Prof. Sara Klein-Braslavy

Emeritus in Hebrew Culture Studies
לימודי התרבות העברית אמריטוס
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Professor Sara Klein-Bralslavy is Professor Emerita of Jewish Philosophy at the department of Hebrew Culture Studies, Tel-Aviv University.

Areas of Specialization

History of Medieval Jewish Philosophy; Bible and Midrash Interpretations; Maimonides' and Gersonides's thought; Methods of inquiry.

Fields of Interest

  Medieval Jewish Philosophy; Greek Philosophy; Arabic Theology and Philosophy; Methods of Inquiry; Methods of Interpretation; Bible and Midrash Interpretations; Philosophy of Religion.



1.  Maimonides' Interpretation of the Story of  Creation, (Jerusalem: The Bible Association, 1978;  2end edition with corrections and additions, Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1987). (Hebrew). Available for online reading at

2. Maimonides' Interpretation of the Adam Stories in Genesis - A Study in Maimonides' Anthropology, Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1986 ). ‬(Hebrew). Available for online reading at

3. King Solomon and Philosophical Esotericism in the Thought of Maimonides, Jerusalem: Magnes 1996 (reprinted 2008). (Hebrew)

4. "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowedge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011).

5. Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot", 2011)

6. Gersonides’ Interpretation of the Stories of the Creation of Man and the Story of the Garden of Eden (Hebrew)  in press


7.   Les  méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques, C. Sirat, S. Klein-Braslavy et O. Weijers, eds., (Paris: Vrin, 2003).

8. Tribute to Michael – Studies in Jewish and Muslim Thought Presented to Professor Michael Schwarz, Sara Klein-Braslavy, Binyamin Abrahamov and Joseph Sadan, eds., (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, The Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities, The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, 2009). (Hebrew and English).


9. “The Reality of Time and the Primordial Period in Medieval Jewish Philosophy,” Tarbiz XLV (1975-1976), pp. 106-127 (Hebrew)

10.   “Vérité prophétique et vérité philosophique chez Nissim de Gérone; une interprétation du Récit de la Création et du Récit du Char,” Revue des Etudes Juives,  cxxxiv (1975), pp. 75-99.

11. “The Gathering at Mount Sinai in the Thought of  R. Nissim ben Reuben Gerondi,” Sinai, 80 (1977),pp. 26-37.  (Hebrew).

12. a. “A chapter in Maimonides’ Biblical Interpretation – The Interpretation of the Story of the Second day of Creation,” in:  Sefer Jeshayahu Leibovitz, A. Kasher and J. Levinger, eds., (Tel Aviv: Papirus, Tel Aviv University), pp. 192-221. (Hebrew). 

12.b.  A shorter revised version  “A chapter in Maimonides’ Biblical Exegesis – The Interpretation of the Story of the Second day of Creation,” in:  Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press,  series"Emunot", 2011), pp. 21-50. (English).

13. “The Influence of R. Nissim Gerondi on Crescas' and Albo's ‘Principles of Faith’,” Eshel Beer-Sheva - Studies in Jewish Thought, II (1980), pp. 177-197.  ‮‬(Hebrew).

14”Gan Eden et Gehinom dans le système de Hasdai Crescas,” Hommage à George Vajda, (Louvain, 1980), pp. 263-278.  

15a.  “The Creation of Man and the Story of the Garden of Eden in the Thought of Abraham Bar Hiyya,” Professor Israel Efros - Poet and Philosopher, I. Orpaz, N. Govrin, A. Kasher B.Y. Michali, Z. Malachi, eds., (Tel-Aviv University, 1981), pp. 203-229. (Hebrew).

15.b. A revised version  in:   Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot",  2011), pp. 221-272. (English).

16. “’The Creation of  "Woman” According to Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed,” Dr Ben Jehudah Book, (Tel-Aviv, 1981), pp. 508-516. (Hebrew).

17. “Identification of Nahash and Samael in the Guide of the Perplexed,” Da'at - A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 10 (1983), pp. 9-18. (Hebrew).

18.  “Maimonides' Interpretation of the Verb Bara'and the Creation of the World,"  Da'at - A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah  16 (1986), pp. 39-55.  (Hebrew).

19.a.  “The Creation of the World and Maimonides' Interpretation of Gen. i-v, ” Maimonides and Philosophy, S. Pines and Y. Yovel, eds., (Nijhoff—Dordrecht, 1986), pp. 65-78.

19.b. Reprinted in:  Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot",  2011), pp. 71-86.

20.a.  “Maimonides' Interpretation of Jacob's Dream of the Ladder,” Annual of Bar-Ilan University, Studies in Judaica and Humanities, Moshe Schwarcz Memorial Volume, XXII-XXIII(1987), pp. 329-349.  (Hebrew).

20.b.. A revised and corrected version  in:  Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot",  2011), pp. 89-123. (English).

