Prof. Noga Kronfeld -Schor

School of Zoology
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Noga Kronfeld -Schor
Phone: 03-6405740
Another phone: 03-6405739
Fax: 03-6405739
Office: Bessner Building For Zoological Research, 218



1990 BSc Biology,Tel Aviv University.

1992 MSc Zoology, magna cum laude, Tel Aviv University.

1992 Teaching certificate, Education, Tel Aviv University.

1996 MHA, Management, Tel Aviv University.

1999 PhD, Zoology, Tel Aviv University.

1999-2000 Post-doctoral fellow, Boston University, Zoology & Neuroendocrinology.


Academic and professional appointments:

2001-2006 Lecturer; Department of Zoology, Tel-Aviv University.

2006-2009 Senior Lecturer, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University. 

2009-2013 Associated Professor, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University,           

2013-          Full professor, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University

2015-         Chair, Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University. 


Honors and Awards:

2001    Alon Fellowship for outstanding young researcher, the Council for Higher Education of Israel.

1998    Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

1998    Rothschild Post-Doctoral Fellowship.

Research Interests

My field of research is Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology.  Currently, my laboratory focuses on several projects, including mechanisms and significance of biological rhythms (both daily and annual), ecology of thermoregulation, and the use of diurnal animal model for the study of depression.  Methods used in the lab span from field work to molecular methods, and we study a variety of animal species, mainly small mammals.

Public Service

2007-current    Member of the Board of Directors of the Nature and National Parks Protection Authority of Israel (INPA), and head of the Science and Education Committees of the Board.

2007- current  Member of the city council of Gedera, head of environmental affairs committee

2005-2007       Member of the Board of Directors of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI), and member of the board's conservation committee.

2002-2005       Member of the board of the Zoological Society of Israel

Recent Publications

Kronfeld-Schor, N. and Dayan, T. 2003. Partitioning of time as an ecological resource. Annual reviews of Ecology Evolution and Systematics 44:461–80 2013.


Cohen R, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Individual variability and photic entrainment of circadian rhythms in golden spiny mice.  Physiology & Behavior. 87: 563-574. 2006.


Roll U, Dayan T and Kronfeld-Schor N. On the role of phylogeny in determining activity patterns of rodents. Evolutionary Ecology.  20: 479-90. 2006.


Einat H, Kronfeld-Schor N, and Eilam D. Sand rats see the light: Short photoperiod induces a depression - like response in a diurnal rodent. Behavioral Brain Research. 173:153-7. 2006.


Gutman R, Yosha D, Choshniak I, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Two strategies for coping with food shortage in desert golden spiny mice.  Physiology & Behavior. 90: 95-102. 2007.


Levy O, Dayan T, and Kronfeld-Schor, N. The relationship between the golden spiny mouse circadian system and its diurnal activity: An experimental field enclosures and laboratory study. Chronobiology International 24:599-613. 2007.


Gutman, R, Hacmon-Keren R, Choshniak I, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Effect of food availability and leptin on the physiology and hypothalamic gene expression of the golden spiny mouse: a desert rodent that does not hoard food. American Journal of Physiology. 295: R2015-23. 2008.  


Kronfeld-Schor N. and Dayan T. Activity patterns of rodents: the physiological ecology of biological rhythms.  Biological Rhythms Research. 39:193-211. 2008.


Ashkenazy T, Einat H, and Kronfeld-Schor N. We are in the dark here: induction of depression- and anxiety-like behaviors in the diurnal fat sand rat, by short daylight or melatonin injections. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. 12:83-93. 2008.


Cohen R, Smale L, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Plasticity in rhythms in general activity and body temperature in golden spiny mice. Chronobiology International. 26:430-446. 2009.


Ashkenazy T, Einat H, Kronfeld-Schor N. Effects of bright light treatment on depression- and anxiety-like behaviors of diurnal rodents maintained on a short daylight schedule.  Behavioral Brain Research. 201:343-6. 2009.


Flaisher-Grinberg S, Kronfeld-Schor N and Einat H. Models of mania: from facets to domains and from animal models to model animals. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 24: 437-8. 2010.


