Nir Sade is a senior lecturer in the School of plant science and food security since 2019. He was trained as an undergrad in plant science at the faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew university of Jerusalem. He received a masters and a PhD in plant science from the faculty of agriculture, the Hebrew university of Jerusalem.
Dr. Nir Sade

Period | Degree | Institute | Faculty/Department |
2002 - 2005 | B.Sc.Agr. CUM LAUDE. | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel | The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture,Food and Environment. Major: Plant Sciences |
2005 - 2008 | M.Sc. Agr. SUMMA CUM LAUDE. | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel | Dept. of Plant Genetics, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment |
2008 - 2014 | Ph.D. | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel | Department of Plant Genetics, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment |
Period | Rank/Function | School/Department | Institute |
2014 – 2018 | Post-Doctoral Fellow | Department of Plant Sciences | University of California, Davis, CA, USA |
2019 - present | Assistant Professor | Department of Plant Sciences | Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel |
Other Appointments and Awards
Year | Award/Appointment |
2003-2004 | Dean’s List, Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2007 | International Bard Workshop - Travel scholarship |
2009 | Ph.D. Excellency Award. The Professor Rafael Frankel Foundation |
2009-2011 | The Robert H. Smith Prize for Excellence in Agriculture |
2010 | United States - Israel Bi-National Science Foundation (BSF) travel grant for young scientists. |
2010 | International Bard Workshop - stipend for chosen students |
2010 | European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Short-Term Fellowship |
2010 | Aharon Katzir Student Travel Fellowship |
2010 | “The whole Organism” Scholarship for Excellence, Faculty of Agriculture |
2012 | The Robert. H Smith “Vision Prize” in Agriculture, Food and Environment |
2012 | The Otto Warburg Minerva Center for Agricultural Biotechnology Scholarship |
2012 | Ellis and Alma Birk Prize for Excellence Work in Agriculture |
2012 | Faculty of Agriculture student open day prize for excellence |
2013 | International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology (IWPMB2013) Travel Scholarship |
2013 | Hebrew University Prize for Excellence in Teaching |
2014 | Binational Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Post-Doctoral Fellowship |
2014 | Top Author Project - American Society of Plant Biologists, chosen as one of most highly cited authors in ASPB journals from 2009-2013 in Middle East and Africa region |
Research Interests
Abiotic stresses cause loses of between 20–70% in agricultural production worldwide. Drought, heat, cold, nutrient deficiency, and excess of salt or toxic metals are major environmental factors limiting plant productivity and affecting food quality in agriculture. Our lab research is focused on understanding the mechanism of crops adaptation to abiotic stress. More specifically, we study the effect of abiotic stress on important agricultural traits such as water movement and carbon/nitrogen allocation.
Recent Publications
Atara Gal, Elisha Hendel, Zvika Peleg, Nimord Schwartz and Nir Sade (2020) Measuring the Hydraulic Conductivity of Grass Root Systems. Current Protocols Plant Biology (2):e20110
David Toubiana*, Nir Sade*, Lifeng Liu, Maria del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Yariv Brotman, Urszula Luzarowska, Rami Puzis, John P.Vogel and Eduardo Blumwald (2020) Correlation-based network analysis combined with machine learning techniques identifies metabolic pathways for cold adaption in Brachypodium sylvaticum. Scientific Reports 10(1):4489. *Equal contribution
Nir Sade and Zvika Peleg (2020) Future challenges for global food security under climate change. Plant Science (In press).
Dagan Sade, Nir Sade, Yariv Brotman and Henryk Czosnek (2020) Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-resistant tomatoes share molecular mechanisms sustaining resistance with their wild genitor Solanum habrochaites but not with TYLCV-susceptible tomatoes. Plant Science (In press).
Kamolchanok Umnajkitikorn, Nir Sade, Maria del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Matthew E. Gilbert and Eduardo Blumwald (2019) Silencing of OsCV (CHLOROPLAST VESICULATION) Maintained Photorespiration and N-assimilation via peroxisome turnover in Rice Plants Grown under Elevated CO2. Plant Cell and Environment 43(4):920-933.
David Toubiana, Rami Puzis, Lingling Wen, Noga Sikron, Assylay Kurmanbayeva, Aigerim Soltabayeva, Maria del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Nir Sade, Aaron Fait, Moshe Sagi, Eduardo Blumwald, and Yuval Elovici (2019) Combined network analysis and machine learning allows the prediction of metabolic pathways from tomato metabolomics data. Communication Biology 18(2): 214.
Macarena Farcuh, David Toubiana, Nir Sade, Rosa M.Rivero , Adi Doron-Faigenboim, Eiji Nambara, Avi Sadka, Eduardo Blumwald (2019) Hormone balance in a climacteric plum fruit and its non-climacteric bud mutant during ripening. Plant Science 280:51-65.
Yigal Achmon, Nir Sade, María del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Jesus D. Fernández-Bayo; Duff R. Harrold; James J. Stapleton; Jean S. Vander Gheynst; Eduardo Blumwald; Christopher W. Simmons (2018) The effects of short-term biosolarization using mature compost and industrial tomato waste amendments on the generation and persistence of biocidal soil conditions and subsequent tomato growth. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 6;66(22):5451-5461.
