Journal Publications
A. Rabinovich, O. M. Umurhan, N. Harnik, F. Lott and E. Heifetz, “Vorticity inversion and action-at-a-distance instability in stably stratified shear flow”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 670, 301-325, 2011
A. Rabinovich, G. Dagan and T. Miloh, Heat conduction in a semi-infinite medium with a spherical inhomogeneity and time-periodic boundary temperature, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 55, pp. 618-628, 2012
A. Rabinovich, G. Dagan and T. Miloh, Underground heat conduction near a spherical inhomogeneity: theory and applications, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 189, pp. 1521–1535, 2012
A. Rabinovich, G. Dagan and T. Miloh, Boundary effects on effective conductivity of random heterogeneous media with spherical inclusions, Physical Review E, vol. 86, 046601, 2012
A. Rabinovich, G. Dagan and T. Miloh, Dynamic effective properties of heterogeneous geological formations with spherical inclusions under periodic time variations, Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 40, 1–6, 2013
A. Rabinovich, G. Dagan and T. Miloh, Effective conductivity of heterogeneous aquifers in unsteady periodic flow, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 62, 317-326, 2013
A. Rabinovich, A. Ya’akobovitz and S. Krylov, Fringing electrostatic field actuation of micro-plates for open air environment sensing, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, vol. 136, 041013, 2014
G. Dagan and A. Rabinovich, Oscillatory pumping wells in phreatic, compressible and homogeneous aquifers, Water Resources Research, vol. 50, 7058-7066, 2014
A. Rabinovich, Heat conduction in a semi-infinite medium with time-periodic boundary temperature and a circular inhomogeneity, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 87, 146-157, 2015
A. Rabinovich, K. Itthisawatpan and L.J. Durlofsky, Upscaling of CO2 injection into brine with capillary heterogeneity effects, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 134, 60-75, 2015
A. Rabinovich, W. Barrash, M. Cardiff, D.L. Hochstetler, T. Bakhos, G. Dagan and P.K. Kitanidis, Frequency dependent hydraulic properties estimated from oscillatory pumping tests in an unconfined aquifer, Journal of Hydrology, vol. 531, 2-16, 2015
A. Rabinovich, B. Li, and L.J. Durlofsky, Analytical approximations for effective relative permeability in the capillary limit, Water Resources Research, vol. 52(10), 7645-7667, 2016
A. Rabinovich, Estimation of sub-core permeability statistical properties from coreflooding data, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 108, 113-124, 2017
A. Rabinovich, Analytical corrections to core relative permeability for low flow rate simulation, SPE Journal, SPE191127, 2018
Conference Publications
A. Rabinovich, Analytical corrections to core relative permeability for CO2 storage modeling, Carbon Management Technology Conference, July 17-20, Houston TX, USA, 2017