Pouran and Izak Parviz Nazarian Building

A rendering of the Pouran and Izak Parviz Nazarian Building

The new Pouran and Izak Parviz Nazarian Building will upgrade the University's visitor facilities to be on par with other world-class institutions  and also create a permanent home for the Citizens' Empowerment Center in Israel (CECI).


The Yehiel Ben-Zvi Visitors Pavilion will serve as the focal point for all visitors to the TAU campus. Tours will leave from there for all points of interest, including advanced scientific laboratories, art and architecture.


The 400 square-meter building will be located adjacent to the Miriam and Adolfo Smolarz Auditorium, TAU's main public hall. The visitors' facility will comprise an auditorium with seating for up to 70 visitors; a training room for tour guides; an exhibition area for showcasing research findings and applications; and a refreshment room.


The Visitors Pavilion perpetuates the memory of the late TAU Vice President, Yehiel Ben-Zvi, who left a legacy of exceptional achievement during 36 years of dedicated service to the University. Under his guidance and vision, the University prospered and attained a place of prominence in higher education in Israel and the world.

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