Our Equity & Diversity Policy Statement

Equity & Diversity at Tel Aviv University: Institutional Policy



Gender equality is a fundamental value at Tel Aviv University. It is not only just, but also benefits our research and innovation by producing and expanding better knowledge; developing richer experiences that reflect the diversity of our society; and allowing researchers to fulfill and maximize their potential while ensuring respect for everyone regardless of their gender. Currently, TAU is developing programs and putting much effort into bridging the gaps between men and women in the academy yet understanding that more work needs to be done. In 2015, Tel Aviv University President’s Advisor for Gender Equity adopted an extensive five-year strategic plan to promote gender equality – the 2015 Gender Equality Plan (GEP 2015).



In 2020, GEP 2015 was reviewed and revised to adapt to many developments in this area and to represent TAU’s new commitments to institutional and cultural change. In 2022, TAU has prepared an updated Gender Equity Plan (GEP), which aims to set ambitious goals to strengthen gender equality as a crosscutting priority of the University. Under the revised GEP, TAU has set goals for academic recruitment, promotion of women, and increasing the number of women in senior academic and administrative management roles. Special attention is given to disciplines in which women are underrepresented in academic faculty and students, especially STEM. TAU has a sound policy on the prevention of sexual harassment, in addition to designated officers to handle sexual harassment complaints.



Regarding maternity and parental rights and benefits, TAU implements the following policy:


For Advanced Degree Students (Masters, Doctorate, Post Doctorate):

According to TAU policy, an advanced degree student who gives birth during her studies is entitled to 15 weeks of maternity leave. Her scholarship shall not be discontinued during this period, ensuring that the student continues to receive income after giving birth. Additionally, to accommodate this maternity period, an extension of the research period may be granted for an additional 15 weeks. If necessary, TAU provides a "Rector’s Scholarship" (at the rate of 100%) at the end of the original degree period. In 2023, TAU revised its policy concerning female faculty members who give birth, as well as male faculty members who opt for parental leave, as entitled under the law.



Extension of trial period: A faculty member whose academic performance was delayed due to childbirth may receive a one-year extension, up to 6 years (for associate professor), and 7 years (for senior lecturer).

Teaching load: A woman faculty member who gave birth is entitled to a 25% reduction of the regular teaching load for a designated period, while a male faculty member who took parental leave is entitled to a 12.5% reduction of the regular teaching load.

Additionally, the policy addresses various additional accommodations regarding administrative tasks, etc.

Academic Faculty (Junior): Currently, TAU adheres to the relevant legislation concerning employees on maternity/parental leave, without implementing any special policy specifically for junior academic faculty. We intend to conduct a more thorough examination of this matter in the upcoming year.





Tel Aviv University celebrates the rich pluralism of identities, cultures, religions, worldviews, and socio-economic backgrounds that comprise its institutional fabric. In alignment with this ethos, TAU President Prof. Ariel Porat has made advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion a top priority across campus for students, academic faculty, and administration alike. TAU's commitment to equity and diversity is comprehensive, encompassing all social groups within the university community: women, Arabs (Muslims, Christians, Druze), Jews of Ethiopian descent, the Ultra-Orthodox, first-generation students, individuals from peripheral regions, persons with disabilities, and members of the LGBT community.



Our mission is to cultivate inclusive and diverse academic and social environments for all sub-communities at TAU, fostering a sense of belonging for every individual. We aim to fortify the TAU campus as a space that is equally accessible and welcoming to all, aspiring to serve as a model for Israeli society during a time characterized by ethnic, religious, cultural, and socioeconomic divisions.


To achieve these objectives, the university is adopting a two-pronged approach:

Firstly, it's implementing a "top-down" strategy, which involves establishing a new unit called The Commission for Equity, Diversity & Community. Additionally, a senior academic faculty member, Prof. Neta Ziv, has been appointed as Vice President for Equity, Diversity, and Community. The commission's responsibilities include setting clear policies on equity and diversity, initiating, promoting, and streamlining all campus activities aimed at diversification, monitoring and evaluating existing initiatives, and supporting academic and administrative units in adopting policies and practices conducive to achieving these goals. Furthermore, the commission aims to strengthen connections with the community beyond the campus, facilitating knowledge sharing and broadening the pool of prospective students.

As part of its efforts to construct a multicultural shared space, Tel Aviv University holds workshops for both academic and administrative staff on various topics each year. These training sessions aim to instill diverse values within the campus community and enhance its capacity to address challenges effectively.


Simultaneously, through a "bottom-up" approach, the university is tasking each faculty with adopting and advocating for a Faculty Diversity Program tailored to its unique conditions, student body, and structure. In the initial stage, each unit appoints a Diversity Officer or Committee, either alongside or concurrently with its Gender Equity Committee. Subsequently, each academic unit will formulate a diversity and equity program incorporating the following elements (with assistance from the Equity & Diversity Commission, if needed):

  1. Establish an updated database reflecting the composition of its student body (undergraduate and graduate), academic faculty (junior and senior), and administrative staff.
  2. Identify and articulate specific objectives to enhance equity and diversity across these groups.
  3. Propose measures and actions aimed at broadening the representation of minorities and women, improving retention rates, and fostering a multicultural, safe, and inclusive environment within the academic unit.
  4. Develop curricular and extracurricular initiatives and events that promote the concept of a "shared space," tolerance, and multicultural experiences for both students and faculty.
  5. Monitor the implementation of the plan through the faculty's equity and diversity officer/committee.
  6. Design a campus "code of speech" to safeguard free expression while preventing degrading and hateful speech. In pursuit of this objective, TAU adopted a special procedure in 2023 to address complaints related to degrading and hateful speech.

Overall, the university has implemented several measures to enhance access to academia for women, minorities, and other underrepresented groups on campus. Additionally, we are dedicated to cultivating an inclusive and safe environment for all members of the community. In pursuit of these objectives, the university offers specific resources and support to students, as follows:



Admittance to the University


Non-discrimination Policy: The University adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy in its admission procedures, which are grounded in objective academic criteria. However, recognizing the potential disparate impact of conventional admission tracks on certain groups, the university has implemented specific admission pathways for members of minority groups as a proactive measure to enhance diversity within our student body. This policy serves as an affirmative action measure, acknowledging that conventional admission processes may not accurately reflect the academic potential and abilities of all applicants.

The special admission tracks include:

  1. Periphery Excellence Program for students from peripheral regions.
  2. Admission pathway for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, in collaboration with The Society for the Advancement of Education, Jerusalem.
  3. Special admission track for students of Ethiopian descent.
  4. Admission route for students graduating from the Ultra-Orthodox educational system.
  5. Admission pathway for students with disabilities (implemented from 2022 onwards).

In addition, from the 2022-2023 academic year onwards, TAU institutionalizes several Preparatory Academic Programs to increase accessibility to academia. The first two programs (each lasting one year prior to academic studies) include Arab students and students with disabilities.


Support for minority students (first degree)


Through the Office of the Dean of Students, the university provides academic and social support, as well as mentoring to students from minority groups: Arab students, students of Ethiopian descent, students with disabilities and students from ultra-Orthodox backgrounds. 


Resources for Advanced Degree students: women and minorities


The university administers several scholarship programs for women and minority advanced degree students, as well as a special post-doctoral scholarship program for women who wish to travel abroad for post-doctorate studies. 


Gender Equity Plan

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