Melbourne Oration: "Crime and Punishment"

Distinguished speakers discuss the contributions of the late Ida and Adam Frydman's dedication to Israel, and the relation between crime and punishment
16 May 2013

The Australian Friends of Tel Aviv University (Victoria) recently held their 2013 Oration, in honour of the late Ida and Adam Frydman. The Honourable Howard Nathan, a retired Australian Supreme Court Judge and former President of AFTAU (Vic), spoke glowingly of Ida and Adam, in particular of their dedication and commitment to the cause of higher education at Tel Aviv University and Israel.


The invited Orator, David Grace QC, spoke about crime and what punishments should be handed out accordingly. 


From left: Bruce Levy, Michael Olenski and Ros Levy


From left: Walter Kastelan, Dr. Victor Wayne, President of AFTAU (Vic) Inc., and David Grace QC


From left: Stephen and Debbie Szental, Sharon Lazarovits and Lisa Woolf


From left: Susan Krongold with Eva and Marcus Rose.


From left: Meir Buber, Dr Harry Perelberg, Amit Tzur-Tal and Roslyn Kushinsky


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