Prof. Dalit Rom-Shiloni

Department of Bible
School of Jewish Studies
חוג למקרא סגל אקדמי בכיר
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Prof. Dalit Rom-Shiloni
Phone: 03-6407995
Office: Rosenberg - Jewish Studies, 117



Academic Roles: Associate Professor at the Department of Biblical Studies, Tel Aviv University

 Leader of DNI Bible Project (Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible), ISF 462/15                              

Chair of the International Meeting Program Committee (IMPC) of the Society of Biblical Literature, as of January 2017  


Academic Training

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Hebrew Bible studies and Ancient Semitic Languages at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

B.A., summa cum laude, 1987

M.A., summa cum laude, 1991          Thesis title: “The Separation of Jacob from Laban the Aramean: Literary and Ideological Study of Genesis  31   Supervisior: Prof. Sara Japhet      

Ph.D., 2001                                         Dissertation title: “God in Times of Destruction and Exiles: Theology and Ideology in the Prophetic Literature and in the Poetry of the First Half of the Sixth Century B.C.E.”  Supervisior: Prof. Sara Japhet


University of Penssylvania, Philadelphia PA, USA

Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellowship - United States-Israel Educational Foundation and the Hebrew University Post-doctoral Fellowship at The Department of Ancient and Middle Eastern Studies and at the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, 2001-2002

Academic sponsor: Prof. Jeffrey H. Tigay


Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem

Dorot Post-Doctoral Fellowship Foundation at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Jerusalem, 2002-2004


Teaching Abroad, Research leaves, and Sabbatical Stay

2006-2007    University of Chicago Divinity School, Visiting Assistant Professor; teaching two courses in the Graduate program of Bible, and lecturing at the Divinity School and the Oriental Institute

Summer 2011       Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania, research leave, writing Exclusive Inclusivity    

Summer 2014       University of Amserdam, research leave, writing Theodical Discourse

February 2016 -- February 2017     Sabbatical year at:  

                                The Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (OCHJS), University of Oxford, UK

                                Theologische Fakultät, Universität Zürich, Switzerland


Personal: Born in Haifa (1961); Lives in the Old City of Jerusalem (since 1981); Married to Amnon Shiloni, Mother to Eshel & Moran, Carmel & Avidan, and Elad & Daniel, Grandmother to Hallel-Ye'eli and Yair Yaakov


Teaching Responsibilities:  Courses and seminars on Israelite/Judean Theology and Ideology of the sixth-fifth centuries BCE; Biblical historiography; Prophetic literature (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Haggai and Zechariah); Poetry (Psalms and Lamentations); Inner-biblical allusion and exegesis in prophetic literature; Nature Imagery in biblical literature


 PhD students: Rachel Borovsky, Osnat Frank, Icksang Lee, Tamar Oron and Ofer Dover

MA students: Reuven Givati, Hemda Sadeh (with Prof. Oded Lipschits), Avihai Giat, Dorit Pomerantz



JUDEAN THEOLOGY AND IDEOLOGY OF THE SIXTH CENTURY BCE, specifically concepts of God in times of national   crisis, ideologies of war, and internal ideological conflicts of identity within the Judean communities of the Neo-Babylonian and the early Persian periods


INNER-BIBLICAL ALLUSION AND EXEGESIS IN PROPHETIC LITERATURE, mainly in Jeremiah and Ezekiel, with specfc emphasis on pentateuchal traditions of Priestly and Holiness Legislation materials in Jeremiah


LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGY IN HEBREW BIBLE LITERATURE, studying the role of imagery and metaphor in prophetic and poetic literature; initiator and leader of DNI Bible Project (Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible), ISF 462/15




A. Books:

(1) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, God in Times of Destruction and Exiles: Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) Theology (Jerusalem: The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2009); 660 pages.

דלית רום-שילוני, אלהים בעידן של חורבן וגלויות: תאולוגיה תנ"כית (ירושלים: מאגנס, תש"ע) 

(2) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Exclusive Inclusivity: Identity Conflicts between the Exiles and the People who Remained (6th5th Centuries BCE) (LHB/OTS 543; New York-London: T&T Clark, 2013); 316 pages.

