Update from the Vice Rector: Beginning of the academic year 2020 – 2021

updated: 29.09.2020

To all members of the University community,


In two weeks, on 18 October 2020, the new academic year will begin. First, I would like to wish all our students, our faculty members and our administrative staff a healthy and productive year of study and research.


I would also like to update you that teaching will be online (at least during the first semester), and students will learn through Zoom.


Guidelines for first-year students: Following the government decision to impose a general lockdown and the directives from the Ministry of Health, and out of concern and responsibility for your wellbeing, all research Universities in Israel have decided to postpone the implementation of the planned guidelines to allow first-year students who wished to do so to study on campus.  Therefore, all studies will be through Zoom, also for first-year students.


We intend to implement these guidelines as soon as it is possible to do so, and we will let you know when the time comes.


Students in special and international programs: For now, there will be no studies on campus and all learning will be online, through Zoom.


Students in frameworks that require practical studies on campus, such as labs: For now, it is not possible to have lessons on campus. We will renew these as soon as it is possible to do so. The various units and departments will update you as to how these practical studies will take place until learning on campus is resumed– each unit will devise its own guidelines.


Wishing you Gmar Chatima Tova, a successful academic year, and much good health,

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Eyal Zisser

Vice Rector


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