Prof. Eliazer Piasetzky's main research focuses on the experimental study of nuclear and nucleon structure using high-energy hadron and electron probes. In the last decade and a half, he has concentrated on studies of Short Range Correlation (SRC) in nuclei. He started the SRC project at BNL (USA), and continues now at Jefferson Lab.(USA), GSI (Germany), and Dubna (Russia). In collaboration with Prof. emeritus Lichtenstadt, he is leading an effort to study the difference between free and bound nucleons using polarization transfer measurements at the Mainz MAMI accelerator. He also participates in a neutrino scattering experiment at Fermi Laboratory (MicroBoone) and isone of the pioneers of the proton radius puzzle study at PSI in Switzerland.
Research achievements include: the extraction of the short range pairing probabilities in asymmetric nuclei and pointing to its implication to the understanding of neutron stars and the difference between the internal (quark gluon) structure of a bound and a free nucleon.
Future directions: approved experiments in major accelerator facilities in Europe and U.S.A which will address different fundamental aspects of nucleon structure and nucleon-nucleon interaction, especially at short distances.