                    * Book Review: Micahel A. Lyons, Simpson University, Journal of Hebrew Scripture 14 (2014)


                   * Review Session held at the SBL Annual Meeting, San Diego 2014, will be published in a future issue of  

                      Journal of Hebrew Scripture


(3) A short commentary

Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Jeremiah,” in Jewish Study Bible (second edition; ed. A. Berlin and M. Z. Brettler, Oxford: Oxford Press, 2014), 901–1032; 131 pages.


In Editorial Process:

(4) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Theodical Discourse: Justification, Doubt, and Protest in the Face of Destruction (Hebrew Bible Theology)     to be published by SBL Ancient Israelite Literature; Atlanta, GA: SBL; 650 pages.


Research project in progress:

Dalit Rom-Shiloni, DNI Bible Project (Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible); initiating the website, leading the project, writing and monitoring the development of the items (ISF 462/15).


B. Refereed Articles in Journals:

(1) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “The Prophecy for ‘Everlasting Covenant’ (Jeremiah 32:36—41): An Exilic Addition or a Deuteronomistic Redaction?,” Vetus Testamentum 53,2 (2003): 201—223.  

(2) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Facing Destruction and Exile: Inner-Biblical Exegesis in Jeremiah and Ezekiel,” Zeitschrift für Altentestamentlische Wissenschaft 117/2 (2005): 189—205.   Dalit Rom-Shiloni.ZAW 117,2 (2005)

(3) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Ezekiel as the Voice of the Exiles and Constructor of Exilic Ideology” Hebrew Union College Annual 76 (2005): 1—45. Dalit Rom-Shiloni.HUCA76 (2005)

(4) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Between Protest and Theodicy: The Dialogue between Communal Laments and Penitential Prayers in Biblical Prayer,” Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 16 (2006): 71—96.     

דלית רום-שילוני, ״בין התרסה להצדקת האלהים: רב שיח בין קינות העם לתפילות הוידוי בתפילה המקראית״, שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום טז (תשס"ו), 71—96.     

(5) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “The Torah in Jeremiah: The Interpretive Techniques and the Ideological Perspectives,” Shnaton: An Annual for Biblical and Ancient  Near Eastern Studies 17 (2007): 43—87      Rom-shiloni.Shnaton 17 (2007)     

דלית רום-שילוני, ״התורה בספר ירמיה: הטכניקות הפרשניות והמגמות האידאולוגיות״, שנתון לחקר המקרא והמזרח הקדום יז (תשס״ח), 43—87   

(6)  Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Psalms 44: The Powers of Protest,” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 70,4 (2008): 683—698   Dalit Rom-Shiloni.Psalm 44.CBQ 70 (2008) 

(7) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Actualization of Pentateuchal Legal Traditions in Jeremiah: More on the Riddle of Authorship,” Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte​ 15 (2009): 254—281. ZAR 15_Rom-Shiloni

 (8) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Between Sender and Courier: Theological Perspectives in ‘The Valley of Slaughter’ by Bialik,” Mo'ed 20 (2010): 251—267.

דלית רום-שילוני, ״בין השולח לשליחו: היבטים תאולוגיים ב׳בעיר ההרגה׳ לביאליק״, מועד כ (תשע"א), 251—267.    דלית רום-שילוני.בין השולח לשליחו.מועד כ (תשע)

(9) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Ezekiel and Jeremiah: What Might Stand Behind the Silence?” Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 2 (2012): 203–230.   Rom-Shiloni.HeBAI 2 (2012),203-30

     [This paper is accompanied with an Appendix - Ezekiel and Jeremiah.Appendix.30.10.2012 (1)]

(10) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “How can you say, ‘I am not defiled’” (Jer 2:20–25): Allusions to Priestly Legal Traditions in the Poetry of Jeremiah,” Journal for Biblical Literature 133,4 (2014): 757–775.   

(11) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “On the Day I Freed Them from the Land of Egypt”: A Non-Deuteronomic Phrase within Jeremiah’s Covenant Conception” Vetus Testamentum 65,4 (2015): 621–647.

(12) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Hebrew Bible Theology: A Jewish Descriptive Approach,” Journal of Religion 96,2 (2016): 165–184.


