Meet Noam

Age: 24
Rank: Staff Sergeant 
Military role: Operator in the anti-tank reconnaissance division of the 5th brigade stationed in the Southern part of Israel
Studies: Biotechnology 
Calling: Science entrepreneur 


The war of Oct. 7th caught Noam in New York. He arrived in Israel on Oct. 10th straight to a friend’s funeral. Since then, he’s been drafted with his unit to the South of Israel, helping provide field intelligence in and around Gaza. He came back to his studies in the end of January.


“It’s hard. You do your bare minimum to come to school, but your mind isn’t there. The University tries to help as much as it can, but in the end it’s up to me to get myself together.” Noam says he wants to invest all his energy into his degree in order to learn as much as possible before choosing a specialization field. “I want to study, I know that I am a student first, and a soldier second, but the last five months have turned that reality around, and there’s still a lot to unpack.”




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