Prof. Arnon Gutfeld

Emeritus in Department of History
חוג להסטוריה כללית אמריטוס
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Prof. Arnon Gutfeld
Phone: 03-6405492
Fax: 03-6406229
Office: Gilman-humanities, 465





Name: Arnon Gutfeld

Address: (home) 5 Brazil Street

                              Ramat-Aviv 69460, Israel

                              Tel:  972-3-6428412

                               Fax: 972-3-6422412


                    (work) Department of History

                               Tel-Aviv University

                               Ramat-Aviv 69978, Israel

                               Tel:   972-3-6407998

                                Fax: 972-3-6406229.




 1971 University of California, Los Angeles. Ph.D. in American History.

 1967 University of Montana. M.A. in History.

 1965 University of Montana. B.A in History.


Languages: Fluent in English, German and Hebrew (written and spoken).



2012-present Chairperson. Department of Political Science. Yezreel Valley                   

         Academic College.

2008 – Professor (Emeritus), Tel-Aviv University

2005- present Tel-Aviv University. Full Professor of American History

1995- 2005 Tel-Aviv University. Associate Professor

2002 Venice International University. Visiting Professor

2001- 2011- Adjunct Professor, School of Government and School of Law,                                                                                                                           

                     Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya.

1972-1995 Tel-Aviv University. Senior Lecturer.

1984-1985 University of Manitoba. Visiting Professor

1979 summer- University of Florida. Visiting Associate Professor.

1976 -1978 University of Florida. Visiting Associate Professor

1974-76 Tel-Aviv University. Head, Special Programs Division

1972-76 Tel-Aviv University. Head, Overseas Students Program





1970 UCLA Chancellor Merit Award for Exceptional Teaching

1984-85 Canada-Israel Foundation for Educational Exchange, Visiting Professorship at University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada





With Bernard Reich, The United States and the Israel-Arab Conflict, Tel-Aviv: Maarachot (Hebrew), 1975.


Montana’s Agony: Years of War and Hysteria 1917-1921, Gainesville, FL, University Presses of Florida, 1979.


The American Experience: Essays in American History and Culture, (ed). Tel-Aviv: The Aranne Graduate School of History, Tel Aviv-University and Zmora Bitan Publishers, (Hebrew), 1986


From Colonies to Civil War: American History to 1861, Tel-Aviv: Maarachot (Hebrew), 1986.


The Road to Revolution and Independence: the Growth of the Constitutional Idea in America, 1763-1776, Tel-Aviv: The Aranne Graduate School of History, Tel-Aviv University (Hebrew), 1987.


The Beginnings of a Nation: The Implementation of the Constitutional Idea in the United States, 1776-1800, Tel-Aviv: The Aranne Graduate School of History, Tel- Aviv University and Papyrus Publishing House at Tel-Aviv University, (Hebrew), 1989.


From Civil War to Cold War: Interpretations in Modern American History, Tel-Aviv: Maarachot  (Hebrew), 1989.


American Democracy: The Real, The Imagined and the False, (ed.). Ganei Aviv-Lod, Israel: The Aranne Graduate School of History, Tel-Aviv University and Zmora-Bitan Publishers, (Hebrew), 2002. 


American Exceptionalism: The Effects of  Plenty on the American Experience, Brighton, UK and Portland, OR: Sussex Academic Press, 2002.


Gateways to the American Experience. Tel-Aviv: Ramot Publishing House at Tel- Aviv University, (Hebrew), 2006.


Genocide in the 'Land of the Free': The Indians of North America 1776-1890. Raanana, Israel: The Open University of Israel, (Hebrew), 2006.



Treasure State Justice: Judge George M. Bourquin Defender of the Rule of Law. Lubbock, TX :Texas Tech University Press, 2014.



Genocide in the 'Land of the Free': The Indians of North America 1776- 1890. Tel- Aviv, The Open University of Israel and Contendo deSmerik Publishers, 2014. [Expanded and up-dated English version of the 2006 Hebrew version].



The Ves Hall Case, Judge Bourquin and the Sedition Act of  1918,” Pacific Historical Review, XXXVII, (May 1968), 163-178.


The Speculator Disaster in 1917, Labor Resurgence at Butte, Montana," Arizona and the West, XI (Spring, 1969), 27-38.


The Levine Affair : A Case Study in Academic Freedom," Pacific Historical Review, XXXIX, (February, 1970), 19-37.


The Murder of  Frank Little : Radical Labor Agitation in Butte, Montana, 1917,” Labor History, X (Spring, 1969), 177-192. Reprinted in Michael Malone and Richard Roeder (eds.), Montana’s Past: Selected Essays, Missoula MT., University of Montana Press, 370-391, 1973.


