TAU Canadian Friends' Middle East Reality Check

Prof. Uzi Rabi was keynote speaker at a September event organized by the Canadian Friends in Toronto
17 September 2014
Stephen Adler, Jonathan Hausman, Jeff Wagman, DJ Schneeweiss, Ezra Levant, Prof. Uzi Rabi, Adrienne Cohen and Joe Trager

The Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University in Toronto and the Adath Israel Congregation, in partnership with the Consulate General of Israel, held an evening of conversation and insight featuring Prof. Uzi Rabi, Director of TAU's Moshe Dayan Centre for Middle Eastern and African Studies. Prof. Rabi presented a timely perspective on the Middle East in a lecture titled "Today's reality - A Geopolitical Change in an Ever-Changing Region".  Attending the event was Consul General of Israel to Toronto and Western Canada, DJ Schneeweiss.



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