BOG 2024: Integrating Jewish Education

This year’s Constantiner Prize in Jewish Education was given to the TALI School, which enhances state curricula with Jewish lessons
13 June 2024
The Constantiner Prize in Jewish Education was presented to the TALI Frenkel School in Raanana.

The 21st annual Dr. Jaime Constantiner Prize in Jewish Education went to the TALI Frenkel School in Raanana this year. It was awarded in a lively ceremony during TAU’s 2024 Board of Governors Meeting with a musical performance from students. 


The Constantiner Prize recognizes a person or an organization bringing Jewish traditions and texts into the 21st century, especially through educational channels. Its namesake, the late Dr. Jaime Constantiner, was a beloved leader of the Mexican Jewish community, as well as a physician and educator. His longtime support of Israel and of Tel Aviv University inspired his family to create the Prize in his honor. The award ceremony was attended by his son, Dr. Arturo Constantiner; professors from the Constantiner School of Education; teachers and parents of TALI; and most importantly, a delegation of young TALI students. 


Strengthening Education with Jewish Values 


The TALI School is a state school which teaches all regular state curricula, enriched with Jewish practice, history, and culture. Indeed, TALI is a Hebrew acronym which stands for “Enriched Jewish Studies”. TALI accepts children and teachers of all denominations and strives to create a pluralistic environment.  


Jewish education is incorporated in students’ routines through daily egalitarian services, communal events marking Jewish holidays, torah study, and weekly supplementary lessons among other things.  


School principal Efrat Ronen-Lipnik spoke movingly about the school and its students, including commemorating two former students who had been killed defending Israel in the Iron Swords War. Said one founding parent, “I’m especially proud of the hard work of many parents and community leaders who built us up from a single first-grade class into a full school. This award serves as a reminder that it has never been more important for Israeli children to learn Jewish lessons and tools in order to bridge the gaps in Israeli society.” 


Continuing a Jewish Legacy 


Dr. Jaime Constantiner was an important member of the global Jewish community and supported many Jewish educational projects and organizations throughout his life, especially in the diaspora.  


In a heartfelt speech, Dr. Arturo Constantiner addressed the current situation and thanked Education School administrators for their hard work. “We, the Jews of the Diaspora, owe you (Israelis) our thanks for keeping the Jews of the world safe by defending Israel. My heart is with the two families from TALI who lost their children to the war. I can see it is a beautiful school for people who hail from all over the world.” 



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