C. Refereed Chapters in Books:

(1) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Socio-Ideological Setting or Settings for Penitential Prayers?” in Seeking the Favor of God: Volume I, The Origins of Penitential Prayer in Second Temple Judaism (ed. M. Boda, D. K. Falk, and R. A. Werline; SBLEJL 21; Atlanta, GA: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006), 51–68.  Dalit Rom-Shiloni.Seeking the Favor of God 2006

(2) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Deuteronomic Concepts of Exile Interpreted in Jeremiah and Ezekiel,” in Birkat Shalom: Studies In the Bible, Ancient Near Eastern Literature and Post-biblical Judaism Presented to Shalom M. Paul on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (ed. H. Cohen, V. A. Hurwitz, B. J. Schwarts, J. H. Tigay, and Y. Muffs; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2008), 101–123          Dalit Rom-Shiloni.PaulFs

(3) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Group-Identities in Jeremiah: Is It the Persian Period Conflict?” in A Palimpsest: Rhetoric, Stylistics, and Language in Biblical Texts from the Persian and Hellenistic Periods (ed. E. Ben-Zvi, D. Edelman and F. Polak; PHSC 5; Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2009), 11–46.                Group-Identities. Jeremiah.Dalit Rom-Shiloni.2009

(4) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Jerusalem and Israel, Synonyms or Antonyms? Jewish Exegesis of Ezekiel’s Prophecies against Jerusalem,” in After Ezekiel: Essays on the Reception of a Difficult Prophet (ed. A. Mein and P. Joyce; LHB/OTS 535; London & New York: T&T Clark, 2010), 89–114.

(5) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “From Ezekiel to Ezra-Nehemiah: Shifts of Group-Identities within Babylonian Exilic Ideology,” in Judeans in the Achaemenid Age: Negotiating Identity in an International Context (ed. G. Knoppers, O. Lipschitz, and M. Oeming; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2011), 127–151.                             From Ezekiel to Ezra-Nehemiah.Rom-Shiloni.2011

(6) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “The Covenant in the Book of Jeremiah: On the Employment of Marital and Political Metaphors,” in Covenant in the Persian Period: From Genesis to Chronicles (ed. R. Bautchand G. Knoppers; Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2015), 153–174.

(7) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Introduction: Rethinking the Relationship between the Law and the Prophets” in The Formation of the Pentateuch: Bridging the Academic Cultures of Europe, Israel, and North America (ed. J. C. Gertz, B. M. Levinson, D. Rom-Shiloni, and K. Schmid; FAT 111; Mohr Siebeck, 2016), 831–840.

(8) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Compositional Harmonization: Priestly and Deuteronomic References in Jeremiah—An Earlier Stage of a Recognized Interpretive Technique,” in The Formation of the Pentateuch: Bridging the Academic Cultures of Europe, Israel, and North America (ed. J. C. Gertz, B. M. Levinson, D. Rom-Shiloni, and K. Schmid; FAT 111; Mohr Siebeck, 2016), 913–942.


D. Chapters in Books

(1) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Exiles and Those Who Remained: Strategies of Exclusivity in the Early Sixth Century BCE,” in Shai: Studies in the Bible, Its Exegesis and Language Presented to Sara Japhet (ed. M. Bar Asher, D. Rom-Shiloni, E. Tov, N. Wazana; Jerusalem: Bialik, 2007), 119–138.

דלית רום-שילוני, ״גולים ונשארים: אסטרטגיות של בדלנות פנימית בראשית המאה השישית לפנה״ס״, ש״י לשרה יפת: מחקרים במקרא בפרשנותו ובלשונו (עורכים: מ. בר-אשר, נ. ואזנה, ע. טוב, ד. רום-שילוני; ירושלים: ביאליק, תשס"ח), 119—138.    

(2) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “God and Man in War: Theological Reflections on the Destruction,” War and Peace (ed.  S. Avineri; Jerusalem: Shazar, 2010), 5972.

