New York University to establish research institute at TAU

Tel Aviv University expands its global network of academic collaborations to include New York University.

07 May 2013

New York University (NYU) and Tel Aviv University have announced an agreement to establish an NYU research institute at TAU. The two universities, both situated in their respective countries’ cultural and financial capitals, are committed to research collaboration that draws on the strengths and global outlook of both institutions.


Tel Aviv is one of a select group of locations chosen for NYU's network of research centers established across the world through their Provost’s Global Research Initiative (GRI) program. Other host cities include London, Berlin and Shanghai.  The new NYU institute at TAU – the only one in Israel – will house NYU researchers and graduate students who will be involved in research programs in Israel or in collaborative activities with TAU scientists and scholars.


In signing the agreement on behalf of Tel Aviv University, TAU Vice President Prof. Raanan Rein said that the establishment of the institute signifies yet another milestone in expanding the scope of TAU's global academic collaborations. In this context, TAU has recently signed several new agreements with foreign universities, including Monash University in Australia, Free University of Berlin, and the University of Maryland. 


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