Prof. Izhar Oplatka

School of Education
ביה"ס לחינוך סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Izhar Oplatka
Phone: 03-6408845
Office: Sharett - Educational Sciences, 420

General Information


I am professor of educational administration and policy, named also 'educational leadership.' This field of study explores organizational and managerial processes in formal educational organizations, such as schools, colleges and universities and in a wide variety of informal educational institutions. Personally, I am fascinated to know more about the career of teachers and educational leaders, their patterns of emotion regulation, and their performances during crises. Moreover, I am interested in the impact of education reforms on school members and policy-makers and in the epistemological foundations of my field of study.


  1. Emotions in educational organizations.
  2. Educational leadership.
  3. The organizational crisis in educational systems.
  4. Career in teaching and in principalship.
  5. Comparative education.

I teach courses named 'Introduction to Educational Administration,' 'Educational Leadership,' Principalship as an emotional practice,' 'Project Management in Educational Organizations,' and 'Understanding the Workplace.'


1987-1990       Tel Aviv University                Sociology                    BA      1990


1990-1993       The Hebrew University          Educational

Administration            MA      1993


1995-1999       The Hebrew University          Education                    PhD     1999


Title of Master's thesis:              The overt and latent functions of instructional supervision            in Israel.

Name of supervisor:                  Prof. Dan Inbar


Title of Doctoral dissertation:    The phenomenon of women principals’ self-renewal in mid-career.

Name of supervisors:                 Prof. David Bargal, Prof. Dan Inbar

2001 (Feb.) – 2001 (Aug.) 

Southampton University


Visiting Research Fellow





1990 – 1997


High School

Teacher and Head,

Extra-Curricular Activities

1993 – 1999

The Hebrew University


Non-tenured Teacher

1997 – 1999

Achva College


Secretary of Academic Affairs

1997 – 2000

Achva Teacher College

Education Administration


1999 – 2000

Achva  College

Pre-Academic Program

Academic Manager

1999 – 2000

Polytechnic – Rehovot



1999 – 2000

Ben-Gurion University


Non-tenured Teacher

2000 – 2001



Organizational Consultant

2000 – 2004

Ben-Gurion University


Lecturer (tenure track)

2002 – 2004

Ben Gurion University


Chairperson, BA Instruction Committee

2004 - 2008

Ben-Gurion University


Senior Lecturer (tenure track)

2004 - 2008

Ben Gurion University


Head, The Unit for the Promotion of Professionalism in Education (Teacher Training Program)

2007 - 2008

Ben Gurion University


Head, The Program of Administration & Policy in Education

2008 -  2008    Ben Gurion                 Education                    Associate Professor


2008 -  2012    Tel Aviv                      Education                    Associate Professor

                        University                                                       (tenure track)


2008 -  2009    Tel Aviv                      Education                    Head, the Program of

                        University                                                       Management & Leadership

                                                                                                In Education


2009 -  2013    Tel Aviv                      Education                    Head, the Executive program,

                        University                                                       Management & Leadership

                                                                                                In Education

2010 -              Tel Aviv University                Education                    Coordinator, the "Tafnit" program-School of Education collaboration


2012 -2020      Academic counselor (voluntary), Pitchon Lev organization, The Education Division, programs for disadvantaged students.


2012-2015       Coordinator, research and learning staff in the area of teacher and administrator emotion, MOFET Institute, Tel Aviv.


2012-               Tel Aviv University                Education                    Full professor (tenured)

2013-2015       Open University                      Education                    Advisor (non-tenured)

2013-2022       City counsellor, the (political, voluntary) responsible for the local educational system, the municipality of Givatayim, Israel.




2006                School choice in Israel: Lessons for multicutlrual societies

                        The globalization of school choice conference – Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

                        Manuscript: The introduction of school choice reform in Tel Aviv: An attempt to attain a balance between integration and pluralism .

2011                Historical reflections upon the field of educational administration: Some implications for educational leadership in South Africa. (Keynote)

                        Seminar - Leadership, management and governance for sustainable quality education in a social just South African, University of Stellenbosch, SA.

2012                Listening to the voices of Muslim women in education: A viewpoint of a Jewish male researcher.

                        Conference – Edcuated Arab Women in Israel: Empowerment, path-breaking and activism. University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel.

2015                University/college choice: Current trends, critical insights. (Keynote)

                        The 10th International Conference on Quality, Mobility, and Globalization in Higher Edcation: A Comparative Look at the Challenges of Academic Teaching, Sept. 7-9, Ariel University, Israel.

2017                A rejoinder to Prof. J.Warren Little.

International Scientific workshop on teacher learning and teacher performance (funded by ISF), 30/1-2/2/2017, University of Haifa, Israel.

2017                A historical-epistemological analysis of the field of educational administraiton (Keynote).

                        The 12th Internatioanl Congress on Educatioanl  Administration, 11-13 May, Ankara, Turkey.

2017                Educational administration as a contextualized field of study: Implications for principal preparation programs in Chile

                        The annual conference of the Chiliean Center of School Leadership, Santiago, 6 Nov.

2018                To be an effective teacher: Insights into 'star' educational leaders

                        The annual conference of the Israeli Medical Education Society, 21 February, the Medical Center, Nahariya, Israel.  

2020                Educational policy in the era of Covid19: The case in Israel.

International Webinar On “Educational Transformation in the Era of COVID-19 : Challenges and Issues”, 28-30/10. Institute of Professional Studies, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA

2021                Educational policy in the era of Covid19: Some insights and lessons

Educational Dialogue16 on "Emergency Preparedness of Schools", 5/6/21.

                        Education Forum SL, Colombo, Sri-Lanka.


            1993 – The Hebrew University – Excellence in teaching

            1994 – The Hebrew University – Excellence in teaching

            1995 – The Hebrew University – Excellence in teaching

            1996 – The Hebrew University – Excellence in teaching

2008 - ‘Top Twenty Full Text Article’ downloads for 1998-2008 in International Journal of Leadership in Education (women principals' conceptions of job…/with R. Mimon).

2016 - The winner of the MiE Best Paper Award for 2015 (British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society)  for the paper 'An exploration of the notion of the 'good enough school', (with Chris James) published in Management in Education (April 2015, Vol. 29, No 2).

2019'Top Twenty Full Text Article’ downloads for 2017-2018 in Review of Education (The research on educational leadership in Arab…/with K Arar).

2019 – 'Top Twenty Fully Text Article' downloads for 2019 in International Journal of Leadership in Education (An Affective Paradigm for Educational Leadership Theory and Practice/ with C. James and M. Crawford).

2020 – Awards for Excellence. Outstanding Reviewer. International Journal of Educational Management. EMERALD Publisher.

2023 – Author in the top 100,000 scientists by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above in the sub-field (Ioannidis, John P.A. (2023), “October 2023 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"”, Elsevier Data Repository, V6, (doi: 10.17632/btchxktzyw.6).

2015-2018       Deputy mayor, the municipality of Givatayim, Israel.


