Community: Stronger Society
TAU Aim:
To strengthen TAU as Israel’s academic leader in social responsibility and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), both at home and abroad.
What’s in it for donors?
- Simply: Will advance the basic Jewish value of tzedaka (charity).
- Will directly benefit specific causes or groups that a donor passionately supports: children, at-risk youth, disabled, elderly, new immigrants, women, peace groups, etc.
- Will pull underrepresented groups in Israel into the cycle of elite higher education, innovation and economic mobility.
- Will instill in TAU students – Israel’s future leaders – active social commitment and a drive for social justice.
Current Statistics
- TAU students performed 30,000 community work hours over the past year.
- In recent years, TAU boosted the number of Israeli Arab students from 8-9% of the total undergraduate student body to 16%.
- Ethiopian Israeli student enrollment at TAU rose by 300% since the mid-2000s.
- Approximately 1,800 students with special needs are enrolled in units across the TAU campus.
- TAU’s ‘Trailblazers’ program for integrating ultra-Orthodox students into academia has grown from two students in 2016 to over 150, with 2021 enrolment doubling last year’s figures.
Latest Developments:
- TAU became the first Israeli university to establish a Commission for Equality and Diversity.
- The Faculties of Exact Sciences and Medicine launched mentoring programs aimed at helping young women students and researchers advance in male-dominated STEM fields under the guidance of senior female scientists.
- Eight legal clinics continue to work tirelessly to realize and protect the rights of Israel’s most vulnerable populations, including even animals. Some 150 students and 20 staff members operate the clinics.
- Through TAU Impact, 1,200 students are currently enrolled in 60 courses in which they interact directly with members of the community, gaining valuable professional and social leadership experience. Since the program’s launch, some 60,000 Israelis have benefited from the students’ community service.
Donor Opportunities