TAU Israeli Friends Invited "Inside" Iron Dome

Dr. Danny Gold, chief instigator of the life-saving anti-missile defense system, gives a behind-the-scenes look at Iron Dome
09 January 2013
TAU Israeli Friends Invited Inside Iron Dome
From left: TAU President Prof. Joseph Klafter, Israeli Friends President Amnon Dick and Dr. Danny Gold

The TAU Israeli Friends' Business Academic Club hosted TAU alumnus Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Danny Gold, instigator of the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system – the indisputable star of Israel's November Pillar of Defense operation. He spoke at a round table discussion held in December. 


As the former head of the Israel Defense Forces' weapons and technological R&D and ardent backer of Iron Dome, Dr. Gold shed light on the development of the system and its implementation during Pillar of Defense, when Iron Dome successfully intercepted and destroyed over 400 missiles. "At times we recruited young researchers for military reserve duty. They were instrumental in many scientific breakthroughs in the development of Iron Dome," explained Dr. Gold.


Dr. Gold holds doctorates in Engineering and Management from Tel Aviv University. 



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