2014-2019       Head, The Departement of Educational Policy and Administration, School of Education, Tel Aviv University


2019-               Tel Hai College                       Education                    Teacher (non-tenured)


2019-               Beit Berl College                    Education                    Teacher (non-tenured)


2021                Renmin University, China      Summer School           Teacher (non-tenured)


2021                Hemdat Hadarom College      Education                    Teacher (non-tenured)






1.         אופלטקה,י'. (2002). משחיקה להתחדשות: סיפור חייהן של מנהלות בתי ספר. באר שבע: הוצאת הספרים של אוניברסיטת בן גוריון – 211 עמודים. (Oplatka, I. (2002). From burnout to renewal: The life stories of women school principals. Beer Sheva: Ben Gurion University Press (in Hebrew)).


2. Oplatka, I. (2010). The legacy of educational administration: A historical analysis of an academic field. Hamburg: Peter Lang Publisher.

*(This book has been translated to Turkish in 2016 under the title of 'Egitim Yonetimini Mirasi: Akademik Bir Alanin Tarihi Analizi" by APEGEM Akademi, Ankara).

*(This book has been translated to Persian under the title of "تحليل تاريخ مديريت اموزش به عنوان يكك حوزه علمح". طهران: انتشراات اثار معاصر.)


3. אופלטקה, י'. (2012). ניהול בית ספר: מהכשרה ועד פרישה. חיפה: פרדס הוצאה לאור, 137 עמודים. (Oplatka, I. (2012). The principalship: From training to retirement. Haifa: Pardes Publishing Company (in Hebrew).)


4. Somech, A., & Oplatka, I. (2014). Organizational citizenship behavior in schools: Research and practice for improving educational systems worldwide. London: Routledge.


5. Hemsley-Brown, J., & Oplatka, I. (2016). Higher education consumer choice. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.


6. Yemini, M., Oplatka, I. Sagi, N. (2018). Project management in school. Basingstoke: Plagrave-Macmillan.


7. Oplatka, I. (2019). Reforming education in developing countries: From neoliberalism to communitarianism. London: Routledge.


8. Arar, K. & Oplatka, I. (2022). Advanced models of educational leadership. Cham: Springer.


9. Oplatka, I. (2023). Educational leadership in times of crisis: Insights from the lives of great figures in history. Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan.




1.   אופלטקה, י. (2021). שישה ימים אחרונים. הרצליה: מנדלי מוכר ספרים  (Oplatka I. (2021). The last six days. Herzelia: Mendale Mocher Sefarim).



1. אופלטקה, י'. (2007). יסודות מינהל החינוך: ניהול ומנהיגות בארגון החינוכי. חיפה: פרדס הוצאה לאור. (Oplatka, I. (2007). The essentials of educational administration. Haifa: Pardes (in Hebrew))


2. אופלטקה, י'. (2010). יסודות מינהל החינוך: ניהול ומנהיגות בארגון החינוך (מהדורה שנייה ומעודכנת). חיפה: פרדס הוצאה לאור. (Oplatka, I. (2010). The essentials of educational administration. (second edition). Haifa: Pardes (in Hebrew))


3. אופלטקה, י'. (2015). יסודות מינהל החינוך: ניהול ומנהיגות בארגון החינוך (מהדורה שלישית מורחבת). חיפה: פרדס הוצאה לאור. (Oplatka, I. (2015). The essentials of educational administration. (Third extended edition). Haifa: Pardes (in Hebrew))


4 אופלטקה, י'. (2022). יסודות מינהל החינוך: ניהול ומנהיגות בארגון החינוך (מהדורה רביעית). חיפה: פרדס הוצאה לאור. (Oplatka, I. (2022). The essentials of educational administration. (Fourth edition). Haifa: Pardes (in Hebrew))




  1. Oplatka, I. & Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. (Eds.) (2006). Women principals in a multicultural society: New insights into feminist educational leadership. Rotterdam: Sense Publishing Company.


  1. הרץ לזרוביץ, ר' ואופלטקה, י'. (עורכים) (2009). מגדר ואתניות בהשכלה הגבוהה. חיפה: פרדס הוצאה לאור. (Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. & Oplatka, I. (Eds.) (2009). Gender and ethnicity in higher education. Haifa: Pardes Publisher (in Hebrew).)


  1. Oplatka, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (Eds.) (2012). The leadership and management of educational marketing: Research, practice and implications. London: Emerald Group Publishing.


  1. אופלטקה, י. (עורך) (2018). רגשות בהוראה ובניהול בית ספר. תל אביב: מופת הוצאה לאור.

) Oplatka, I. (ed.), 2018. Emotions in teahcing and principalship. Tel Aviv: Mofet Publisher (in Hebrew)).


  1. Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2019). Emotion Management in Teaching and Educational Leadership: A Cultural Perspective. Bingley: EMERALD Publishing Limited.


  1. Showunmi, V., Moorosi, P., Shakeshaft, C., & Oplatka, I. (2022) (eds.). Handbook of gender and educational leadership and management. New York: Bloomsbury.



            (* refers to joint papers with my MA/PhD students)

  • Oplatka, I., Bargal, D., & Inbar, D. (2001). The process of self-renewal among women head teachers in mid-career. Journal of Educational Administration, 39 (1), 77-94.



  • Oplatka, I. (2001). I changed my management style: The cross gender transition of women head teachers in mid-career. School Leadership and Management, 21 (2), 219-23.


  • Oplatka, I. (2001). Types of difficulties in the induction stage: Retrospective voices of women principals. Planning and Changing, 32 (1/2), 1-12.



  • אופלטקה, י'. ברגל ד', וענבר, ד'. (2001). שחיקה והתחדשות בקרב מנהלות בתי ספר באמצע החיים. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 25, 153-182. (Oplatka, I., Bargal, D., & Inbar, D. (2001). Burnout and renewal among women principals in mid-career. Studies in Educational Administration, 25, 153-182. (In Hebrew)).


  • אופלטקה, י'. (2002). תפיסות והתנהגויות שיווקיות של מנהלי בתי ספר על יסודיים: המקרה של העיר תל אביב. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 26, 93-122.

Oplatka, I. (2002). The emergence of educational marketing: lessons from the experiences of Israeli principals. Comparative Education Review, 46 (2), 211-233.



  • Oplatka, I., Hemsley-Brown, J., & Foskett, N.H. (2002). The voice of teachers in marketing their school: personal perspectives in competitive environments. School Leadership and Management, 22 (2), 177-196.


  • מסרים סותרים? דפים, 36, 151-135.: אופלטקה, י'. (2002). מסרים שיווקיים בפרסומות של מ  Oplatka, I. (2002). implicit contradictions in public messages of low-stratified HE institutions: the case of Israeli teacher training colleges. International Journal of Educational Management, 16 (5), 248-256.


  • Oplatka, I., Foskett, N.H., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2002). Educational marketization and the head teacher's psychological well- being: A speculative conceptualization. British Journal of Educational Studies, 50 (4), 419-441.


  • Oplatka, I. (2002). Secondary school brochures: what they tell us about diversity in a local educational arena. Education and Society, 20 (3), 45-60.



