
TAU has more biomedical scientists than any other university in Israel, including 1,400 researcher-clinicians working in 18 TAU-affiliated hospitals. The University draws on these ties – as well as partnerships with government ministries and pharma companies – to transform lab discoveries into treatments that ease suffering and save lives.


Naming Opportunities

  • School of Public Health: This graduate school fosters cooperation and integration between academia and the health and emergency services – both locally and worldwide – and makes policy recommendations.


  • School of Psychological Sciences: Ranked among the world’s top 75 psychology departments, the School creates and shares new knowledge on mental health using state-of-the-art imaging methods for the brain.


  • Neurodegeneration Research Center: This multidisciplinary center will draw on TAU expertise on campus and at the affiliated Sheba Medical Center to improve the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and other devastating diseases.


  • Center for Metabolite Medicine: Housed in a sparkling, large new lab suite with robotic equipment, the Center seeks to better understand “metabolites,” small biochemical substances that our bodies produce naturally and that could dramatically improve doctors’ diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease.


  • Laboratory for Precision Nanomedicine: Headed by Prof. Dan Peer, this lab develops novel ways to battle cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, viral infections affecting immune cells and other devastating diseases.


  • Practice and Simulation Complex at the Dental School: Located on the lower ground floor of the School, this 450 square meter complex will be refurbished and upgraded, transforming it into a state-of-the-art facility, including a simulation lab with 78 work stations, a virtual reality simulation lab with 10 VR simulators, a classroom and an entrance/lounge area. Has TAU matching.


  • Research Laboratory at the Dental School: The School plans to create several new labs, among them: Bioinspired Materials & Nanotechnology; Drug Discovery and Protein Engineering; Molecular Biology of Aging and Dental Anthropology.


  • SPARK Translational Medicine Center: Affiliated with a worldwide network led by Stanford University, the Center is revolutionizing the model for how Israeli medical discoveries reach the clinic. It harnesses TAU’s robust ties with hospitals and the biotech & pharma industries to fast track new or repurposed drugs into clinical trials. Funding will support research projects.
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