Innovation Day 2017 - Argentinean style

Argentinean Friends host 3rd annual gathering of innovators and entrepreneurs
08 August 2017
From left: Raúl Voskoboinik; Prof. Pablo Blinder; Martín Migoya; Roberto Moldavsky; Silvia Torres Carbonell; Ariel Garbarz; Clarisa Estol; and Gerry Garbulsky

With upwards of 900 people in attendance, the Metropolitan Theater in Buenos Aires was abuzz with excitement as the third consecutive Innovation Day got underway. Leading figures in the fields of education, science, technology, as well as some of Argentina’s most successful entrepreneurs, gathered to share their personal and professional experiences, offer insights, advice and inspiration to those dreaming to be among the next generation of innovators and risk-takers.


Argentinean Friends members Federico Orbuch, Diego Umaschi and Pablo Baron opened the event by highlighting the importance of innovation in the modern age and illustrating how TAU has been at the vanguard in almost every field of science and technology. Whether cyber security, neurological disorders, sports science or education, the relentless pursuit of “state-of-the-art” is what drives the University. 


Leading the delegation from TAU was Dr. Pablo Blinder of the Department of Neurobiology of the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and the Sagol School of Neuroscience. He discussed his research into the physiology and structure of the neurovascular interface, both under normal and pathological conditions. Dr. Blinder believes his research can lead to ways of preventing and curing neurodegenerative diseases. 



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