  • Assor, A., & Oplatka, I. (2003). Towards a comprehensive conceptual framework for understanding principals’ personal growth. Journal of Educational Administration, 41(5), 471-497.
  • אופלטקה, י'. (2003). לבחור בית ספר: הורים ותלמידים מדווחים על התנסויותיהם בבחירת בית ספר על יסודי באזורי רישום פתוחים. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 27, 62-37.
    • Oplatka, I. (2003). Choosing the high-school in open enrolment areas: Voices of Israeli parents and children. International Journal of Educational Reform, 12, 289-306.


  • Oplatka, I. (2004). The characteristics of the school organisation and the constraints on market ideology in education: An institutional view. Journal of Education Policy, 19 (2), 143-161.
  • Oplatka, I. (2004). Prospective teachers’ constructions of leadership:  In search of an ‘androgynous’ style. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 3 (1), 37-57.





  • Oplatka, I. (2004). Concerns for classroom management in the pre-service stage: some illuminations from Israeli prospective teachers. Curriculum and Teaching, 19 (2), 19-40.


  • Oplatka, I. (2004). The arrival of a new woman principal and teachers’ self-renewal: Reflections from life stories of mid-career teachers. Planning and Changing, 35 (1/2), 55-68.


  • Oplatka, I. (2004). Women teachers’ emotional commitment and involvement: A universal professional feature and educational policy. Education and Society, 22 (2), 23-43.


  • Oplatka, I. (2004). Marketing informal education institutions in Israel: The centrality of customers’ active involvement in service development. International Journal of Educational Management, 18 (7), 417-424.
  • Oplatka, I. (2005). Breaking the routine: Voluntary inter-school transition and women teachers’ self-renewal. Teachers and Teaching, 11 (5), 465-480.
    • אופלטקה, י'. (2008). מעברי קריירה: הזדמנות להתחדשות עצמית של מורות באמצע החיים. דפים, 46, 190-214.


  • Oplatka, I. (2005). Imposed school change and women teachers’ self-renewal: A new insight on successful implementation of changes in schools. School Leadership and Management, 25 (2), 171-190.


  • Hemsley-Brown, J. & Oplatka, I. (2005). Bridging the research-practice gap: Barriers and facilitators to research use among school principals from England and Israel. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 18 (5), 424-446.



  • Hemsley-Brown, J. & Oplatka, I. (2006). Universities in a competitive global marketplace: A systematic review of the literature on higher education marketing. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 19(4), 316-338.


  • אופלטקה, י'. (2007). התנהגות אזרחית בארגון בית הספר: המושג, הגורמים לו ומרכיביו בקרב מורים בבתי ספר יסודיים ועל יסודיים. דפים, 44, 64-35.
    • Oplatka, I. (2006). Going beyond role expectations: Towards an understanding of the determinants and components of teacher organizational citizenship behavior. Educational Administration Quarterly, 42(3), 385-423.


  • Oplatka, I. (2006). Women in educational administration within developing countries: Towards a new international research agenda. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(6), 604-624.


  • *Oplatka, I. Tevel, T. (2006). Liberation and revitalization: The choice and meaning of Higher Education among Israeli female students in mid-life. Adult Education Quarterly, 57(1), 62-84.


  • Oplatka, I. (2007). The place of the ‘open house’ in the school choice process: Insights from Canadian parents, children and teachers. Urban Education, 42(2), 163-184.


  • עטייס, מ'. ואופלטקה, י'. (2007). משמעת וניהול כיתה בבית הספר: הבדלים מגדריים בין מנהלים ומנהלות בתי ספר. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 29, 31-7.

*Oplatka, I. & Atias, M. (2007). Gendered views of managing discipline in school and class. Gender and Education, 19(1), 41-59.

  • *אייזנברג, מ' ואופלטקה, י'. (2008). ההורים, המפקחת והסייעת: מקורות התמיכה של גננות חדשות. עיונים במינהל ובארגון החינוך 30, 252-227.                                               *Oplatka, I. & Eizenberg, M. (2007). The perceived significance of the supervisor, the assistant, and parents for career development and survival of beginning kindergarten teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23, 339-354.


  • Oplatka, I. & J. Hemsley-Brown. (2007). The incorporation of market orientation in the school culture: An essential aspect of school marketing. International Journal of Educational Management, 21(4), 292-305.


  • Oplatka, I. (2007). The scholarship of educational management: Reflections from the 2006 CCEAM conference. International Studies in Educational Administration, 35(1), 92-104.



  • Oplatka, I. (2007). The context and profile of teachers in developing countries in the last decade: A revealing discussion for further investigations. International Journal of Educational Management, 21(6), 476-490.


  • Oplatka, I. (2007). The school principal in late career: An explorative inquiry into career issues and experiences in the pre-retirement working years. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 6, 345-369.


  • Oplatka, I. (2007). The principal's role in marketing the school: Subjective interpretations and potential influences. Planning & Changing, 38(3&4), 209-221.


  • *Oplatka, I. & Mimon R. (2008). Women principals' conceptions of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction: An alternative view? International Journal of Leaderhsip in Education, 11(2), 191-210.


  • Abu-Rabia Quader, S & Oplatka, I. (2008). The power of femininity: Exploring the gender and ethnic experiences of Muslim women who accessed supervisory role in a Bedouin society. Journal of Educational Administration, 46(3), 396-415.



  • אופלטקה, י'. (2008). התפתחות מנהל החינוך כשדה מחקר בישראל: ניתוח תוכן של מאמרים            שהתפרסמו בכתב העת עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך במהלך שלושת העשורים האחרונים. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 30, 9-26.  (Oplatka, I. (2008). The generation of educational management as a field of study in Israel: A content analysis of the papers published in 'issues in educational administration' during the last three decades. Issues in Educational Administration, 30, 9-26. (in Hebrew)).


  • Oplatka, I. (2009). The field of educational administration: An historical overview of scholarly attempts to recognize epistemological identities, meanings and boundaries from 1960s onwards. Journal of Educational Administration, 47(1), 8-35.


  • Oplatka, I. (2009). Learning the principal's future internal career experiences: An assessment of a unique principal preparation programme in Israel. International Journal of Educaitonal Management, 23(2), 129-144.


  • *Oplatka, I. & Tamir, V. (2009). "I don't want to be a school head": Women deputy heads' insightful constructions of career advancement and retention. Educational Management, Leadership & Administration, 37(2), 216-238.


  • אופלטקה, י' וחפר-ענתבי א'. (2009). מנהיגות פדגוגית ומוסרית בבתי הספר של המושבות בגליל בתחילת המאה העשרים: מספר תובנות מתוך כתביו של המנהל יהודה ענתבי. דור לדור, ל"ד, 101-127.. Oplatka, I. & Hefer-Antebi, E. (2009). Instructional and moral leadership in early twentieth century: The story of Yehuda Antebi, a primary school principal in the Galilee. Planning & Changing, 39(3&4), 145-155.


  • Oplatka, I. (2009). Organizational citizenship behavior in teaching: The consequences for teachers, pupils and the school. International Journal of Educational Management, 23(5), 375-389.



  • Oplatka, I. (2009). Marketing the university: The subjective perceptions of Israeli academics of their role in attracting new students to their institution. Journal of Higher Education Management & Policy, 31(3), 207-217.



