B.A in Philosophy, 1985 (Haifa University)
M.A in Philosophy, 1990 (Tel Aviv University)
Ph.D. in Study of Religion, 1997 (Harvard University)
Prof. Galia[Galia] Patt -Shamir
Department of East Asian Studies
Department of Philosophy
School of Cultural Studies
לימודי מזרח אסיה
סגל אקדמי בכיר
Department of Philosophy
School of Cultural Studies
![Prof. Galia[Galia] Patt -Shamir Prof. Galia[Galia] Patt -Shamir](https://english.tau.ac.il/sites/default/files/styles/research_teaser_image_180_x_180/public/%D7%92%D7%9C%D7%99%D7%942019_2.jpg?itok=RrRGQsYK)
Research Interests
Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Ethics, Philisophy of Religion, Neo-Confuciansim, Confucianism, Daoism
- Human Nature in Chinese Philosophy (Hebrew). Tel Aviv University Press, 2004.
- To Broaden the Way - A Confucian - Jewish Dialogue. Lexington Press, 2006 .
- Tongshu - Text and Commentary (Hebrew). Tel Aviv University Press, 2016.
- Persons Emerging : Three Neo-Confucian Perspectives on Transcending Self-Boundaries. Albany New York, State University New York Press, 2021.
- “To Live a Riddle – The Case of the Binding of Isaac.” Philosophy and Literature. October 2003. 27:2, 269-283.
- “Moral World, Ethical Terminology – The Moral Significance of Metaphysical Terms in Zhou Dunyi and Zhuxi.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy. September 2004. 31:3, 349-362.
- “Seeds for Dialogue – On Learning in Confucianism and Judaism”. Journal of Ecumenical Studies. December 2004. 40:1-2, 201-215.
- “The Effectiveness of Contradiction in Understanding Human Practice: A Rhetoric of "Goal-Ideal" in Confucianism.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy. September 2005. 32:3, 455-476.
- “Way as Dao; Way as Halakha. Confucianism, Judaism and Way metaphors.” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy. December 2005 5.1, 137-156.
- “From Li to Li¹ – A Pragmatistic Implication on Cheng Chung-ying’s Onto-Hermeneutics.” In: On-cho Ng, ed.,The Imperative of Reading: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics. New York: Global Scholarly Publications. Winter2007/spring 2008, 156-173.
- "Confucianism and Judaism - Dialogue in Spite of Differences" In The Jewish Chinese Nexus Ed. M. Avrum Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008, 61-71.
- "Crossing Boundaries Between Confucianism and Judaism" with Yoav Rapoport. In The Jewish Chinese Nexus Ed. M. Avrum Ehrlich. Routledge, 2008, 49-60.
- "Confucian Dialogue: Humanity, Education and Self Realization." (Hebrew) In: Empowering Dialogues in Humanistic Education. Ed. Nimrod Aloni. Tel-Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2008 68-88.
- "Learning, Family, Men and Women – Confucian and Jewish Perspectives". In At Home in Many Worlds: Reading, Writing and Translating from Chinese and Jewish Cultures – Essays in honour of Professor Irene Eber. Raoul David Findeisen, Gad C. Isay, Amira Katz-Goehr (eds.) Germany, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Press, 2009, 259-272.
- "Uncarved in Sone - Tradition and Renewal in the Confucian Canon." (Hebrew) In: Constituting Canon. Ed. Jacob Shavit. Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv Univrsity Press, 2009, 122-152.
- "Bi duihua zitu-- bijiao yanjiu rujia de Dao he Youtai de Halakah, sixiang." 辟對話之途比較研究儒家的“道”和猶太教的“哈拉哈”思想. "Making Way for Dialogue – on Dao and Halakha" (in Chinese)《犹太研究》(Youtai Yanjiu. Jewish Studies). May 2009, 171-194. Vol. 7.
- " Learning and Women in Confucianism: Traditional and Modern". Journal of Chinese Philosophy. June 2009. 36.2, 243-260.
- "To Live a Riddle: The Transformative Aspect of the Laozi " Journal of Chinese Philosophy. June 2009. 36.3, 408-423.
- "The Value in Story-Telling: On Women's Life-Stories in Confucianism and Judaism". Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy. Summer 2010, 9.2, 175-191.
- "The Limits of Empathy: A Mengzi’an Perspective."Comparative and Continental Philosophy. December 2010. 2.2, 253-274.
- "The "Dual Citizenship" Of Emptiness: A Reading Of Bu Zhenkong Lun." Journal of Chinese Philosophy. September 2011. 38.3, 474-490.
- "Filial Piety, Vital Power, and a Moral Sense of Immortality in Zhang Zai's Philosophy," Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy. June 2012, 11:2, 223-239.
- “Expanding Family Reverence - A Confucian - Jewish Dialogue.” With Zhang Ping. The Blackwell Companion on Interreligious Dialogue. Ed. Catherine Cornille. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013, 450-467.
- "A Way of Practice: On Confucian Learning as a Communal Task," Philosophical Practice. July 2015, 10:2, 1581-96.
- "Cultivationg Oneself as Cultivating Others - Confucian Humanism and its Realization." (Chinese) China Confucius Special Issue: Confucians' View of Body and Spiritual Cultivation: From Tradition to Contemporary》中国儒学》主题是“儒家的身体观与灵修:从传统到当代” December, 2015, 176-193.
- Co-author with Yehuda Abramovitch. "Forgetting as a Transformative Experience in the Analytic Process -- Psychological Insights from Daoism." 忘却_分析过程中的转化体验_道家思想的心理学启示_加利亚_帕特_沙米尔(Chinese) Journal of Shangqiu Normal University 商丘师范大学学报. 32.7, 2016.
- Adler, Joseph A. Reconstructing the Confucian Dao: Zhu Xi’s Appropriation of Zhou Dunyi. Albany: SUNY Press, 2014. Monumenta Serica 2016, 64.
- "To Beget and to Forget - in Bloomsbury Research Handbook on Chinese Philosophy and Gender. Ed. Pang-White Ann. New York: Bloomsbury Academic 2016, 249-266.
- Whose Tradition? Which Dao? Confucius and Wittgenstein on Moral Learning and Reflection. James F. Peterman. Philosophy East and West. 2017, 67:1
- " Li and Qi as Supra- Metaphysics." Dao Companion to Zhu Xi’s Philosophy, 2018.
- "Reading Taijitu Shuo Synchronously: The Human Sense of Wuji er Taiji." Dao - Journal of Comparative Philosophy Philosophy, 2019
- "Centrality and Commonality: From Translation to Realization." Festschrift on Spiritual Humanism. January 2020.
- "Career as Way (Dao): A Confucian Perspective on Career Choice as a Process of Sel-Realization." People at Work: Israeli journal for career development, 2021.
- Sharon Small and Galia Patt-Shamir. “Towards a Daoist Ethics: A Laozi’an ‘Model of Modeling.” Asian Philosophy - An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East. Published online: 16 March 2022.
- “Shao Yong’s Theory of observation,” (Chinese) China Confucian Studies, 2022