
  • Stage 2 research students who have completed their studies within a period of time of 3 semesters will pay only 60% of the tuition fee (they will not be obligated to supplement 20% of the tuition fee).


C. Payment of Tuition fee Until Submission of Paper for Evaluation

Research students must pay tuition fee continuously each year until the submission of their paper for evaluation (with the exception of students in respect of whom the Unit Committee approved their termination of studies (see the University Regulations for Research Students). Upon submission of a paper for evaluation, the tuition fee unit will confirm by its signature that the student completed the tuition fee payments, and this confirmation will be a condition for sending the paper for evaluation. A research student will not pay a tuition fee for the period of evaluation of the paper, unless the referees of the paper requested to insert material changes in the paper (requiring further work in the unit committees and in the University Committee). The tuition fee amount, for the period of amendments, will be at a rate of 5% tuition fee + ancillary fees for each semester.


D. Courses in Another Faculty

Doctoral students who are also enrolled in courses in another faculty, if in the future they receive an academic credit for the aforesaid hours in studies for a bachelor’s/master’s degree, will be required to pay retroactively full payment for their studies (even if they have received a scholarship). The charge will be according to the tuition fee rate in the year in which they studied the courses.


E. Research Student Candidate

A research student candidate will pay a tuition fee at a rate of 25%. If the student is accepted for studies from Semester 2 or the Summer Semester, the student will pay a tuition fee in the amount of 12.5% for the same year.


F. Research Students from Foreign Universities

Research students from foreign universities staying in Israel for the purpose of obtaining guidance from a member of the academic staff at Tel Aviv University will be charged a tuition fee at a rate of 10% per year.


G. Joint “Doctor of Philosophy” Degree with Foreign Universities

Doctoral students studying within the framework of an agreement granting a joint “Doctor of Philosophy” degree with foreign universities in the years in which they are not studying at Tel Aviv University will only pay the ancillary fees.


Please note:

Students who are foreign citizens will pay a 25% higher tuition fee than the base tuition fee.

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