Most cited: TAU 1st in Israel according to international ranking

Tel Aviv University ranked among top ten institutions worldwide for citations of articles written by its researchers

04 February 2020

Tel Aviv University was ranked first in Israel and 149th out of 12,000 institutions worldwide by Webometrics, a ranking of the web presence of universities and other institutions of higher education.


The ranking is published twice a year and was created to promote the availability of academic articles online and, more broadly, open access to academic research. Unlike other higher education rankings that focus only on academic publications, Webometrics combines other factors, such as a researcher’s online presence: impact (content quality), file accessibility, and excellence (the number of articles in the top ten percent of the most cited papers in a given field).


TAU’s ranking if determined by these metrics, which measure the quality and reach of a researcher’s work: how often they’re cited and included in the top ten percent of citations in their field.


Among other Israeli institutions, The Hebrew University is ranked 200th and the Technion is in 281st place. The University of Haifa, which was ranked 573th, is far ahead of the IDC Herzliya (1415), Ariel University (1821) and the Open University (1895).

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