TAU to Provide Scholarships to Students Participating in Operation Protective Edge
Tel Aviv University will award scholarships for this upcoming academic year to hundreds of students participating in Israel’s Operation Protective Edge. Funds for the scholarships will be provided by TAU’s committed donors and friends from around the world.
In announcing the initiative, TAU President Prof. Klafter expressed his deep appreciation for those students who have left their studies to serve their country, noting that the purpose of the scholarships is to help them catch up on class time they are missing so as to not jeopardize the completion of their degrees and research.
Prof. Klafter emphasized that “many TAU students and graduates have served in all of Israel’s wars and military operations, including in the current conflict, in roles throughout the various levels of command. Moreover, many of our researchers have won the Israel Defense Prize for their activities in the service of the State.”
Prof. Klafter also expressed his wish that all TAU students and Israeli soldiers return safely and speedily home.