Online Impact: TAU First in Israel and 110th in the world

Webometrics rankings measure the impact of academic knowledge made available online 

Online Impact: TAU First in Israel and Among Top 100 in the World

July, 2021

Tel Aviv University is ranked 110th in the world, first in Israel and 11th in Asia in the Webometrics ranking for 2021. 


Webmetrics rankings measure the impact of academic knowledge made available online. Since 2004, the ranking has published twice a year the placement of more than 31,000 higher education institutions worldwide.


The ratings are based on three objective indicators: 


1. Visibility - Accounts for 50% of the score and measures the number of external networks that are linked to the institution's website


2. Transparency - The number of articles quoted by the 210 leading researchers in the world according to Google Scholar weighs 10%


3. Excellence - Accounts for 40% of the score and measures the number of publications included among the 10% most cited, in each of 27 scientific fields.


A total of 44 Israeli institutions of higher learning have been ranked and included among the 22,147 leading institutions worldwide. The Hebrew University is ranked 214 (and second in Israel) and the Technion 268 (third in Israel).


Webometrics website >>
See the ranks of Israeli institutions for higher education on the Webometrics website >>

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