Professor Ater is a memner of the the Business Economics and Strategy group. Itai joined the Coller School of Management in 2008 and his research focuses in the areas oindustrial organization, antitrust, organizational economics and law and economics. Itai earned his bachelor (law and economics) and Master degrees, both Cum Laude from the Hebrew University. Before pursuing his Ph.D. studies in Economics at Stanford University, he also worked at the Israeli Antitrust Authority.
Itai has published in top journals such as: Management Science, Review of Economics and Statistics , Strategic Management Journal, American Economic Journal, and received several research grants (ISF, IFT, NET Institute) for his research. His research examines the sources of the high cost of living in Israel. In particular, Prof. Ater studies how governmnet policies, consumer behavior and firm actions contrubute to the market outcomes in the food, automobile and real-estate markets.
Department: Strategy, Economics