  • Somech, A. & Oplatka, I. (2009). Coping with school violence through the lens of teachers' role breadth: The impact of participative management and job autonomy. Educational Administration Quarterly, 45(3), 424-449.


  • Oplatka, I. (2009). The emergence of educational administration as a field of study in Africa: Some epistemological thoughts on context, research and scholarly work. South African Journal of Educational Management and Policy, 1(2), 97-107.
  • Oplatka, I., & Tako, E. (2009). Schoolteachers' constructions of the desirable educational leadership: A career-stage perspective. School Leadership & Management, 29(5), 425-444.
  • Oplatka, I. (2009). Educational administration as a contextual-based field: Reflections from the 2008 Commonwealth conference in SA. International Studies in Educational Administration and Policy, 37(3), 3-20.


  • Oplatka, I., & Tubin, D. (2009). The weaknesses and shortcomings of the junior high school in Israel: Some insights into grade configurations of educational systems worldwide. International Journal of Educational Reform, 18(3), 200-221.


  • Hemsley-Brown, J., & Oplatka, I. (2010). Market Orientation in Universities: A comparative study of two national higher education systems. International Journal of Educational Management, 24(3), 204-220.

  • Oplatka, I. (2010). The professoriate in the field of educational administration: Insights from an analysis of journal authors' curriculum. Journal of Educational Administration, 48(3), 392-412.
  • Tubin, D., & Oplatka, I. (2010). Teachers' Perspectives on Forty Years of Reform: The Case of the Israeli Junior High School. Educational Studies, 36(4), 391-402. (IF=0.640)
  • Oplatka, I. (2010). Principals in late career: Towards a conceptualization of principals' tasks and experiences in the pre-retirement period. Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(5), 776-815.

 (אופלטקה, י'. (2013). להיות מנהל בית ספר בתקופה שלפני הפנסיה: הבנת הצרכים של מנהלים בשלב הקריירה המאוחרת, את המשימות העומדות בפניהם. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 33, 75-96).)


  • *שטונדי, ז. ואופלטקה, י'. (2011). זה מעבר לתפקידי: מרכיבי ההתנהגות האזרחית בקרב גננות. דפים, 51, 105-139.;

Oplatka, I., & Stundi, M. (2011). The Components and Determinants of Preschool Teacher Organisational Citizenship Behaviour. International Journal of Educational Management, 25(3), 223-236.


  • Arar, H., & Oplatka, I. (2011). Perceptions of tecaher evaluation and its applications among elementary school principals in the Arab education system in Israel. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 37, 162-169.


  • *Oplatka, I., & Golan, R. (2011). The teacher's extra-role behaviors: Some particular illuminations from a study of the Israeli religious state education system. Religious Education, 106(5), 516-535.


  • . אופלטקה, י'. (2011). חקר המינהל והמדיניות בחינוך: בחינת התפתחותו של תחום דעת אקדמי בתוך מדעי החינוך. עיונים בחינוך, 5, 164-182. (Oplatka, I. (2011). The research on administration and policy in education: Understanding the development of a field of study in education. Issues in Education, 5, 164-182 (in Hebrew).


  • אופלטקה, י'. והרץ לזרוביץ, ר'. (2011). מנהיגות נשים בארגוני חינוך: הייחודיות הישראלית בקונטקסט הבינלאומי. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 32, 51-74. (Oplatka, I., & Hertz Lazarowitz, R. (2011). A feminine leadership in educational organiztaions: The uniqueness of Israel in the international context. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization, 32, 51-74. (in Hebrew)


  • Oplatka, I. (2012). "Fifty years of publication": Ponderings into the lgacies of the Journal of Educational Administration. Journal of Educational Administration, 50(1), 34-56.


  • Oplatka, I. (2012). The 2011 BELMAS conference: New topics, diverse ideas, much more international than before. Management in Education, 26(1), 21-27.



  • Oplatka, I. (2012). Towards a conceptualization of the early career stage of principalship: Current research, idiosyncrasies and future directions. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 15(2), 129-151.


  • Oplatka, I., & Lapidot, O. (2012). Muslim women in graduate studies: Some insights into the accessibility of higher education for minority female students. Studies in Higher Education, 37(3), 327-344.


  • Oplatka, I., & Nupar, I. (2012). The Components and Determinants of School Reputation: Insights from Parents' Voices. Education and Society, 30(1), 37-52.


  • Oplatka, I. (2012). Emotional aspects of extra-role behaviors in prevention education: Some insights from interviews with exceptional teachers and school principals. Teachers and Teaching, 18(6), 717-732.


  • Arar, K.H., & Oplatka, I. (2013). The gender debate and teachers’ constructions of masculinity vs. femininity of the school principals: the Case of Muslim teachers in Israel. School Leadership & Management, 33(1), 97-112.


  • Oplatka, I. (2013). The 2012 CCEAM conference in Cyprus: Some signs of the field's intellectual maturity and global expansion. International Studies in Educational Administration and Policy, 40(3), 3-16.


  • Oplatka, I. (2013). The principal's role in promoting teachers' extra-role behaviors: Some insights from road safety education. Leadership and Policy in school,12(4), 420-439.


  • Arar, K.H., & Oplatka, I. (2014). Muslim and Jewish teachers' conceptions of the male school principal's masculinity: Insights into cultural and social distinctions in principal-teacher relations. Men and Masculinity, 17(1), 22-42.


  • Oplatka, I. (2014). Differentiating the scholarly identity of educational administration: An epistemological comparison of two neighbouring fields of study. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(1), 116-136.


  • Oplatka, I. (2014). Understanding teacher entrepreneurship in the globalized society: Some lessons from self-starter Israeli school teachers in road safety education. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 8(1), 20-33.


  • *Oplatka, I., & Nupar, I. (2014). The intellectual identity of educational administration: Views of Israeli academics. International Journal of Educational Management, 28(5), 546-559.



  • Hemsley-Brown J, Oplatka I. (2015). 'University choice: What do we know, what don’t we know and what do we still need to find out? International Journal of Educational Management, 29 (3), pp. 254-274.


  • Oplatka, I. (2016). The 2014 CCEAM conference in Canada: Field members' concentration around specific areas of study and methodologies. International Studies in Educational Administration and Policy, 43(1), 65-78.


  • Oplatka, I. (2016). Teaching unprivileged students with a soul: Insights into emotional leadership in unprivileged communities. International Studies in Educational Administration and Policy, 43(2), 19-30.



  • Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2016). Leadership for social justice and the characteristics of traditional society: Ponderings on the application of Western-grounded models. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 19(3), 352-369.


  • Arar, K., Haj, I., Abramovitz, R. & Oplatka, I. (2016). Ethical leadership in education and its relation to ethical decision-making: The case of Arab schools leaders in Israel. Journal of Educational Administration, 54(6), 647-660.


  • Lapointe, C., Langlois, L., Valois, P., Aksu, M., Arar, K., Bezzina, C., Johanssson, O., Norberg, K., & Oplatka, I. (2016). A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Ethical Leadership Questionnaire (ELQ), International Studies in Educatioanl Administration, 44(2), 55-76.


