Condenced Matter
Azbel Hofstadter 1964; 1976
Registered discoveries:
Cyclotron resonance (with Kaner), 1956
Weakly damped waves (with Kaner and Gantmakher), 1964
Devils Staircase Spectrum, 1964
Condenced Matter
Azbel Hofstadter 1964; 1976
Registered discoveries:
Cyclotron resonance (with Kaner), 1956
Weakly damped waves (with Kaner and Gantmakher), 1964
Devils Staircase Spectrum, 1964
M.Sc., Physicsת Kharkov University, Ukraine, 1953
PhD., Theoretical Physics, Kharkov University, Ukraine, 1955
D.Sc., Theoretical Physics, Institute for Physics Problems, Moscow, 1957
J. and R. Meyerhoff Chair in Solid state
Full professor TAU, 1973
Professor at Moscow State University and Head of Moscow-based Landau Institute of Theoretical Phisics of the USSR Academy of Science
Lomonosov Prize, 1966
Lomonosov Prize, 1968
Landau Prize, Israel, 1989
Humboldt Prize, Germany, 2001