A Russian Jew Named Levine," in Lloyd Gartner,(ed.) Michael, Vol.14, Tel-Aviv University Publication in Jewish History, 211-225, 1974.


U.S. Policy in the Middle East,” in Avigdor Levy (ed.) The Middle East: Risks and Opportunities, 25-37, Tel-Aviv: Straris, Israel Institute of Strategic Studies and Policy Analysis, 1975.


The American Cowboy and the Frontier - Myth and Reality,” Zmanim, (Tel-Aviv University Graduate School Historical Quarterly), IV, No.16, (Hebrew), Autumn 1984, 58-69.


One Hundred Years of Organized Labor in the U.S. from Exclusion to Partnership," in Arnon Gutfeld (ed.) The American Experience, Essays in American History and Culture, Tel-Aviv: The Aranne Graduate School of History and Zmora Bitan (Hebrew), 1986, 120-142.


Democracy in Crisis : Sedition and Agitation in the United States During World War I," Zmanim, No.24, (Hebrew), Winter 1987, 20-31.


The Separation of Powers Concept and the Marbury v. Madison Case and their Significance to American Democracy,” Zmanim, No. 26, (Hebrew), Summer 1987, 62-71.


“Xenophobia and Nativism in Post Civil War U.S.," in Zvi Rosen and Zvi Tauber (eds.), Violence and Tolerance, Tel-Aviv: Papyrus, 1989, 55-66.


The Sacco-Vanzetti Affair: A Reappraisal," Zmanim, No.36, (Hebrew), Winter 1990, 62-69.


George Bourquin: A Montana Judge’s Stand Against 'Government Despotism,'" Western Legal History, Vol. VI, Winter/Spring 1993, 51-68.


The Lady Said 'No': Jeannette Rankin’s Pacifism,” Zmanim, No.46-47, Winter 1993, (Hebrew), 160-171.


History and Justice in Indian Law : An Analysis of Scheer v. Moody," in European Review of Native American Studies, VIII (1994), 31-34.


Eagle Against the Sun at Home : Japanese-American Detention Camps in the U.S. during World War II," Zmanim, No.52, (Hebrew), Spring 1995, 67-79.


 “The Deprivation of Indian Sovereignty, 1776-1871,” The Israel Yearbook on Human Rights XXV ( 1995 ), 169-192.


Stark, Staring, Raving Mad : An Analysis of a World War I Impeachment Trial," Yearbook of German American Studies, XXX  (1995), 57-72.


Western Justice and the Rule of Law; Bourquin on Loyalty, the Red Scare, and Indians," Pacific Historical Review,  LXV (1996), 85-106.


The Brown v. Topeka Board of Education Decision and its Impact on American History,” in Daniel Gutwein and Menachem Mautner (eds.).Law and History. Jerusalem: Israel Historical Association, 1999, (Hebrew), 231-246.


"'As American as Cherry Pie’: Political Violence as a Persistent Theme in American History,” The Israel Yearbook on Human Rights XXVIII (1998), 121-169.


"Loyalty, Treason and Sedition in the United States During Crisis Times," In Raphael Cohen-Almagor (ed.) Challenges to Democracy: Essays in Honour and Memory of  Isaiah Berlin. London, Ashgate, 2000, 55-76.


"'Purveyors of Injustice': Bourquin on Lawyers and the Legal System,” Tel-Aviv Studies in Law XV (2000), 237-255.


"'We Must Have no Criticism Now' “: Loyalty and Sedition Laws in the United States During and After World War I," Mishpatim (Hebrew), Hebrew University Law Journal XXXI (2000), 193-218.


“On Civil Disobedience and Democracy,” Zmanim (Hebrew) No.71, Summer 2000,



‘Let us Save them now, or we never shall’: Rhetoric and Metaphor in the Cherokee Removal bill Debate," Studies in American Culture (co-author). XXIII  (2000), 1-23. 

"Demonic Images of the Jew in the Nineteenth Century United States,” (co-author) American Jewish History. LXXXIX  (2001), 355 - 381.


“From Evolution to Revolution : The Supreme Court’s Dismantling of Segregation, 1938-1954,” Studies in American Culture XXIV (2001), 99-114.


“Separation of Church and State in the American Supreme Court,” in Nachum Langental and Shuki Friedman (eds.). The Conflict: Church and State in Israel. (Hebrew) Tel-Aviv: Yediot Achronot, 2002, 302-318.