  • Oplatka, I. (2016). Educational administration and the relational approach: Can we suffice contextual-based knowledge production? Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 25(2), 41-52.


  • اوبلاتقا,يزهار.(2016). بحث المجال الأكاديمي في "الادارة التربوية" لدى المجتمع العربي في إسرائيل: أهداف وتحديات خاصة؟ الحصاد, 6, 13-27. (oplatka, I. (2016). The field of educational administration in the Arab society in Israel: Unique purpoeses and challenges? AL-Hasad, 6, 13-27. (in Arabic)


  • Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2016). The field of educational administration as an arena of knowledge production: Some implications for Turkish field members. Research in Educational Adminstration and Leadership, 1(2), 161-186.



  • Arar, K., Beycioglu, K. & Oplatka, I. (2017). A Cross-cultural Analysis of educational leadership for social justice in Israel and Turkey: Meanings, Actions and Contexts. Compare: Journal of Comparative Education, 47(2), 192-206.


  • אופלטקה, י (2017). דמות המורה החרדי לבנים בעיניהם של בוגרי מערכת החינוך החרדית ודרכי הוראתו בכיתה. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך. 35, 91-122.
    • (Oplatka, I. (2017). The image of the teacher in the Ultra-Orthodox educational system for boys and his teaching methods: Views of the graduates of this system. Studies in Educational Administration and Organization, 35, 91-122( Hebrew).


  • Oplatka, I. (2017). A call to adopt the concept of responsible leadership in our schools: Some insights from the business literature. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 20(4), 517-524.


  • Oplatka, I. (2017). Empathy regulation among Israeli school principals: Expression and suppression of major emotions in educational leadership. Journal of School Leadership, 27(1), 94-118.


  • Oplatka, I. (2017). Principal Workload: Components, Determinants and Coping Strategies in an Era of Standardization and Accountability. Journal of Educational Administration, 55(5). 552-568.


  • Oplatka, I. (2017). 'I'm so tired and have no time for my family': The consequences of heavy workload in principalship. International Studies in Educatioanl Administration and Policy, 45(2), 21-41.


  • Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2017). The research on educational leadership in the Arab world since the 1990s. A systematic review. Review of Education, 5(3), 267-307.


  • Oplatka, I. (2018). Understanding emotion in educational and service organizations through semi-structured interviews: Some conceptual and practical insights. The Qualitative Report, 23(6), 1347-1363. Retrieved from  


  • *Oplatka, I. & Lapidot, A. (2018). Novice principals' perceptions of their mentoring process in early career stage: The key role of mentor-protégé relations. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 50(3), 204-222.
  • Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2018). Emotion display and suppression among Arab and Jewish assistant principals in Israel: The key role of culture, gender and ethnicity. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 3(3), 173-191.


  • *חמודה, י' ואופלטקה, י. (2019). פרישה מוקדמת בקרב מנהלי בתי ספר ערבים ישראלים: מעשה, חוויות וגורמים. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 36, 35-68.

(Hamuda, Y., Oplatka, I. (2019). Early retirement among Arab school principals in Israel. Issues in Educational Administration and Organization, 36, 35-68. Hebrew).


  • James, C., Crawford, M., & Oplatka, I. (2019). An affective paradigm for educaitonal leadership theory and practice: Connecting affect, actions, power, and influence. International Journal of Leadership in Educaiton, 22(5), 617-628.


  • *Aizenberg, M., & Oplatka, I. (2019). From professional isolation to effective leadership:  Pre-school teachers' strategies of shared leadership and pedagogy. Teachers and Teaching, 25(8), 994-1013.



  • *Oplatka, I & Ben-Or, H. (2020). The arrival of a newly appointed principal and teachers' responses. International Journal of Educational Management, 34(3), 492-504.
  • Oplatka, I. (2020). The practical legacy of the educational administration field: Probing into authors' implications for policy-makers, leaders and trainers. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 23:3, 239-258.



  • *פרידמן, ח'. ואופלטקה, י. (2020) טיפוסי מנהלים דואגים לאחר בקרב מנהלי בתי ספר ממלכתיים יסודיים. דפים, 74, 113-142.
  • (Friedman, E., & Oplatka, I., 2020, Types of caring among elementary school principals in Israel. Dapim, 74, 113-142. Hebrew).  



  • Gumus, S., Arar, K., & Oplatka, I. (2021). Review of International Research on School Leadership for Social Justice, Equity and Diversity. Journal of Educational Adminstration and History, 53(1), 81-99.


  • *Dor-Haim, P. & Oplatka, I. (2021). Feelings of loneliness among school principals: Experiences, causes and copying strategies. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(2), 261-276.


  • Oplatka, I. (2021). Elven pitfalls in qualitative research: Some perils every emerging scholar and doctoral student should be aware of. The Qualitative Report, 26(6), 1881-1890.

The paper has been translated to Turkish – Oplatka, I. (2022). Nitel araştırmadaki on bir tuzak: her yeni akademisyen ve doktora öğrencisinin dikkat etmesi gereken bazı hususlar! (S. Turan & R Cansoy, Çev.). Alanyazın Eğitim Bilimleri Eleştirel İnceleme Dergisi, 3(1), 9-20, https://doi. org/10.46743/2160- 3715/2021.4783



  • *Grossman, S., & Oplatka, I. (2021). Teacher disappointment: Subjective definitions, factors and consequences. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 6(3), 205-220.



  • Oplatka, I. & Crawford, M. (2022). Principal, let’s talk about emotions: Some lessons COVID-19 taught us about emergency situations and leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 25(1), 162-172.


  • *Oplatka, I., & El-Quran, S. (2022). Emotion regulation among Bedouin teachers in Israel: Inherent conflicts between two different cultural systems of emotion rules. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 54(2), 636-653.


  • *Studni, M., & Oplatka, I. (2022). Preschool educational leaders and employee-motivation processes: The role of emotion management. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 25(3), 429-447.

Published also in a Hebrew version - שטודני, מ. ואופלטקה,  י. (2022). להנהיג בגובה העיניים: דרכי הנעת עובדים בגן הילדים בישראל. עיונים במנהל ובארגון החינוך, 37, 169-198.


  • Oplatka, I. (2022). Towards the post-neoliberal era in education: Some speculations about future directions in educational leadership. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 25(4), 664-674.


  • *Oplatka, I. & Elmalak, A. (2022). Emotional closeness and emotional distance among schoolteachers: The case of Arab teachers who teach in Jewish schools. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 7(3), 193-208.


Published also in Hebrew: שלמה, ח' ואופלטקה, י'. (2022). מקומה של ההוראה בחוויית ההסתגלות לפרישה של המורים. חמדעת, י"ד, 1-27)




  • Oplatka I. (2023). Studying negative aspects in educational leadership: The benefits of qualitative methodologies. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 8(3), 549-575.


  • *Oplatka, I. & Vertaimer, R. (2023). "I never display my emotions": Emotion suppression among Ultra-Orthodox female teachers. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 25(3/4), 171-185.


