Mickey Zar holds a B.A. in Linguistics (2002, cum laude), and Literature (2002, summa cum laude), an LL.B. (2009), LL.M. (2014, cum laude) and Ph.D. (2018) in law, all from Tel Aviv University. Her dissertation, 'Plenty to Hide': Resistance to Surveillance as a Political Action was written under the supervision of Prof. Michael Birnhack. Her research revolves around the challenge of linking the concept of the political with the concepts of privacy and individuality that are usually associated with the private arena, and therefore not sufficiently recognized as political concepts.
Dr. Mickey Zar
Faculty of Law
מנהלת הפקולטה למשפטים
עובד מחקר
Email: mickeyza@post.tau.ac.il
Research Interests
Privacy, Law & Technology, Jurisprudence, Hermeneutics, Philosophy of Language, hackers and gamers Culture.