21a.   “Gersonides on Determinism,Contingency, Choice and Foreknowledge,”  Da'at - A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah  22(1989), pp. 5-53. (werbeH) 

21.b. A revised version  “Determinism, Contingency, Free Choice, and Foreknowledge in Gersonides,” in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011), pp. 221-296. (English)

22.  “Maimonides' Interpretations of Proverbs 1:6,” 'Alei Shefer, Studies in the Literature of Jewish Thought presented to Rabbi Dr, Alexandre Safran, M. Hallamish, ed.,  (Ramt Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 1990), pp. 120-132.  (Hebrew).

23.a.  “King Solomon and Metaphysical Esotericism according to Maimonides”, Maimonidean Studies, 1 (1990), pp. 57-86.

23.b. Reprinted in:  Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot",  2011), pp. 163-194.

24.“Solomons' ‘Prophecy’ in the Works of Maimonides,” Tribute to Sara, Studies in Jewish Philosophy and Kabbala, Presented to Professor Sara O. Heller Wilensky, M. Idel, D. Dimant, S. Rosenberg, eds., (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1994) , pp. 57-81.  (Hebrew).

25.  “Prophecy, Clairvoyance and Dreams and the Concept of  Hitbodedut  in Gersonides' Thought,” Da'at - A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah 39 (1997),  pp. 23-68. (Hebrew).

26.a.  “Gersonides on the Mode of Communicating Knowledge of the Future to the Dreamer  and Clairvoyant”, Perspectives on Jewish Thought and Mysticism , A.L. Ivry, E. R. Wolfson&  A. Arkush, eds., (Amsterdam: Harwood academic publishers, 1998), pp. 171-199.

26.b. A revised version in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011), pp.  297-323.

       27.   “The Flourishing Era of Jewish Exegesis in Spain: The philosophical Exegesis (Solomon Ibn Gabirol, Bahya Ben Joseph, Judah Halevi and Moses Ben Maimon/ Maimonides/ Rambam'),” in: Hebrew Bible / Old  Testament - The History of Its Interpretation, vol. I part2 - The Middle Ages, M. Saebø, ed., (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,2000), pp. 302-320.

28.  The Concept of Magic in R. Solomon b. Abraham Adret (Rashba) and R.  Nissim Gerondi (Ran),”  in: Encuentros and Desencuentros  Spanish Jewish Cultural Interaction Through History The Howard Gilman International Symposia Harvard Salamanca Tel Aviv,  C. C. Parrondo, M. Dascal, F. M. Villanueva and A.S. Badillos, eds., (Tel Aviv University Publishing Projects, 2000), pp. 105-129.

29.a.  “The Opinions that Give Rise to the Aporias in Gersonides' Wars of the Lord," Me'ah She’arim - Studies in Medieval Jewish Spiritual life in Memory of Isadore Twersky, E. Fleishcer, G. Blidstein. C. Horowitz and B. Septimus, eds., (Jerusalem, 2001), pp. 317-340. (Hebrew).

29.b. A revised version reprinted as "The Opinions that Produce the Aporias in the Wars of the Lord," in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011), pp. 13-43 . (English)

30.a.   “Gersonide commentateur d'Averroès,”  in:  Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques,  C. Sirat, S. Klein-Braslavy et O.Weijers, eds., (Paris: Vrin, 2003), pp. 59-90.

30.b. A revised version "Gersonides as Commentator on Averroes," in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011), pp. 181-219 . (English)

31  “La méthode diaporématique de Gersonide dans les Guerres du  Seigneur,” in:  Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques,  C. Sirat, S. Klein-Braslavy et O. Weijers, eds., ( Paris: Vrin, 2003), pp. 105-134.  

32. “Structure de trois questions:  Chapitres 1-5 du livre I des Guerres,” in:  Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques,  C. Sirat, S. Klein-Braslavy et O.Weijers, eds., (Paris:Vrin, 2003), pp. 158-169.

33.a.  “Les commentaires bibliques - Les introductions,” in:  Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques, C. Sirat, S. Klein-Braslavy et  O. Weijers, eds.,(Paris: Vrin, 2003), pp. 193-215.

33.b. A revised version "The Introductions to the Bible Commentaries," in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011), pp. 151-179 . (English)

34.  C. Sirat et S. Klein-Braslavy, “Gersonide, homme de son temps,” in:  Les méthodes de travail de Gersonide et le maniement du savoir chez les scolastiques,  C. Sirat, S. Klein-Braslavy et O. Weijers, eds., (Paris: Vrin, 2003), pp. 317-324.     

35.a.  “The Solutions of the Aporias in Gersonides' Wars of the Lord,  Da'at - A Journal of Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah,  50-52 (2003), pp. 499-514.  (Hebrew).

35.b. A revised and expanded version  “The Solutions of the Aporias in the Wars of the Lord, ”  in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011), pp. 45-73 . (English)

36.  G. Freudenthal and S. Klein-Braslavy,  “Maimon Reads Maimonides: On Ambiguous Names,”  Tarbiz, vol. 72  no.4 (2003), pp. 581-613.  (Hebrew).

