Updated Guidelines regarding COVID-19, March 13th

updated: 13.03.2020

Fellow members of the academic and administrative staff, students,
A few hours ago, the Government of Israel decided to shut down all universities. The full ramifications of this decision are not yet entirely understood, but it is fairly clear that academic studies within the university halls will be suspended. These are difficult days for us all, and especially for
our student body. We will do our utmost to alleviate the unpleasant consequences of the period of time that lays ahead. In accordance with the updated Ministry of Health guidelines, as of tomorrow, March 13th, exams and teaching labs will be suspended and all coursework will be taught virtually. Instructions with regards to alternative dates for exams or teaching labs will be communicated at the beginning of next week.


You are welcome to use one of the technological tools that we've made available to you for this purpose. Please make sure to keep your students informed of how your class will be conducted. We would like to remind you that we prepared digital guidelines with instructions for using the unicko platform, which we highly recommend. Alternatively, you are invited to use the Zoom platform. In addition, the following helpdesks are available for you:
  • Helpdesk for the use of unicko: virtualt@tauex.tau.ac.il or by phone 03-6405527
  • Helpdesk for the use of zoom: tauonlinehyb@tauex.tau.ac.il or by phone 03-6406714


As of tomorrow, March 13th, exams and teaching labs will be suspended and all coursework will be taught virtually. Instructions with regards to alternative dates for exams or teaching labs will be communicated at the beginning of next week.

Administrative staff

We are in the midst of an unfolding chain of events. As of now, the current instructions are to arrive at work as usual. The University’s management and the HR division are in constant communication with the Administrative Staff Union and have you in our minds at all times. Early next week, in lieu of the relevant developments, we will jointly explore ways to alleviate the circumstances – including remote work, gradual concentrated vacation and alike. We will keep you abreast as these decisions are being evaluated. We are in constant communication with the Student Union and the Faculty Association in order to address all the needs that might arise going forward.
With warm regards,
President, Director General, Rector
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