Continuing to Climb Up the International Rankings

Another international achievement for TAU: Ranked 172 in the U.S. News ranking for 2021

Continuing to Climb Up the International Rankings

Tel Aviv University continues to climb up the U.S. News University rankings and is ranked 172nd for 2021, out of 1689 universities ranked this year. In 2020, the University was ranked 183rd.


The U.S. News rating is mostly (75%) based on quantitative and qualitative academic indicators, while the remaining 25% is based on a global and regional peer review. The quantitative indicators include the number of publications, books and conferences which add up to 15%, and another 10% based on articles with international partners. The remaining qualittative 50% comprise the number of citations and their impact, the number and rate of articles that are in the top decile of the most cited articles (10%) and those that are in the top decile (1%). Tel Aviv University excels in the number of publications (113th place), books (96th place), citations (126), the number of citations in the top 1% (134) and in the top 10% (153).


The Weizmann Institute is ranked 105th (first among Israeli institutions, 99th in 2020). The Hebrew University ranks third among Israeli institutions on 222nd place (as in 2020). The Technion is number 264 (258 in 2020), Ben-Gurion University 580 (553 in 2020), Bar-Ilan University 684 (618 in 2020) and the University of Haifa 684 (715 in 2020).


In addition to the overall ranking, the institutions were also ranked in 36 different subjects. Tel Aviv University is ranked on 29 of these, more than any other Israeli university. 


In 17 of these subjects TAU is ranked first among Israeli institutions and in another eight it is ranked second. Notable results:


  • Humanities: #88 in Arts and Humanities
  • Exact Sciences: #80 in Computer Science; #103 in Mathematics; #106 in Physics 
  • Space Science: #87
  • Medicine: #64 in Gastroenterology and Hepatology; #82 in Oncology; #86 Infectious Diseases (now relevant more than ever)
  • Biomed: #94 in Immunology; #114 in Neuroscience and Behavior; #109 in Cell Biology; #104 in Biology and Biochemistry
  • #105 in Psychiatry/Psychology



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