37.a.  "The Alexandrian Prologue Paradigm in Gersonides' Writings,”  JQR vol  95 no. 2 (spring 2005), pp. 257-289.

37.b. Revised version in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011), pp. 117-150 . 

38. “Bible Commentary,” in: The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides, Ken Seeskin, ed., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,  2005),  pp. 245-272.

39.a. “Maimonides' Exoteric and Esoteric Biblical Interpretations in the Guide of the Perplexed, Study and Knowledge in Jewish Thought, H. Kreisel, ed., (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 2006), pp. 137-164.

(Available as pdf:


39.b Reprinted in:  Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot",  2011),  pp. 195-220

40.  “Gersonides' Methods of Inquiry in the Discussion on the Material Intellect in the Wars of the Lord',” in: M.C. Pacheco, J.F. Meirinhos, eds., Intellectet  imagination dans la PhilosophieMédievale/ Intellect and Imagination in the Medieval Philosophiy/ Intelecto eimaginaçao na Filosofia Medieval Actes du XIe Congrès International dePhilosophie Médievale (S.I.E.P.M), Porto, du 26 au  31 août  2002, (Turnhout: Brepols, 2006), pp. 641-651.

41.a.  “Maimonides' Strategy for Interpreting 'Woman’ in the Guide of the Perplexed,”  in: Ecriture et réécriture des textes philosophiques médiévaux, Volume d'hommage offert à Colette Sirat, J. Hamesse et O. Weijers, eds., (Turrnhout: Brepols, 2006), pp. 291-310.

41.b. Revised version in: Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot",  2011),  pp. 125-143

42.a.  “Dialectic in Gersonides' Commentary on Proverbs,” Tarbiz 75, 3-4 (2006), pp. 467-499. (Hebrew).

42.b. Reprinted in: "Without any Doubt": Gersonides on Method and Knowledge, (Leiden: Brill, series: Supplements to the Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy, 2011),  pp. 73-115. (English)

43.a. "Interpretative Riddles in Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed,Maimonidean Studies 5 (2008), pp. 141-158.

43.b. Reprinted in:  Maimonides as Biblical Interpreter, (Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press, series "Emunot",  2011),  pp. 145-160.

44. “R. Levi ben Abraham of Villefranche’s Interpretation of ‘Adam and Eve’ in the Story of the Garden of Eden – From Maimonides and Beyond,” in: Tribute to Michael – Studies in Jewish and Muslim Thought Presented to Professor Michael Schwarz, Sara Klein-Braslavy, Binyamin Abrahamov and Joseph Sadan eds., (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, The Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities, The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies, 2009), pp. 105-139. (Hebrew)

45. “Gersonides' Use of Aristotle's Meteorology in his Accounts of Some Biblical Miracles,”  Aleph  - Historical  Studies in science & Judaism, 10.2 (2010), pp. 241-313. (available also on line).

46. “Dialectic in Gersonides’ Biblical Commentaries”, in: Studies in the History of Cultureand Science: A Tribute to Gad Freudenthal, R. Fontaine, R. Glasner, R. Leicht and G. Veltri, eds., (Brill,  2011), pp. 303-321.

47. “Gersonides' Interpretation of The Miracle of the Retrograde Shadow Performed for Hezekia (2Kings 20:8–11),”  15thWorld Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, online. (Hebrew).

48 “Introduction to Maimonides’ Eight Chapters,” in: Eight Chapters, Maimonides Introduction to his Commentary on Avot,  translated from Judeo- Arabic into modern Hebrew by Michael Schwarz, with an introduction by Sara Klein-Braslavy,  (Jeruslaem: Makhon Ben Zevi  2011), pp. 8-28 (Hebrew)

49.  “Aristotle's Concept of Chance as an Investigative Tool in Gersonides' ‘Wars of the Lord’”, Aleph 12.1  (2012) ((in Honor of Ruth Glasner), pp  65-100.  (available also on line)

          50.  “Gersonides’ Interpretation of the Figure of the Serpent in the Story of the Garden of  Eden,”  (Hebrew). In: Myth, Ritual  and Mysticism, Studies in honor of  Professor Ithamar Gruenwald , G.Bohak,,                R. Margolin, I  Rosen-Zvi  eds.  pp,  31-72, Te'uda XXVI, Tel Aviv University 2014

         51. "Gersonides’ Theory of Miracles: Determinism and Free Choice, "The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy  (Forthcoming )        

          52. ‘The application of Aristotle’s Concept of Chance in Gersonides’ Biblical Interpretations", Aleph   (Forthcoming )


. 35   Review on: C. Touati, La pensée philosophique et théologique de Gersonide',  Kirjath Sepher - Bibliographical Quarterly of the Jewish National and University Library, vol. L (1974), pp. 146-148.

54  “G. Vajda,” Encyclopedia  Hebraica, Supplementary volume no. 3, (1995), p. 365.



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