  • Hsieh, Y.J.T., Wilkinson, J., Longmuir, F., Heffernan, A., Fernandes, V., Variyan, G., Sum, N., Bristol, L., & I. Oplatka, (2023). School Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review. Leading and Managing, 29(2), 93-113.


  • Garcia-Carmona, M. & Oplatka, I. (published online). Leading intercultural schools: The role of attentiveness in cultural diverse contexts. International Journal of Leadership in Education.



  1. Oplatka, I. & Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. (2006). Women's leadership in education: A review of the knowledge base. In I. Oplatka & R. Hertz-Lazarowitz. (2006). Women principals in a multicultural society: New insights into feminist educational leadership (pp. 17-32). Rotterdam: Sense Publishing Company.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2006). Equality, autonomy and innovativeness: The life story of secular women principals in Israel. In I. Oplatka & R. Hertz-Lazarowitz. (2006). Women principals in a multicultural society: New insights into feminist educational leadership (pp. 89-102). Rotterdam: Sense Publishing Company.


  1. Oplatka, I (2008). The introduction of controlled school choice in Tel Aviv, Israel: An attempt to attain a balance between integration and pluralism. In, M. Forsey, G. Waldford, & S. Davis (eds.), School choice: An international perspective. London: Symposium Book Publishing.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2009). Mid-career: The proper period for the mentoring of newly appointed principals. In, F. Columbus (ed.), Mentoring: Program development, relations and outcomes. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishing, inc, pp. 51-62.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2009). Successful elements of internship programs for school principals: Some lessons for career development of professional-candidates. In F. Columbus (ed.), Career Development. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishing, inc.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2009). Emotion management and display in teaching: Some ethical and moral considerations in the era of marketization and commericalization. In P. Schutz & M. Zembylas (eds.), Advances in teacher emotion research: The impact on teacher's lives. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 55-72.


  1. אופלטקה, י'. (2010). מחויבות ארגונית כמחויבות רגשית: קולות של מורתו מצליחות באמצע הקריירה. אצל, א' הרצוג וצ' ולדן (עורכות), על גב המורות: כוח ומגדר בחינוך. ירושלים: הוצאת כרמל, עמ' 181-202. (Oplatka, I. (2010). Organizational commitment as emotional commitment: Voices of successful mid-career teacerhs. In E. Hertzog & T. Walden, (eds.), At teacher's expense: Gender and power in Israeli education (pp.181-202). Jerusalem: Karmel (in Hebrew).)


  1. Oplatka, I., & Addi-Racach, A. (2009).  Is 'educational leadership' a national-contextual field of study? Some insights from an analysis of the field's major journals. International Handbook of Educational Leadership (pp. 399-418). London: Emerald Publishing Group.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2009). Women teachers' emotional commitment and involvement: A universal professional feature and educational policy. In J. Zajda & K. Freeman (eds.), Race, ethnicity and gender in education (pp. 195-210). Dordrecht: Springer.


  1. Oplatka, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2010). The globalization and marketisation of higher education: Some insights from the standpoint of institutional theory. In F. Maringe & N. Foskett (eds.), Globalization and internationalization in higher education (pp. 65-82). London: Continuum.


  1. Oplatka, I., & Waite, D. (2010). The new principal preparation program model in Israel: Ponderings about practice-oriented principal training. In A. Normore (ed.). Global perspectives on educational leadership reform: The development and preparation of leaders of learning and learners of leadership and learners of leadership (pp. 47-66). London: Emerald Group Publishing.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). Epilogue: Some reflections about the research on principal succession and rotation in western countries. in R. White (ed.). Principals in Succession: Transfer and Rotation in Educational Administration (pp. 157-168). London & Ontari: Althouse Press.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). The dynamic nature of emotions in educational leadership: Lessons from the career stories of Israeli late-career principals. In C. Day & J. Chi-Kin Lee (eds.), New understanding of teacher's work (pp. 187-204). Dordrecht: Springer.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2012). The possible consequences of organizational citizenship behaviors in drug and alcohol prevention education: Some insights from Israeli teachers and principals. In I. Duyar & A. Normore (eds.) Discretionary Behavior and Performance in Educational Organizations: The Missing Link in Educational Leadership and Management (pp. 277-297). London: Emerald Group Publishing.


  1. Oplatka, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2012).  The research on school marketing: current issues and furture directions – An updated version.  In I Oplatka & J. Hemsley-Brown (Eds.), The leadership and management of educational marketing: Research, practice and implications (pp. 3-35).  London: Emerald Group Publishing.  


  1. Oplatka, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2012). Forms of market orientation among primary and secondary schoolteachers in Israel.  In I Oplatka & J. Hemsley-Brown (Eds.), The leadership and management of educational marketing: Research, practice and implications (pp.).  London: Emerald Group Publishing.


  1. Hemsley-Brown, J., & Oplatka, I. (2012). Reflections on management and leadership of educational marketing: Looking toward the future. In I Oplatka & J. Hemsley-Brown (Eds.), The leadership and management of educational marketing: Research, practice and implications (pp.267-278).  London: Emerald Group Publishing.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2013). The principalship in developing countries: Contexts, characteristics and realities. In L. Bell & H. Stevenson (eds.), Organizing public education (ch. 41). London: Sage. (Reproduction of my paper published in 2004 in Comparative Education).


  1. Oplatka, I. (2013). The place of 'social justice' in the field of educational administration: An historical overview of emergent area of study. In I. Bogoch & C. Shields (eds.). International Handbook of Social [in]justice and educatoinal leadership (pp. 15-35). Dordrecht: Springer Publishing.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2015). The research on school principals in Israel: varied topics, limited scope. In H. Ärlestig & C. Day. (eds.) A decade of research on principals – cross culture perspectives (pp. 403-420).  Dordrecht: Springer.


  1. Arar, K. & Oplatka, I. (2015). The current research on Arab female educational leaders' career and leadership. In, A.I. Bowers, A.R. Shoho, & A. & B.G. Barnett, (eds.). Challenges and Opportunities of Educational Leadership Research and Practice: The State of the Field and Its Multiple Futures (pp.87-115). Information Age Publishing.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2016). The research on gender in the field of educational management: A journals-based historical overview of an area of study. In K. & J. Hardford (eds.), Gender and leadership: Women achieving against the odds (pp.7-36). Bern: Peter Lang.


  1. Arar, K., Turan, S., Barakat, M. & Oplatka, I. (2016). The chacateristics of educational leadership in the Middle East: A comparative analysis of three nation-states. In, D. Waite & I. Bogotch (eds.), The Wiley International Handbook of Educational Leadership (pp. 355-373). San Francisco: Wiley.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2016). Irresponsible leadership and unethical practices in schools. A conceptual framework of the 'dark side' of educational leadership. In, A.H. Normore & J.S. Brooks (eds.), The dark side of leadership: Identifying and overcoming unethical practice in organization (pp.1-18). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.