Cohen, R., Smale, L., Kronfeld-Schor, N. Masking and temporal niche switches in spiny mice.  Journal of Biological Rhythms 25:47-52. 2010.


Cohen R, Kronfeld-Schor N, Ramanathan C, Baumgras A, and Smale L. The suprachiasmatic nucleus of Acomys Russatus and Acomys cahirinus, nocturnal and diurnal congeners. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 75:9-22. 2010.


Rotics S, Dayan T, and Kronfeld-Schor N. The effect of artificial night lighting on temporally partitioned spiny mice. Journal of Mammalogy, 92(1):159-68. 2011.


Levy, O., Dayan, T., and Kronfeld-Schor, N. Adaptive thermoregulation in golden spiny mice: The influence of season and food availability on body temperature. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 84:175-84. 2011.


Rotics, S., Dayan, T., and Kronfeld-Schor, N. Light masking in the field: An experiment with nocturnal and diurnal spiny mice under semi-natural field conditions. Chronobiology International 28:70-5, 2011.


Krivisky, K., Ashkenazy, T., Kronfeld-Schor, N., and Einat, H. Antidepressants reverse short photoperiod-induced forced swim test depression-like behavior in the diurnal fat sand rat: further support for the utilization of diurnal rodents for modeling affective disorders. Neuropsychobiology, 63:191-6. 2011.


Levy, O., Dayan, T., and Kronfeld-Schor, N. Interspecific competition and torpor in golden spiny mice: Two sides of the energy acquisition coin. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51 (3): 441-8. 2011.



Gutman, R., Dayan, T., Levy, O., Schubert, I. and Kronfeld-Schor, N. The effect of the lunar cycle on fecal cortisol metabolite levels and foraging ecology of nocturnally and diurnally active spiny mice. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23446. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023446. 2011.


Hut R.A. Kronfeld-Schor N, Van der Vinne V, De la Iglesia H. In Search of a Temporal Niche: Environmental Factors. Progress in Brain Research. 199:281-304. 2012.


Krivisky K, Einat H, and Kronfeld-Schor N.  Effects of morning compared with evening bright light administration to ameliorated short-photoperiod induced depression- and anxiety-like behaviors in a diurnal rodent model. Journal of Neural Transmission. 119:1241-8. 2012.


Levy O, Dayan T, Rotics S,and  Kronfeld-Schor, N. Foraging hierarchy, energy intake, and torpor: An individual-based field study of energy balancing in desert golden spiny mice. Ecology letters 15:1240-48. 2012.
Kronfeld-Schor N, and Einat H. Circadian rhythms and depression: Human Psychopathology and Animal Models.  Neuropharmacology 62:101-14. 2012.


Levin E, Yom-Tov Y, Hefetz A, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Changes in diet, body mass and fatty acids composition during pre-hibernation in a subtropical bat with relation to NPY and AgRP expression. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 183:157-66. 2013.


Kronfeld-Schor N, and Dayan T. Thermal ecology, environments, communities, and global change: Energy intake and expenditure in endotherms. Annual reviews of Ecology Evolution and Systematics 44:461–80. 2013.


Kronfeld-Schor N, Dominoni D, De la Iglesia H, Levy O, Herzog E.D, Dayan T, Helfrich-Forster C. Chronobiology by moonlight. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B.  280(1765):20123088. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.3088. 2013.


Kronfeld-Schor N, Bloch G, Schwartz W.J. Animal Clocks: When Science meets Nature. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 10.1098/rspb.2013.1354. 2013.


Bilu C, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Effect of circadian phase and melatonin injection on anxiety-like behavior in nocturnal and diurnal rodents. Chronobiology International 30(6):828-36. 2013.


Barak O, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Activity rhythms and masking response in the diurnal fat sand rat under laboratory conditions. Chronobiology International 30(9):1123-34.  2013. (I.F. 2.878, Q1, times cited:1).


Kronfeld-Schor N. Conservation physiology: A new challenge for thermal biologists. Temperature 1: 1–2. 2014.


Levin E, Plotnik B, Amichai A, Braulke L.J, Landau S, Yom-Tov Y, and Kronfeld-Schor N. Subtropical mouse-tailed bats use geothermally- heated caves for winter hibernation.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B.  DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2781 2015.



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