Dr. Sylvie Housiel

French Language Literature
שפה וספרות צרפתית סגל אקדמי זוטר
Dr. Sylvie Housiel
Phone: 03-6405001
Office: Webb - School of Languages, 307

General Informations

Born in France.

BA at Bordeaux University, France ; MA (summa cum laude) at Tel-Aviv University, Department of French Studies;  Ph.D in Cultural Studies and Sciences of Language at Tel-Aviv University, the School of Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities, supervisor : Prof. Ruth Amossy.

Lecturer at Tel-Aviv University since 2004 until now (Main courses on French language, culture and literature – Letters from the front by French soldiers during WW1 – Discourse Analysis and Argumentation). Member of the Research group ADARR at Tel-Aviv University (Discourse Analysis Argumentation and Rhetoric), member of the researchers of the AUF (University Agency of the Francophony, Canada) in cultural and linguistic diversity, member of the RSE (Rhetoric Society of Europe), Member of the CHA (Canadian Historical Association, Canada).

Main publications on the discourses of the French soldiers of WW1 and on war testimonies (2014. Dire la guerre. Le discours épistolaire des combattants français de 14-18, Limoges : Éditions Lambert-Lucas), 380 p.

My current Research focuses on discourses and portraits of women combatants in the IDF.


Current Research and Academic Interests

Academic Interests

French Language, Culture and Literature of the 19th and 20th. Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis. Verbal Identity, behaviors, ideas and concepts through Language (Koselleck R. 1979). Letters from French Soldiers from the front during WW1 and Cultural, Social and Military History of WW1. Gender and Military.


Current Research

Discourses related to military, war and conflict situations in an historical, cultural and social perspective. More specifically, the current Research is on discourses and portraits of women combatants in the IDF.


List of Publications

Books Edited


April 2014. Dire la guerre. Le discours épistolaire des combattants français de 14-18

(Limoges : Éditions Lambert-Lucas), 380 p.




Chapters in Books


December 2012. "Nature Versus War in Letters from the Front, 1914-1918 ", Norris, Nanette (ed.). Words for a Small Planet, Ecocritical Views (New-York: Lexington Books), Chapter 4, pp.75-92.



2009. "Quels contextes pour analyser la correspondance de guerre ? Les lettres des Poilus (1914-1918)", Marion Sandré (ed.). Analyses du discours et contextes, Actes du Ve colloque J.C.Praxiling. Montpellier France, 10 et 11 Mai 2007 (Limoges: Éditions Lambert‑Lucas), pp.105-114.



2007. "La notion de "consentement à la guerre" au prisme des correspondances : intellectuels et ruraux en 1914", Bossis, Mireille & Lucia Bergamasco (eds). Archive épistolaire et Histoire (Paris: Éditions Connaissances et Savoirs), pp. 319-335.



Articles in Refereed Journals


October 2014: "La perception de l’ennemi dans les lettres des combattants français de la Grande Guerre", VARIA, Argumentation et Analyse du discours, no 13.



2008. "Lettres de combattants pendant la Grande Guerre : de la micro à la macro-analyse des correspondances", Amossy, Ruth & Roselyne Koren (eds). Analyse du discours et argumentation, 1 (Tel-Aviv University: ADARR).



Other Publications


Forthcoming : "Lettres de combattants israéliens durant la guerre d'Indépendance", Guerre et correspondance, Peter Lang ed., International Conference, École navale, Base aéronavale de Lanvéoc Poulmic, France.


September 2018. " I poilus del 1915 : emozioni e percezioni alla prova della censura e dell'autocensura ", Fabio Caffarena e Nancy Murzilli (ed). In guerra con le parole. Il primo conflitto mondiale dalle memoria multimediale, Actes du colloque International, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italia, novembre 2015 (Trento, Italia : Fondazione museo storico del trentino), 143-156



April 2016. "La correspondance privée pendant la Grande Guerre", Plateforme 14-18



March 2015. "Portrait des poilus dans les lettres de l’intellectuel Robert Hertz", Mission centenaire 14-18, espace scientifique, société.



September 2012. "Le discours épistolaire de la Grande Guerre : images et témoignages". Villeneuve, Johanne (ed.). L’Expérience de la guerre entre écriture et image, Actes du colloque UQAM (DR-200), Département d’Études littéraires, Montréal Canada, 11et 12 novembre 2010, Invited Guest.



Editing and Proofreading


December 2017. Book Review : Roynette Odile , Siouffi Gilles et Steuckardt Agnès (dir.), La langue sous le feu: mots, textes, discours de la Grande Guerre. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017, 267 pp. 978 2 7535 5312 5 (broché)


2012 : Proofreader (French)  "Le chrétien poète de Sion, in Memoriam Père Marcel-Jacques Dubois", Wolhlman, Avital & Yossef Schwartz (eds.). The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (Jerusalem: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House).

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