Dr. David Schorr

Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים סגל אקדמי בכיר
Dr. David Schorr
Office: Minkoff - Law, 334


David Schorr's research interests include environmental and natural-resource law, legal history, and environmental history, and his work has won the support of multiple fellowships and grants, including from the Israel Science Foundation and the US National Endowment for the Humanities. He is a co-founder and co-director of the Israel Environmental History Forum, and currently heads TAU's Law and Humanities Program.




Research Interests and Teaching

Research Interests:


History of environmental law and water law

Law in the British Empire

Environmental law





Environmental Law

Introduction to Israeli Law

Master's Thesis Workshop

Law and History Workshop


Yale Law School, New Haven, Conn., U.S.A. 
J.S.D., May 2005
LL.M., May 2003
Dissertation committee: Henry Smith, Carol Rose, Robert Ellickson
Connecticut Title Insurance Attorneys Prize, best paper in real estate law 2003


Hebrew University, Faculty of Law, Jerusalem, Israel
LL.B., cum laude, September 2000 
Israel Bar Association license, May 2002


Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New Haven, Conn. U.S.A.
M.A., History, May 1996

Columbia College, New York, N.Y., U.S.A
B.A., summa cum laude, History, May 1994
John Jay Scholar, Phi Beta Kappa


Professional Experience


Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv, Israel


Senior Lecturer (with tenure)




Cegla Fellow


Porter Fellow (School of Envtl. Studies)


Director of Law and Environment Program


Director, Berg Institute for Law and History

Hiring, Admissions, LL.B., LL.M., Library & Computer, and Berg Center Committees

School of Environmental Studies: Masters Degree Committees, NGO Internship Committee

Spring 2010

Georgetown Univ. Law Center, Washington, D.C., Visiting Associate Professor

Fall 2005

Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Adjunct Lecturer


Supreme Court of Israel, Jerusalem, Justice Eliahu Mazza, Law Clerk


E.S. Shimron, I. Molho, Persky & Co., Jerusalem, Law Clerk


Full CV

Representative Publications

(publications in Hebrew here)


Horizontal and Vertical Influences in Colonial Legal Transplantation: Water Bylaws in British Palestine

American Journal of Legal History (2021)


Nature Versus the Common Law: Nature as a Norm in the Water Law of the British World

Clio@Thémis 20 (2021)


Savagery, Civilization, and Property: Theories of Societal Evolution and Commons Theory

Theoretical Inquiries in Law 19 (2018): 507-531


Historical Analysis in Environmental Law

in Oxford Handbook of Legal History, 1001-1016

(Markus Dubber & Christoper Tomlins eds., Oxford University Press, 2018)


The Tragedy of the Commons at 50: context, precedents, and afterlife (co-editor with Carol Rose)

Theoretical Inquiries in Law, vol. 19, no. 2 (2018)


Water Rights

in Comparative Property Law: Global Perspectives, 280-289

(Michele Graziadei & Lionel Smith eds., Edward Elgar, 2017)


Art and the History of Environmental Law

in Critical Analysis of Law 2 (2015): 322-349


Riparian Rights in Lower Canada and Canada East: Inter-imperial Legal Influences

in Encounters of Empires (Roland Cvetkovski & Volker Barth eds., Bloomsbury, 2015)


Forest Law in the Palestine Mandate: Colonial Conservation in a Unique Context

in Managing the Unknown (Uwe Luebken & Frank Uekötter eds., Berghahn Books, 2014)


A Prolonged Recessional: The Continuing Influence of British Rule on Israeli Environmental Law

Chapter 10 in Between Ruin and Restoration: Chapters in Israel’s Environmental History 
(Dan Orenstein, Char Miller & Alon Tal eds., University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013)


The Colorado Doctrine: Water Rights, Corporations, and Distributive Justice on the American Frontier

(Yale University Press, 2012)

reviewed in Agricultural History, American Historical ReviewArizona Water Resource Business History ReviewEnvironmental HistoryHastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law & Policy ,Journal of American HistoryPacific Historical ReviewUniversity of Denver Water Law ReviewWater HistoryWestern Historical Quarterly


 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 10 (2009): 103-126




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