Bolstering the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts
The Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts are vital disciplines that promote critical thinking, spur social and cultural advances, and encourage freedom of expression and democratic values. Graduates of TAU’s Faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts are in high demand for prestigious jobs in a range of industries, including high tech, cyber and more.
Naming Opportunities
- Israeli Arts Center and Building: Despite its large, vibrant, influential and often provocative arts scene, Israel does not have an academic arts center. Establishing such a Center will require the construction of a 6,000 square meter building for research, exhibition and educational space.
- Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Center for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences: These frameworks will further globalize studies in the humanities and the social sciences by supporting visiting scholars from leading overseas universities – for both long- and short-term visits – as well as awarding fellowships to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, and organizing symposia and working groups.
- Sub-Units at the Azrieli Architecture Building: This beautiful new building is currently under construction at the high-traffic, high visibility main entrance to the TAU campus. It will offer a broad range of physical opportunities, ranging from a large auditorium and library, to student workshops, classrooms and patios.
- Center for the Applied Study of Risks to Democracy: A naming opportunity is available for this new hub for identifying the key risks facing democracy through a multidisciplinary lens, exploring effective social, political, technological and legal responses to them, and building transnational networks of young scholars, activists and engaged members of the public. Its overarching goal: To deepen and broaden the resilience of democratic forces, in Israel and worldwide.
- New Horizons: A program for training a new cadre of educators to shape Jewish pluralistic education in schools and diverse informal frameworks like community centers.
- Institute for Israel and Zionism Studies: Against the backdrop of BDS and increasing antisemitism, this research institute will help negate fake news by generating objective, evidence-based knowledge, disseminating it to the world, and training a new generation of scholars to ensure the integrity of Israel and Zionism studies in the years to come.
- Community Theater Fund: This program trains students to use theatrical tools to work with vulnerable groups ranging from at-risk youth to convicts. The productions empower participants to express themselves through theatrical works that they write and perform themselves.