B.A in Philosophy, 1985 (Haifa University)
M.A in Philosophy, 1990 (Tel Aviv University)
Ph.D. in Study of Religion, 1997 (Harvard University)
Prof. Galia[Galia] Patt -Shamir
Department of East Asian Studies
Department of Philosophy
School of Cultural Studies
לימודי מזרח אסיה
סגל אקדמי בכיר
Department of Philosophy
School of Cultural Studies
Research Interests
Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Ethics, Philisophy of Religion, Neo-Confuciansim, Confucianism, Daoism
- Human Nature in Chinese Philosophy (Hebrew). Tel Aviv University Press, 2004.
- To Broaden the Way - A Confucian - Jewish Dialogue. Lexington Press, 2006 .
- Tongshu - Text and Commentary (Hebrew). Tel Aviv University Press, 2016.
- Persons Emerging : Three Neo-Confucian Perspectives on Transcending Self-Boundaries. Albany New York, State University New York Press, 2021.
- “To Live a Riddle – The Case of the Binding of Isaac.” Philosophy and Literature. October 2003. 27:2, 269-283.
- “Moral World, Ethical Terminology – The Moral Significance of Metaphysical Terms in Zhou Dunyi and Zhuxi.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy. September 2004. 31:3, 349-362.
- “Seeds for Dialogue – On Learning in Confucianism and Judaism”. Journal of Ecumenical Studies. December 2004. 40:1-2, 201-215.
- “The Effectiveness of Contradiction in Understanding Human Practice: A Rhetoric of "Goal-Ideal" in Confucianism.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy. September 2005. 32:3, 455-476.
- “Way as Dao; Way as Halakha. Confucianism, Judaism and Way metaphors.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy. December 2005 5.1, 137-156.
- “From Li to Li¹ – A Pragmatistic Implication on Cheng Chung-ying’s Onto-Hermeneutics.” In: On-cho Ng, ed.,The Imperative of Reading: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics. New York: Global Scholarly Publications. Winter2007/spring 2008, 156-173.
- "Confucianism and Judaism - Dialogue in Spite of Differences" In The Jewish Chinese Nexus Ed. M. Avrum Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008, 61-71.
- "Crossing Boundaries Between Confucianism and Judaism" with Yoav Rapoport. In The Jewish Chinese Nexus Ed. M. Avrum Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008, 49-60.
- "Confucian Dialogue: Humanity, Education and Self Realization." (Hebrew) In: Empowering Dialogues in Humanistic Education. Ed. Nimrod Aloni. Tel-Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2008 68-88.
- "Learning, Family, Men and Women – Confucian and Jewish Perspectives". In At Home in Many Worlds: Reading, Writing and Translating from Chinese and Jewish Cultures – Essays in honour of Professor Irene Eber. Raoul David Findeisen, Gad C. Isay, Amira Katz-Goehr (eds.) Germany, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Press, 2009, 259-272.
- "Uncarved in Sone - Tradition and Renewal in the Confucian Canon." (Hebrew) In: Constituting Canon. Ed. Jacob Shavit. Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv Univrsity Press, 2009, 122-152.
- "Bi duihua zitu-- bijiao yanjiu rujia de Dao he Youtai de Halakah, sixiang." 辟對話之途比較研究儒家的“道”和猶太教的“哈拉哈”思想. "Making Way for Dialogue – on Dao and Halakha" (in Chinese)《犹太研究》(Youtai Yanjiu. Jewish Studies). May 2009, 171-194. Vol. 7.
- " Learning and Women in Confucianism: Traditional and Modern". Journal of Chinese Philosophy. June 2009. 36.2, 243-260.
- "To Live a Riddle: The Transformative Aspect of the Laozi " Journal of Chinese Philosophy. June 2009. 36.3, 408-423.
- "The Value in Story-Telling: On Women's Life-Stories in Confucianism and Judaism". Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy. Summer 2010, 9.2, 175-191.
- "The Limits of Empathy: A Mengzi’an Perspective."Comparative and Continental Philosophy. December 2010. 2.2, 253-274.
- "The "Dual Citizenship" Of Emptiness: A Reading Of Bu Zhenkong Lun." Journal of Chinese Philosophy. September 2011. 38.3, 474-490.
- "Filial Piety, Vital Power, and a Moral Sense of Immortality in Zhang Zai's Philosophy," Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy. June 2012, 11:2, 223-239.
- “Expanding Family Reverence - A Confucian - Jewish Dialogue.” With Zhang Ping. The Blackwell Companion on Interreligious Dialogue. Ed. Catherine Cornille. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 450-467.
- "A Way of Practice: On Confucian Learning as a Communal Task," Philosophical Practice. July 2015, 10:2, 1581-96.
- "Cultivationg Oneself as Cultivating Others - Confucian Humanism and its Realization." (Chinese) China Confucius Special Issue: Confucians' View of Body and Spiritual Cultivation: From Tradition to Contemporary》中国儒学》主题是“儒家的身体观与灵修:从传统到当代” December, 2015, 176-193.
- Co-author with Yehuda Abramovitch. "Forgetting as a Transformative Experience in the Analytic Process -- Psychological Insights from Daoism." 忘却_分析过程中的转化体验_道家思想的心理学启示_加利亚_帕特_沙米尔(Chinese) Journal of Shangqiu Normal University 商丘师范大学学报. 32.7, 2016.
- Adler, Joseph A. Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi’s Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi. Albany: SUNY Press, 2014. Monumenta Serica 2016, 64.
- "To Beget and to Forget - in Bloomsbury Research Handbook on Chinese Philosophy and Gender. Ed. Pang-White Ann. New York: Bloomsbury Academic 2016, 249-266.
- Whose Tradition? Which Dao? Confucius and Wittgenstein on Moral Learning and Reflection. James F. Peterman. Philosophy East and West. 2017, 67:1
- " Li and Qi as Supra- Metaphysics." Dao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy, 2018.
- "Reading Taijitu Shuo Synchronously: The Human Sense of Wuji er Taiji." Dao - Journal of Comparative Philosophy Philosophy, 2019
- "Centrality and Commonality: From Translation to Realization." Festschrift on Spiritual Humanism. January 2020.
- "Career as Way (Dao): A Confucian Perspective on Career Choice as a Process of Sel-Realization." People at Work: Israeli journal for career development, 2021.
- Sharon Small and Galia Patt-Shamir. “Towards a Daoist Ethics: A Laozi’an ‘Model of Modeling.” Asian Philosophy - An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East. Published online: 16 March 2022.
- “Shao Yong’s Theory of observation,” (Chinese) China Confucian Studies, 2022