  1. אופלטקה, י'. (2016). רפורמות גלובליות בהשכלה הגבוהה: לקחים ומשמעויות למדיניות ומנהל אקדמיים בישראל. אצל, א אדי-רקח וא' כהן (עורכים), דינמיות בהשכלה הגבוהה: אסופת מאמרים לכבודו של פרופסור אברהם יוגב (עמודים, 63-86). תל אביב: היחידה לסוציולוגיה של החינוך והקהילה.   (Oplatka, I. (2016). Global reforms in higher education: Lessons for policy and administration in Israel. In, A. Adi-Racach & O. Cohen (eds.), Dynamics in higher education (pp. 63-86). Tel Aviv: The Unit of Sociology of Education and Community). In Hebrew.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2016). El surgimiento de la gestion educative como campo de estudio en America Latina. In,. In, J. Weinstein (ed.), Liderazgo educativo en la escuela: Nueve miradas (pp. 253-276). Santiago de Chile: Ediciones, Universidad Diego Portales. (Oplatka, I. The emergence of educational administration as a field of study in Latin America: Some thoughts on culture, society and research. Written in English and Translated to Spanish).


  1. Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2017). From social leadership to responsible leadership: Some insights from interviews with Jewish and Muslim school principals. In, P.S. Angelle (ed.), A global perspective of social justice leadership for school principals (pp. 167-186). Charlotte, N.C., Information Age Publishing.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2018). Golda Meir: A leader for national revival and social justice. In, T. Noremore & J. Brooks (eds), Leading Against the Grain: Lessons from Visionaries for Creating Just and Equitable Schools (pp. 96-103). New York: Teacher College Record.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2018). Educational Administration and the Relational Approach: Can We Suffice Contextual-Based Knowledge Production? In, S. Eacott (ed.), Beyond Leadership: A Relational Approach to Organizational Theory in Education (pp. 199-211). Singapore: Springer.


  1. אופלטקה, י. (2018). המחקר על רגשות בהוראה ובניהול חינוכי: סוגיות עיקריות, כיוונים עיקריים. בתוך, י. אופלטקה (עורך). רגשות בהוראה ובניהול בית הספר (ע' 15-41). תל אביב: מכון מופ"ת, כליל סדרת ספרים.

(Oplatka, I. (2018). The research on emotion in teaching and educational administration: Main issues, major directions. In, I. Oplatka (ed.), Emotions in teaching and school administration (pp. 15-41). Tel Aviv: Kalil Publisher) Hebrew.


  1. זילברמן-שמש, ד'. ואופלטקה, י' (2018). הדחקת רגשות בקרב מורים: מופעים וגורמים. בתוך י. אופלטקה (עורך). רגשות בהוראה ובניהול בית הספר (ע' 67-88). תל אביב: מכון מופ"ת, כליל סדרת ספרים.

(Zilberman-Shemesh, D., & Oplatka, I. (2018). Emotion suppression among teachers. In, I. Oplatka (ed.), Emotions in teaching and school administration (pp. 67-88). Tel Aviv: Kalil Publisher) Hebrew.


  1. Oplatka, I., & Arar, K. (2019). A call to study educator emotion as a contextualized phenomenon. In, I. Oplatka & K. Arar (eds.), Emotion management and feelings in teaching and educaitonal leadership: A cultural perspective (pp. 9-24). Bingley: Emerald Publisher.


  1. אופלטקה, י'. (2020). התרומה המעשית של שדה מחקר אקדמי: המקרה של תחום מנהל החינוך. בתוך, ח' עראר, ג' קורץ וח' בר ישי (עורכים). חינוך כמערכת מורכבת. חיפה: פרדס, עמ', 155-175. (Oplatka, I. 2020, The practical contribution of educational administration as a field of study. In K. Arar, G. Kurtz & H. Bar-Yishai (eds.), Education as a complex system. Haifa: Pardes publisher). Hebrew.


  1. Oplatka, I. & Erlanger, C. (2020). Cultural identity and fear: The case of Ultra--Orthodox Jewish teachers in primary education. In E.A. Samier & P. Milley (eds.), Educational Administration and Leadership Identity Formation: International Theories, Problems and Challenges (pp. 153-168). London: Routledge.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2020). The knowledge base in the field of educational administration: What every emergent field member should know? In R. Papa (Ed.), [Oxford] Encyclopedia of Educational Administration. New York, New York: Oxford University Press.


  1. Oplatka, I., & Hemsley-Brown, J. (2021). A systematic and updated review of the literature on higher education marketing 2005-2019. In Z. Sinuany-Stern (eds.), Handbook of Operations Research and Management Science in Higher Education (pp. 35-80). Cham: Springer.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2021). A communitarian perspective on leading towards social justice. In, C.A. Mullen (ed.). Handbook of social justice interventions in education (pp. 1251-1266). Springer.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2021). Is a science of educational leadership possible? In, F. English (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Eduational Leadership and Management Discourse. Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2021). Emotional workload and time-use in principalship: Some insights from Israeli educational leaders. In, L. MooSung, L. Pollok & P. Tulowitzki (eds.), How School Principals Use Their Time: Implications for School Improvement, Administration, and Leadership. (pp. 215-228). London: Routledge.


  1. Oplatka, I (2022). A communitarian framework for understanding the relations between schools and NGOs. In, C. Lubienski, M. Yemini & C. Maxwell (eds.), The rise of external actors in education: Shifting boundaries globally and locally (pp. 80-90). Bristol: Policy Press.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2022). A vida do director escolar: Uma abordagem de carreira baseada em etapas para a literanca educacional. In J. Weinstein & L. Simileli (eds.), Lideranca escolar: directores como fatores-chave para a transformacao no Brasil (pp. 98-108). Paris: UNESCO (in Portugees).


  1. Hemsley-Brown, J. & Oplatka, I. (2022). Corporate brand communication in the higher education sector. In, T.C. Melewar, B. Nguyen & P. Foroudi (eds.), Emerald Handbook of multi-stakeholder communication (pp. 11-29). London: EMERALD publishing company.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2023). The emergence of social justice leaders: Identity formation of new principals. In, Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International

Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.), 438-444. Elsevier.


  1. אופלטקה, י'. (2023). בית ספר יסודי מורחב או חטיבת ביניים: סקירת הספרות המחקרית בעולם על המבנה הגילאי של מערכת החינוך, בתוך י' הרפז וא' הורביץ (עורכים) להציל את חטיבת הביניים (עמ' 56-78). ירושלים: מכון ברנקו וייס והוצאת כנרת/דביר.

[Oplatka, I. (2023). K-8 school or middle-school: A review of the research on students configuraton in the educational system]. In, Y. Harpaz & E. Horwitz (eds.), Saving the middle-School (pp. 56-78). Jerusalem: The Branco Weiss Institute and Kinnert, Zmora, Dvir Publishing House Ltd. (Hebrew).


F.         BOOK REVIEW


  1. אופלטקה, י'. (2002). סקירת ספרם של שי ובר שלום, המחקר האיכותני בחינוך. דפים, 33, 129-126. (Oplatka, I. (2002). Review of Shay and Bar-Shalom’s “the qualitative inquiry in education”. Dapim, 33, 126-129 (Hebrew).


