TAU Geneticist Enlightens Rio

The Brazilian Friends introduced TAU's Prof. Miguel Weil to the Rio de Janeiro community
08 December 2015
Prof. Weil addressing the audience at Midrash Chinuch

TAU's Prof. Miguel Weil, professor of cell research and immunology and head of the Laboratory for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Personalized Medicine at the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, was warmly hosted by the Brazilian Friends in Rio de Janeiro at a series of public and private events.


At the first event, hosted together with Midrash Chinuch, Prof. Weil presented his research at a public lecture attended by 80 community members. Oren Perlin, member of the Brazilian Friends (Rio de Janeiro) Board, and Chairman of Midrash Chinuch, was instrumental in organizing the event.


President of the Brazilian Friends in Rio de Janeiro Lea Klabin and her husband, TAU Governor Israel Klabin, generously hosted 25 guests at their home for supper, where guests heard from Prof. Weil about his cell research in an intimate setting. "We are grateful for this opportunity to showcase Tel Aviv University, which holds an impressive academic standing in the world, and in Israel," said Mr. Israel Klabin in welcoming his guests.

Prof. Weil speaking to guests at the Klabin home


Prof. Weil also lectured to 40 researchers at The D’Or Institute for Research and Education (IDOR), a nonprofit organization that promotes scientific and technological progress in health care.



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