Nir Sade, Maria del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Xiaojuan Ke, Yariv Brotman ,Matthew Wright, Imran Khan, Wagner De Souza, Elias Bassil, Christian M. Tobias , Roger Thilmony , John P.Vogel and Eduardo Blumwald (2018). Salt tolerance of two perennial grass Brachypodium sylvaticum accessions. Plant Molecular Biology. 96(3):305-314.
Nir Sade, Kamolchanok Umnajkitikorn, María del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Matthew Wright, Songhu Wang and Eduardo Blumwald (2017) Delaying chloroplast turnover increases water-deficit stress tolerance through the enhancement of nitrogen assimilation in rice. Journal Of Experimental Botany 69 (4): 867–878.
Gilor Kelly *, Nir Sade *, Adi Doron-Faigenboim, Stephen Lerner, Arava Shatil Cohen,Yelena Yeselson, Aiman Egbaria, Jayaram Kottapalli, Arthur Schaffer, Menachem Moshelion and David Granot (2017) Sugar and hexokinase suppress expression of PIP aquaporins and reduce leaf hydraulics that preserves leaf water potential. The Plant Journal 91(2):325-339 *Equal contribution
Nir Sade and Menachem Moshelion (2017). Plant aquaporins and abiotic stress. In Plant Aquaporins eds. Tyerman S and Chaumont F. Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Nir Sade, Rubio María del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Kamolchanok Umnajkitikorn and Eduardo Blumwald (2017) Plant stress-induced senescence and strategies to improve stress tolerance. Journal Of Experimental Botany 96(3):305-314
Prasenjit Saha*, Nir Sade*, Ahmad Arzani, María del Mar Rubio Wilhelmi, Kevin Coe, Bosheng Li and Eduardo Blumwald (2016) Effects of abiotic stress on physiological plasticity and water use of Setaria viridis (L.) Plant Science 251:128-38. *Equal contribution
Nir Sade, Arava Shatil-Choen and Menachem Moshelion (2015) Bundle-sheath aquaporins play a role in controlling Arabidopsis leaf hydraulic conductivity. Plant Signalling and Behavior 4;10(5):e1017177.
Nir Sade, Eyal Galkin and Menachem Moshelion (2015). Measuring Arabidopsis, tomato and barley leaf relative water content (RWC). Bio-protocol 5(8): e1451.
Gilor Kelly, Nir Sade, Ziv Attia, Francesca Secchi , Maciej Zwieniecki , N. Michele Holbrook, Asher Levi, Victor Alchanatis,Menachem Moshelion and David Granot (2014) Relationship between Hexokinase and the Aquaporin PIP1 in the Regulation of Photosynthesis and Plant Growth .PLOS ONE. 9(2):e87888.
Nir Sade and Menachem Moshelion (2014) The Dynamic Isohydric-anishohydric behavior of plants upon fruit development: Taking a risk for the next generation. Tree Physiology. 34(11):1199-202.
Dagan Sade *, Nir Sade *, Oz Shriki, Stephen Lerner, Alem Gebremedhim, Asaf Karavani, Yariv Brotman, Sonia Osorio, Alisdair R. Fernie, Lothar Willmitzer, Henryk Czosnek and Menachem Moshelion (2014) Water Balance, Hormone Homeostasis, and Sugar Signaling Are All Involved in Tomato Resistance to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus. Plant Physiology. 165(4):1684-1697. *Equal contribution
Nir Sade, Arava Shatil-Choen, Ziv Atia ,Christophe Maurel ,Yan Boursiac, Gilor Kelly, David Granot, Adi Yaaran and Menachem Moshelion (2014) The role of plasma membrane aquaporins in regulating the bundle sheath-mesophyll continuum and leaf hydraulics. Plant Physiology. 166(3):1609-20.
Nir Sade, Alexander Gallé , Jaume Flexas, Stephen lerner ,Gadi Peleg, Adi Yaaran and Menachem Moshelion (2014) Differential tissue specific expression of NtAQP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana reveals its role in stomatal and mesophyll conductance to CO2 under control and salt stress conditions. Planta. 239(2):357-66.
Gilor Kelly, Rakefet David-Schwartz, Nir Sade, Menachem Moshelion, Asher Levi, Victor Alchanatis, and David Granot (2012) The Pitfalls of Transgenic Selection and New Roles of AtHXK1: A High Level of AtHXK1 Expression Uncouples Hexokinase1-Dependent Sugar Signaling from Exogenous Sugar. Plant Physiology 159(1): 47-51.
Nir Sade, Alem Gebremedhin and Menachem Moshelion (2012) Risk taking plants:the anisohydric plant behavior, as a stress resistance trait. Plant Signalling and Behavior. 7(7):767-770.
Nir Sade, Michaele Gebretsadik, Ron Seligmann, Amnon Schwartz, Rony Wallach and Menachem Moshelion. (2010) The role of tobacco aquaporin 1 in improving transpiration-use efficiency, hydraulic conductivity and yield production under drought and salt stresses. Plant Physiology 152(1): 245-254.
Nir Sade, Basia J. Vinocur, Alex Diber, Arava Shatil, Gil Ronen, Hagit Nissan, Rony Wallach Hagai Karchi and Menachem Moshelion. (2009) Improving plant stress tolerance and yield production: is the tonoplast aquaporin SlTIP2;2 a key to isohydric to anisohydric conversion? New Phytologist 181: 651-661.