  1. אופלטקה, י'. (2005). סקירת ספרן של הרץ לזרוביץ ושדל, קריאה בלמידה שיתופית: פיתוח בתי ספר יהודיים וערבים. סקריפט, 9, 97-94. (Oplatka, I. (2005). Review of Hertz-Lazarowitz and Shadal's "literacy in participative leaning: Developing Arab and Jewish schools". Script, 9, 94-97 (Hebrew).


  1. Oplatka, I. (2009). Review of Bush's "leadership and management development in education." Journal of Educational Administration, 47(4), 529-531.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2009). Review of Brock and Lever's "Aspects of education in the Middle East and North Africa." British Educational Research Journal, 35(2), 329-331.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2009). Review of Maringe and Gibbs's "Marketing higher education: theory and practice." Studies in Higher Education, 34(5), 595-597.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2010). Review of Taylor's "A good school for every child: How to improve our schools?" British Educational Research Journal, 36(3), 525-526.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2010). Review of Hoy and Diapola's "Studies in school improvement. Journal of Educational Administration, 48(4), 543-546.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2010). Review of Johonson's "The changing landscape of education in Africa: Quality, equality & democracy." British Educational Research Journal, 36(5), 873-875.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). Review of Davies and Brighouse's "Passionate leadership in education". Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 39(1), 147-148.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). Review of Aburabia-Quader's "Excluded and loved: Educated Bedouin women's life stories (Hebrew)". International Sociology Review of Books, 26(2), 194-197.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). Review of Darling-Hammond et al.s' "Preparing principals for a changing world: Lessons from effective school leadership programs. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 10(2), 246-249.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). Review of Tanya Fitzgerald and Jane Wilkinson's "Travelling towards a mirage? Gender, leadership and higher education". Studies in Higher Education, 36(4), 509-511.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). Review of Liz Marr and Rachel Forsyth's "Identity crisis: Working in higher education in the 21th century". Studies in Higher Education, 36(7), 867-869.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2011). Review of Strong's "The highly qualified teahcer: What is teacher quality and how do we measure it?". Teacher College Record. Number: 16625, Date Accessed: 12/22/2011 9:43:36 AM ( )


  1. Oplatka, I. (2012). Review of Day & Gu's "The lives of teachers". Journal of Educational Administration, 50(2), 252-253.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2012). Review of Shoho, Barnett & Tooms's "Examining the assistant principalship: New puzzles and perennial challenges for the 21st century". Teacher College Record, ID Number: 16705, Date Accessed: 3/24/2012 11:40:50 AM.


  1. אופלטקה, י. (2012). סקירת ספרו של ערן רון, כיצד לשנות התנהגות האדם בלי לפגוע ברגשותיו: אומנות המשוב הבינאישי. הד החינוך, פ"ו(6), עמ' 128. (Oplatka, I. (2012). How to change one's behavior without hurting one's emotions: The art of the impersonal feedback. Hed Hahinuh, 86(6), p.128). in Hebrew.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2012). Exploring the links between qualitative inquiry and global crises: Some answers and more questions. The Qualitative Report, 17(Rev. 13), 1-5. Retrieved from


  1. Oplatka, I. (2012). Review of Bob and Megan Tscannen-Moran's "Evocative coaching: Transforming schools one conversation at a time." International Journal of Educaitonal Management. 26(7), 729-731.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2013). Review of Furlong & Lawn's "Disciplines of education: Their role in the future of education research." Journal of Educational Administration, 51 (1), 92-94.


  1. אופלטקה, י. (2013). סקירת ספרו של פרנק "מתרבות של בחינות לפדגוגיה עכשווית: המעשה החינוכי בישראל לקראת שנת 2020". הד החינוך, 86(6), עמ', 116-117.

(Oplatka, I. (2013). A  Review of Frank's "From a culture of testing to actual pedagogy: Education in Israel towards 2020". Hed Hahinuh, 86(6), p.116-117). in Hebrew.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2013). Review of Magno's "Comparative perspectives on international school leadership: Policy, preparation, and practice". European Education, 52(2), 96-98.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2014). Review of Arar et al.'s "Arab women in management and leadership: Stories from Israel." Journal of Educational Administration, 52(1), 142-144.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2014). Review of Haj-Yehia & Arar's "Internationalization of higher education: A study in the mobility of Arab students from Israel to other countries (in Arabic)". Education Review, Nov. (also in Hebrew – אופלטקה, י'. (2014). סקירת ספרם של חאג' יחייא וערער "בנאום ההשכלה הגבוהה: מחקר על תנועתם של סטודנטים ערבים מישראל למדינות אחרות". שפה וחברה, 6(2), 206-209.  (במקור בערבית).

(גם בערבית) اوبلاتكا يزهر. (2015). مراجعة في الكتاب " تدويل التعليم العالي: دراسات في حراك الطلاب العرب من اسرائيل خارج البلاد". الحصاد, 5, 289-294.


  1. אופלטקה, י'. (2014). סקירת ספרו של פרנק "על כתפיהם: עולמם הפוליטי של מנהלי בתי הספר בישראל בעשור השני של המאה העשרים ואחת". הד החינוך, פ"ט(1), 98-99.

(Oplatka, I. (2014). A  Review of Frank's "On their shoulders: The political world of Israeli school princiapls in the second decade of the 21th century". Hed Hahinuh, 89(1), p.98-99). In Hebrew 


  1. Oplatka, I. (2015). Review of Longman & Madsen's "Women and leadership in higher education". Gender and Education. Published online 2/7/15


  1. אופלטקה, י. (2015). סקירת ספרם של אבי ורמי בנבנישתי "ניהול לתקווה: מהלכה למעשה". מפגש לעבודה חינוכית סוציאלית, 42, 129-132.

(Oplatka, I. 2015. Review of Benbenishti & Benbenishti "Managing for hope: From theory to practice. Jounral of Social and Educational Work, 42, 129-132. Hebrew).


  1. Oplatka, I. (2016). Review of Crawford's "Developing as an educational leader and manager". Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 44(4) 706–708.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2016). Review of Arar & Haj-Yehia's "Higher education and the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel". Higher Education Policy, 29, 419-421.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2017). Expanding qualitative researchers’ worlds. Review of Silverman's (ed.) "Qualitative Research". Qualitative Report, 22(10), 2544-2547. Retrieved from


  1. Oplatka, I. (2019) Review of Astor et al. "Welcoming practices: Creating schools that support students and families in transition". Journal of Educational Administration and History, 51(3), 201-294.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2019). Review of Miler's "The nature of school leadership: Global practice perspectives". Educational Review, 71(5), 670-672.


  1. Oplatka (2020). Review of Leavy's "The Oxford handbook of qualitative research". The Qualitative Report, 25(4), 1087-1090. Retrieved from


  1. Oplatka, I. (2021). Review of Arar's "School leadership for refugees' education: Social justice leadership for immigrant, migrants, and refugees". Journal of Educational Administration and History, 53(1), 100-102.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2022). Review of Arar et al.s' "Neoliberalism and education systems in conflict". Journal of Educational Administration and History, 54(2), 237-239.


  1. Oplatka, I. (2022). Review of Arar et al.s' "Higher Education in the Era of Migration, Displacement and Internationalization Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management". Journla of Higher Education Policy and Management, 44(6), 636-638.
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