דלית רום-שילוני, ״אלהים ואדם במלחמה: תגובות תאולוגיות לחורבן הבית הראשון״, מלחמה ושלום (עורך: ש. אבינרי; ירושלים: שז״ר, תש״ע), 59—72.   אלהים ואדם במלחמה. דלית רום שילוני

(3) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “When an Explicit Polemic Initiates a Hidden One: Jacob’s Aramaic Identity,” in Words, Ideas, Worlds in the Hebrew Bible: Festschrift Yairah Amit (ed. A. Brenner and F. Polak; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012), 206–235.   Rom-Shiloni. Jacob Aramaean.Yairah Amit FS.2012

(4) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “‘An Aramaen Fugitive Was My Father’ - Is It So? Inner-biblical Deliberation on the Myth of the Common Ancestor,” in Myth, Mysticism, and Ritual: Studies in Honor of Professor Ithamar Gruenwald (Teudah 26; ed. R. Margolin and Y. Rozen-Zvi; Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press, 2014), 85–135.

דלית רום-שילוני, ״׳ארמי אבד אבי׳ – האמנם? על מחלוקת פנים-מקראית בשאלת מיתוס האב המשותף״, מיתוס, מיסטיקה וריטואל: מחקרים לכבוד פרופסור איתמר גרינולד (תעודה כו; עורכים: ג. בוהק, ר. מרגולין וי. רוזן-צבי; תל אביב: אוניברסיטת תל אביב, תשע״ד), 85—135.  

E. Editing:

(1) Co-Editing: Moshe Bar Asher, Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Emanuel Tov, Nili Wazana, Shai: Studies in the Bible, Its Exegesis and Language Presented to Sara Japhet (Jerusalem: Bialik Press, 2007 [Hebrew and English), about 1000 pages.

ש״י לשרה יפת: מחקרים במקרא בפרשנותו ובלשונו (עורכים: מ. בר-אשר, נ. ואזנה, ע. טוב, ד. רום-שילוני; ירושלים: ביאליק, תשס״ח)

(2) Co-Editing: Paul Joyce and Dalit Rom-Shiloni, The God Ezekiel Creates (LHB/OTS 607; New York-London: T&T Clark, 2014), 217 pages.

(3) Co-Editing: Dalit Rom-Shiloni and Corrine L. Carvalho, The Book of Ezekiel in its Babylonian Context a thematic volume in the peer reviewed journal Die Welt des Orients 45, 1 (2015); 110 pages.

(4) Co-Editing: Jan C. Gerz, Bernard Levinson, Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Konrad Schmid, The Formation of the Pentateuch: Bridging the Academic Cultures of Europe, Israel, and North America (FAT 111; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016) 1162 pages.

In preparation:

(5) Co-Editing: Beate Ego, Ute Gause, Ron Margolin, and Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Theodicy and Protest: Jewish and Christian Perspectives (Kirche und Israel; Tübingen: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2017).


E. Miscellaneous: Other Publications

(1) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, Central commentaries on Parashiot Eikev and Nitzavim (Deuteronomy), Women’s Tanakh Commentary (Editor in Chief Prof. Tamara Cohn Eskenazi; Project of the Women of Reform Judaism, 2007); 37 pgs.

(2) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, “Birds in the Bible,” Blackbird Project: Educational Cooperation between Arab and Jewish Students in Birding (ed. Yossi Leshem and Anat Levi; Tel Aviv, 2009), 72–83; 12 pgs.

דלית רום-שילוני, ״הציפורים בתנ״ך״, מיזם שחרור: שיתוף פעולה חינוכי בין תלמידים ערבים ויהודים בנושא צפרות (עורכים: י. לשם וע. לוי; תל אביב, תשס"ט), 72--83. 

(3) Dalit Rom-Shiloni, DNI Bible Project (Dictionary of Nature Imagery of the Bible); writing and initiating the website; writing the item: “ חסידה Stork” (and more); 42 pgs.


F. Reviews:

(1) Review article on: Risa Levitt Kohn, A New Heart and a New Soul: Ezekiel, the Exile and the Torah (JSOTSup 358; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002), 148 pgs, Review of Biblical Literature 10/2004.

(2) Review article on: Walter Brueggemann, Like Fire in the Bones: Listening for the Prophetic Word in Jeremiah (ed. P. D. Miller; Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006), 253 pgs; Journal of Religion 88,3 (2008): 397–398.

(3) Review article on: James L. Crenshaw, Defending God: Biblical Responses to the Problem of Evil (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 275 pgs; Journal of Religion 89,4 (2009): 607–608.


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