Professors Yael Steinhart and Professor Jacob Goldenberg
Chen Pundak
Coller School of Management
הפקולטה לניהול ע"ש קולר
עובד מחקר
Publications & Conferences
Nonmaleficence in Shaming: The Ethical Dilemma Underlying Participation in Online Public Shaming. Pundak, C., Steinhart, Y., & Goldenberg, J. Working Paper. (Invited for revision at Journal of Consumer Psychology.)
Temporary sequential effect inside reviewers. Working paper
Pundak, C., Steinhart, Y., & Goldenberg, J & Muchnik, L.
Women’s Social Media activity relates to fertility outcomes during In Vitro Fertilization Treatments. Miller N*, Pundak*, Cohen G, Issakov b, Gluska H, Gandelsman E, Klochendler Frishman E, David L, Bookstein Peretz S, Miller M, Goldenberg J, Wiser A . (Preperation fir submission to Fertility and Sterility).
- "Cyber week", Tel Aviv, Israel, June, 2019
- "MS conference", Rome, Italy, June, 2019
- "ACR conference", Dallas, USA, October, 2018
- "EACR conference", Ghent University, Belgium, June 2018
- "ICRC conference", Tel Aviv, February 2018
- "Marketing in Israel", Tel Aviv university, December 2017
- "ACR conference", San Diego, USA, October 2017
- "Public Shaming" conference, IDC, June 2017
- "Emac conference", Groningen University, Netherland, May 2017
- "The 1st Israeli Phd Conference in Organizational Behavior", Business school, HUJI, June 2014
- "Own research", Lafer Center, HUJI, March 2014
Academic Grants & Awards
- ICRC full proposal, for "The Viciousness and Caring of Sharing: Conflicts and Motivations of Online Shamers", 2018 (200K Nis, about $55K)
- The Richard (Dick) Segal Memorial Award, 2018 (7500 Nis, about $2200)
- ACR conference PhD Student Travel Awards, 2017 ($1200)
- ICRC exploratory proposal, for "The Selfish and Caring of Sharing: Exploring the Reasons and Personal Outcomes of Public-Shaming", 2016 (80K Nis, about $22K)
- Phd program, The Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, 2015