Vice Rector update letter to students in light of the government’s decision to impose a lockdown

updated: 10.01.2021

Dear students,


Below, please find updated University guidelines in accordance with the latest information at our disposal regarding the government's decision to impose a total lockdown.


The list of activities allowed to be performed on campus will be reduced. In particular, student exams will not be authorized to take place on campus (except in medicine and the health professions). Students will not be allowed to access and use campus facilities and libraries. Moreover, in-person instruction will not be allowed in the open air as has been the case in recent times.


Other activities that were permitted under the previous restrictions, will continue, including: functional continuity of the research laboratories, clinical trainings in the health professions, practical trainings outside campus grounds, material collection and returning as well as the psychological services. 


The university prepares itself to conform with the government’s guidelines. Therefore, teaching will continue solely in an online format. Additional activities will be authorized as per the above. 


Following on my previous update, exams that were planned to be held in class during the lockdown, will have to be given online. They will take place at the same time and date as originally planned. Exceptions may be made for exams that cannot be given online; in such cases, the exam will be postponed to a later date, once it will be possible.


The respective academic units will inform you by the beginning of next week at the latest with details regarding how exams will be held during lockdown.


Unfortunately, the lockdown guidelines do not enable students to come to university to take online exams from campus including students who planned to take the exam on campus due to wireless infrastructure problems. students who live in the dorms will be updated on how they can connect and take the exam from the dorms.


Finally, please allow us to stress that we are aware of the different feelings that exist on our campus during these COVID-19 times.


The university is listening to you, our students, and doing everything it can to allow for a successful exam period allowing you to bring to fruition your multiple efforts. We are adapting as needed to run the exams while taking into consideration the difficulties but also our academic standards.


We hope that this lockdown will be the last and that we will soon be able to resume normal life.


With wishes for good health,

Prof. Eyal. Zisser

Vice Rector

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