Broadcom Foundation Sponsors Workshop at TAU

The meeting brought together graduate students to discuss brain inspired technologies and plan further collaboration
06 November 2017

An exciting, 3-day research competition held at Tel Aviv University convened top students with an engineering or computer science background who are working in neuroscience. The first EMEA Workshop was sponsored by the Broadcom Foundation and hosted 7 students each from the Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University; Imperial College London; University College Dublin; and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.


The students were assembled into teams of 4 to 5 each and given the challenge of formulating a research proposal within 24 hours. Their goal was to present novel, cross-disciplinary inquiries into “engineering the brain.” The winning project was selected by a distinguished jury that included representatives of the partner universities as well as the Broadcom Foundation and Sanara Ventures.


The workshop was the first of many planned at the different partner campuses aimed at creating a community of students and experts in this emerging field. Next year’s meeting will be held at Imperial College London.


“The Broadcom Foundation and company are interested in teamwork and collaboration. And the art of collaboration is very well ingrained in TAU, as are the 21st-century skills: critical thinking, communication and creativity,” said Ms. Paula Golden, President of the Broadcom Foundation.


“Broadcom has a deep relationship with Tel Aviv University, which shares its open philosophy about innovation,” Golden added.


Other participants at the workshop were Prof. Joseph Klafter, President of Tel Aviv University; Mr. Shlomo Markel, Vice President of Broadcom; Prof. Nicolaos (Nick) G. Alexopoulos, Vice President for Academic Programs and University Relations, Broadcom Foundation; Prof. Yaniv Assaf , Head of TAU’s Sagol School of Neuroscience, which organized the workshop; Dr. Dana Bar-On, Head of Entrepreneurship and Industry-Academy Relations at the Sagol School; Dr. Eran Toledo, CTO of Sanara; and Ms. Gail Reiss, President and CEO of American Friends of Tel Aviv University.


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