TAU is the leading academic institution in the country according to Taiwan ranking for the year 2023.

The international ranking is based on the quantity of publications, citations, and research excellence.

TAU is the leading academic institution in the country according to Taiwan ranking for the year 2023.

The prestigious Taiwan ranking for the year 2022-2023 places Tel Aviv University in the first place in Israel and 116th globally.


The Taiwan ranking, entirely based on scientific publications, ranks the top 1000 universities worldwide. The top five spots in the ranking feature Harvard University (USA), Stanford University (USA), University of London (England), Oxford University (England), and Johns Hopkins University (USA).


Each university's score is composed of the number of publications (25% of the total score), the number of citations of the articles (35%), and research excellence (weighted at 40%). The research excellence component includes the H-Index, the number of highly cited articles, and the number of articles in leading journals.


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