“Back to the Future: Preposterous Prophecies and Accurate Forecasts,” Studies in American Culture. XXV (2002), 27-58


“President Franklin D. Roosevelt vs. The Supreme Court: Court Packing and the Constitutional Revolution of 1937,“ Zmanim (Hebrew) No. 82, Summer 2003, 94-101.


" 'This is not…just a little case over bus fares.'  The Everson Decision: Basis for the Modern Separation of Church and State in the United States," Tarbut Democratit (Democratic Culture) (Hebrew) VII (2003), 73-103.


" Anti Semitism as a Mean for Self – Definition in America," In Dina Porat and Roni Stauber (eds.). Anti Semitism and Terror. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University. The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism, 2003, 109-127.


"'Red Scare' – Emergency American Style," Israel Yearbook on Human Rights XXXIII  (2003), 179-200.


"Church, State, and National Identity in Britain: On the Distance between Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street and Canterbury Cathedral," Tarbut Democratit (Democratic Culture) (Hebrew) VIII (2004), 55-72.


"The Rosenberg Case and the Jewish Issue," Anti Semitism Worldwide 2002/3.

Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University. The Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti Semitism and Racism, 2004, 29-53.


"The Days that Hollywood Discovered Anti Semitism," Kivunim Chadashim (New Directions) (Hebrew) No. 11, Sept. 2004, 144-171


"Anti Semitic Overtones in the Trial of the Rosenbergs; Fifty–Two Years After: The Remaining Unanswered Questions," Kivunim Chadashim (New Directions) (Hebrew) No. 12, July, 2005, 156-179


"To Save the Garden of the Church from the Defilement of Secularism: Roger Williams, the Prophet of Religious Toleration and the Separation of Church and State in the United States," Mikarov: A Journal of Literature and Society (Hebrew) No.15 (2005), 101-115.


"Abraham Lincoln's Crisis Times 'Dictatorship'," Hapraklit Law Review. (Israel's Bar Association Law Review) . (Hebrew) 49 (2007/8), 437 - 462.


"Marbury v. Madison and Its Impact on Israeli Constitutional Law,"  University of  Miami International and Comparative Law Review. XV (Fall 2007), 303- 335.


" 'They Earn like Episcopalians but Vote Like Puerto-Ricans' : The Voting Patterns of American Jewry,"  Kivunim Chadashim (New Directions) (Hebrew). [co-author] no. 20, July-Aug. 2009, 28-49.


"Nostalgia, Protest and Tradition in the 1960s: History as Reflected by 'Bonnie and Clyde'." Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas. XL (November, 2009), 5 – 34.


"The Arab Peace Initiative and the Obama Administration," in Ephraim Lavie (ed). Israel and the Arab Peace Initiative. Tel-Aviv: The Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Studies, 2010, 141 – 159.


"The Concept of 'Decline' in Contemporary American Thought," In Uriya Shavit (ed.). The Decline of the West, the Rise of Islam? Studies on the Civilizational Discourse. Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House Ltd. 2010, 55 - 75.


"From Mixed Constitutions to Checks and Balances: Did the Mediterranean World Influence the Founders of the American Republic," The Journal of  Political Science. XXXVIII, 2010, 25 -51.


"The Growth of Conservatism in the United States, 1945 – 2008," Tarbut Democratit (Democratic Culture) [Hebrew version] Vol. 13 (2011), 61-117.


"Nostalgia, Protest and Tradition in the 1960's: The Grasp of History in the Film Bonnie and Clyde," Zmanim No. 115, Summer, 2011, 56 – 67.


"The Growth of Conservatism in the United States," [Expanded English version] Democratic Culture.  Vol. 13, (2012), 121 -183.


"From 'Nickel Grass' to 'Desert Storm': The Development of US Intervention Capabilities in the Middle East," Politika: A Political Science and International Relations Journal. [The Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem] No. 21, Summer 2012, 34 – 67.


"China's Humanistic Diplomacy towards Israel," Arab World Studies (Shanghai International Studies University, Institute of Middle Eastern Studies) IX, No. 5,

Sept. 2012, 45 – 54.


"From "Nickel Grass' to 'Desert Storm': The Development of US Intervention Capabilities in the Middle East," Middle Eastern Studies.  (London). Vol. 49 n 4 (2013), 623 – 644.


"United States Involvement in the Yom Kippur War," In Yoram Dinstein and Avraham Zohar (eds.) 40 Years After: A Researchers' Perspective on Failures and Achievements in the Yom  Kippur War. Tel-Aviv, Contento deSmerik, 2014, 77 – 106.


