Prof. Boaz Hameiri

Public Policy
מדיניות ציבורית סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Boaz Hameiri
Phone: 03-6407381
Office: Naftali - Social Sciences, 730

Short Biography

I am an Associate Professor at the School for Social and Policy Studies and the Head of the Program in Conflict Management and Mediation at Tel Aviv University. I received my PhD in social psychology at Tel Aviv University in 2019. Between 2018 and 2020 I was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Peace and Conflict Neuroscience Lab at the University of Pennsylvania, and Postdoctoral Innovation Lab Fellow at Beyond Conflict.

Research Interests

My program of research consists of an examination of different psychological barriers to attitude change and conflict resolution (e.g., victimhood), and the development of psychological interventions (e.g., paradoxical thinking) to address these barriers and promote better intergroup relations and conflict resolution. In my research, I employ a mixed-method approach with various qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g., intervention tournaments), in the lab and on a large-scale in the field; working in various contexts and populations worldwide, in collaboration with a broad community of international collaborators, as well as NGOs, advertising and media experts.

Selected publications

Publications (* = equal contribution by authors; † = mentee author; for a complete publication list with links to the papers, see:

Edited Books:

Halperin, E., Hameiri, B., & Littman, R. (Eds.) (in press). Psychological intergroup interventions: Evidence-based approaches to improve intergroup relations. Routledge.

Ferrari, F., Leiner, M., Barakat, Z. M., Sternberg, M., & Hameiri, B. (Eds.) (2023). Encountering the suffering of the other: Reconciliation studies amid the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Selection of Peer-Reviewed Articles:

Gallardo, R. A.†, Moore-Berg, S. L., & Hameiri, B. (in press). Exploring different psychological processes in a media intervention that reduces dehumanization toward Muslims. Political Psychology.

Hameiri, B., & Moore-Berg, S. L. (2022). Intervention tournaments: An overview of concept, design, and implementation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17, 555-578.

Bruneau, E.*, Casas, A.*, Hameiri, B.*, & K., N.* (2022). Exposure to a media intervention helps promote support for peace in Colombia. Nature Human Behaviour, 6, 847-857.

Moore-Berg, S. L., Hameiri, B., & Bruneau, E. (2022). Empathy, dehumanization, and misperceptions: A media intervention humanizes migrants and increases empathy for their plight, but only if misinformation about migrants is also corrected. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13,645-655.

Bar-Tal, D.*, Hameiri, B.*, & Halperin, E. (2021). Paradoxical thinking as a paradigm of attitude change in the context of intractable conflict. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 63, 129-187.

Bruneau, E.*, Hameiri, B.*, Moore-Berg, S. L., & K., N. (2021). Intergroup contact reduces dehumanization and meta-dehumanization: Cross-sectional, longitudinal and quasi-experimental evidence from 16 samples in 5 countries. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47, 906-920.

Bar-Tal, D.*, & Hameiri, B.* (2020). Interventions for changing well-anchored attitudes in the context of intergroup relations. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 14, e12534.

Moore-Berg, S. L., Ankori-Karlinsky, L., Hameiri, B., & Bruneau, E. (2020). Exaggerated meta-perceptions predict intergroup hostility between American political partisans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(26), 14864-14872. 

Moore-Berg, S. L., Hameiri, B., & Bruneau, E. (2020). The prime psychological suspects of toxic political polarization. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 199-204.

Gabay, R.*, Hameiri, B.*, Rubel-Lifschitz, T., & Nadler, A. (2020). The tendency for interpersonal victimhood: The personality construct and its consequences. Personality and Individual Differences, 165, 110134.

Hameiri, B., Bar-Tal, D., & Halperin, E. (2019). Paradoxical thinking interventions: A paradigm for societal change. Social Issues and Policy Review, 13(1), 36-62.

Idan, O., Halperin, E., Hameiri, B., & Reifen Tagar, M. (2018). A rose by any other name? Subtle linguistic cue impacts anger and corresponding policy support in intractable conflict. Psychological Science, 29(6), 972-983.

Hameiri, B., Nabet, E., Bar-Tal, D., & Halperin, E. (2018). Paradoxical thinking as a conflict resolution intervention: Comparison to alternative interventions and examination of psychological mechanisms. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44(1), 122-139.

Hameiri, B., Sharvit, K., Bar-Tal, D., Shahar, E., & Halperin, E. (2017). Support for Self-censorship among Israelis as a Socio-psychological Barrier to Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Political Psychology, 38(5), 795-813.

Hameiri, B., & Nadler, A. (2017). Looking backward to move forward: Effects of acknowledgment of victimhood on readiness to compromise for peace in the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 43(4), 555-569.

Hameiri, B., Porat, R., Bar-Tal, D., & Halperin, E. (2016). Moderating attitudes in times of violence through paradoxical thinking intervention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(43), 12105-12110.

Hameiri, B., Bar-Tal, D., & Halperin, E. (2014). Challenges for peacemakers: How to overcome socio-psychological barriers. Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1(1), 164-171.

Hameiri, B., Porat, R., Bar-Tal, D., Bieler, A., & Halperin, E. (2014). Paradoxical thinking as a new avenue of intervention to promote peace. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(30), 10996-11001.

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