Letter to TAU students, March 19th

updated: 19.03.2020

Dear Students,


As we are following the instructions of the Ministry of Health, the Corona Virus is furthering us away from one another: We need to keep a two-meter distance between each other, to avoid shaking hands and meet ups, to enter into quarantine, rather than entering our beautiful campus. The key words are alone and far.


Learning from a Distance

We of course keep to the highest standards of discipline and follow all the instructions, and at the same time, Tel Aviv University decided to do everything we can to be here for you and to continue with a study routine, even from afar:


  • Every single instructor stood up to the challenge of teaching with new tools.
  • The computer and pedagogical support units are working day and night to enable your distance learning experience to be successful- this is a mission that the world was yet to deal with until today.
  • In order to learn from you and improve, we have been tracking all your comments and suggestions and implementing immediate solutions where possible. Please feel free to add your take.
  • We'll constantly update the remote studies page with instructions and insights.


Your study departments are in constant communications with you regarding your study advancements but also to help on other matters.


Caring from a Distance

We are aware that on a daily-basis you are, more than ever, coping with unusual challenges and difficulties.


For our international community, the TAU International team is, as always, here for you. Please find all the most updated details on how to get support and best get through this challenging period here. The TAU psychological Center is also available, you can reach out through this email: together2@tauex.tau.ac.il


Libraries from a Distance

All the TAU Libraries are still available for you by email, WhatsApp and of course on the libraries’ websites. They are prepared to help you set long distance connections for access to digital material, to find online articles and books, to supply articles from other libraries, and to use the software for citation management:



  • The Exact Sciences and Engineering Library:
    • Email: sciref@tauex.tau.ac.il, WhatsApp: 050-507-5973
    • Library Website: https://scilib.tau.ac.il/
    • Library Director Anca Badulescu: ancabadu@tauex.tau.ac.il






We Are Keeping You Close from Afar!


Prof. Eyal Zisser

Vice Rector of Tel Aviv University


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