Tel Aviv University is ranked 175th in the 2023 US News ranking

The ranking relies on both quantitative and qualitative academic metrics, alongside evaluations from global and regional peers.

 Tel Aviv University is ranked 175th in the 2023 US News ranking

Tel Aviv University was ranked 175th in the US News university ranking for the year 2022-2023, out of 2165 institutions of higher education worldwide.


The US News ranking is primarily based (75%) on quantitative and qualitative academic metrics, with the remaining 25% being peer assessment from global and regional peers. The quantitative metrics include the number of publications, books, and income (weighted at 15%), with an additional 10% for articles with international co-authors. The remaining 50% is based on qualitative metrics: citations and their impact, the number and proportion of articles in the top 1% most cited articles (10%), and those in the top 1% most cited articles (1%). Tel Aviv University excels in the number of publications (ranked 115), citations (133), the number of citations in the top 1% (150), and the top 10% (ranked 157).


Alongside the overall ranking, rankings were also published in 38 fields. Tel Aviv University is ranked in 35 fields, more than any other Israeli university. In 17 fields, it is ranked first among Israeli universities, and second in 13 others. The notable rankings are:


  • Humanities: 90
  • Exact Sciences: Computer Science 130, Mathematics 124, Physics 112
  • Space: 85
  • Medical: Gastroenterology 57, Infectious Diseases 84, Oncology 81
  • Biomedicine: Immunology 81, Neurology 114, Biology and Biochemistry 81, Optics 96
  • Psychology and Psychiatry: 124


To the full ranking >>

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