"Pluralism and Communities of Cultural Minorities: The Clash between the Principle of the Separation of Church and State and the 'Child Welfare' Doctrine – The Kiryas Joel v. Grumet case and the Question of the Place of Religion in the Educational System," Hapraklit Law Review. (Israel Bar Association Law Review.)  Vol. 53 n 1 (July, 2014), 107-140.


"The Judicial Review Controversy: Marbury v. Madison and Its Manifestations in Israeli Constitutional Revolution,” In Yoram Dinstein (ed.). The Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. 45, (2015), 191 – 215.


" 'A Situation that Needs to Be Manipulated': The American Airlift to Israel During the Yom Kippur War," Middle Eastern Studies (London), vol.52 n 3, March 2016, 419 – 447.


"Israel at the Nuclear Threshold: The Debates in the American Administration, 1968-1969," Iyunim Bitkumat Israel: Studies in Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel. vol. 26, 2016, 7-40.


"Israel Approaches the Nuclear Threshold: The Controversies in the American Administration Surrounding the Israeli Nuclear Bomb 1968 – 1969," Middle Eastern Studies (London), vol.52 n 5, September 2016, 715-736.


" The Limits of the Power of the Israeli Supreme Court: The Marbury v. Madison Case and Its Impact on Israeli Constitutional Law," in Ehud Gordon (ed.). Edmond Levi's Book: A Collection of Articles in Honor of the Late Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levi. Jerusalem: The Harry and Michael Sacher Institute for Legislative Research and Comparative Law at the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Nevo Publishing LTD, 2017, 75 – 94.


"The Discourse on Homeschooling in the United States and Its Lessons for Israel," in Yoram Dinstein (ed.). The Israel Annual of Human Rights. The Hague, Holland: Brill,  vol.47, 2017, 175-220.



"' The Monkey Trial' – 'The Trial of the Century': Darwinism vs. Creationism, Modernism vs. Conservatism, Religion and Belief vs. Science," Studies in Education. (Haifa University). Vol.15-16, June 2017, 69 – 88. 


" From 'Star Wars' to 'Iron Dome': U.S. Support of Israel's Missile Defense Systems," Middle Eastern Studies (London). Vol.53 n 6, November 2017, 934-958.


" The Six Day War from the American Vantage Point," in Avraham Zohar and Pesach Malovany (eds.). The Six Day War Fifty Years After: A Researchers' Perspective on the Six Day War. Tel-Aviv: Israel War Research Institute, 2018, 135 -172.


"The Road to United Nations Resolution 242, " in Avraham Zohar and Pesach Malovany (eds.). The Six Day War Fifty Years After: A Researchers' Perspective on the Six Day War. Tel –Aviv: Israel War Research Institute, 2018, 689 – 710.


"The Saudi Specter over the American Education System," Jewish Political Studies Review. Col.29, No. 1/2, 2018, 66-87.


"The 1981 AWACS Deal and Israel's Challenge," Mideast Security and Policy Studies. No. 157. November 8, 2018, 1-33. Begin-Sadat Center Strategic Studies Reports. [Ramat-Gan, Israel: Bar-Ilan University].


 "Then American Involvement in the Drafting of U.N. Resolution 242 (1967)". In Yoram Dinstein (ed.). The Israel Yearbook of Human Rights. The Hague: Holland: Brill, Vol. 49, 2019, 237-260.


 "The American Policies on Jerusalem". Mentalities/Mentalites. Vol. 34, No. 1, 2020, 1-22.


"U.S. Policy and the Armenian Genocide: The Clash between Idealism and Pragmatism".  The Polish Journal of American Studies. [Yearbook] Vol. 15, Spring, 2021, 17- 40.


" The Fear of Failure and Decline in the American Experience". in The Journal of American and Canadian Studies. No. 39, 2021, 31-52.


Articles Accepted:


"Saudi-Iranian Regional Hegemony Clash: Obama's Policy in the Yemen War". Forthcoming in Shanghai Modern Management Centre (A think tank) [International Relations Section] Journal.


"Cantwell v. Connecticut: A Constitutional Milestone on the Road to Freedom of Religion United States". Forthcoming in The Israel Yearbook of Human Rights. [2022 Volume]






Articles Submitted:


" ' The Lemon Test': A Constitutional Landmark in the Interpretation of the First Amendment of the US Bill of Rights".


" 'The Lady Said 'No': Jeannette Rankin, First Woman in the United States Congress: On the Link between Feminism and Pacifism".


"From Outcast to Partner: On the History of Organized Labor in the

United States". 


" The 1920's, Henry Ford, Jay Gatsby- The Concept of Success  between Past and  Present".  


































































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