Training for Social Leadership

Training for Social Leadership

As Israel's largest university, TAU harnesses its resources and know-how to benefit the greater community, while providing students with a socially responsible mindset and hands-on community experience. Through its pioneering “TAU Impact” initiative, which has academized social involvement, the University seeks to dramatically expand its contribution to society by integrating community engagement programs into the required curriculum.


Naming Opportunities:

Center for Social Leadership: Designed to embed civic involvement in the TAU teaching curriculum, the Center promotes social activism among undergraduate students through accredited social impact workshops that combine theory-based knowledge with hands-on field activity – conducted in collaboration with over 100 partner NGOs and government bodies.


The Incubator for Social Change: A new program – run in partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs – for training and providing seed funding to social work entrepreneurs who will develop their own social initiatives and, ultimately, generate policy changes.


TAU Impact (Mitchabrim Plus): Students attend lectures and then conduct field work in the community in spheres that interest them, in collaboration with local NGOs and government agencies. Over 10,000 Israeli children, youth, adults and senior citizens benefit from the program every year.


Legal Clinics: Seven law clinics provide free, high-quality legal representation to Israel’s most vulnerable groups, ranging from Holocaust survivors to asylum seekers, while instilling a social conscience among participating law students.


Community Theater Fund: This program trains students to use theatrical tools to work with vulnerable groups ranging from at-risk youth to convicts. The productions empower participants to express themselves through theatrical works that they write and perform themselves.

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