2024 Workshop on the relations between space, language and numbers, Tubingen (Sept)
Comparing Spatial Conceptualizations: Collective Numerals in Hebrew (poster) Katzir and Ariel
2024 The Rosen linguistics society, Tel Aviv (March)
Usage-based grammar explains the acquisition of ‘or’ construction (in Hebrew) (with Inbal Arnon and Shira Tal)
2024 Theoretical and experimental pragmatics, Pavia (Feb)
Rethinking approximation in round numbers (poster) (Katzir, Levshina, and Ariel)
2023 AMPrA Graduate student workshop on experimental pragmatics: Bridging theory and praxis (Nov.) -- Online plenary
Testing for interpretations versus truth-compatible representations
2023 XPRAG, Paris (Sept.)
Scalar structure cannot impose semantic meaning (poster, Orr, Ariel and Shetreet).
2023 Colloquium on Cyclicity and the Theory of Language Change, Manchester (Jul.)
The or cycle (with Caterina Mauri)
2023 Bar Ilan Linguistics Colloq (March)
Prominence tips the scales in opposing argumentative constructions
2023 Int’l webinar on Cognitive and Pragmatic Approach to Lexis and Grammar (Moscow City University) (March) – Online Keynote
Prominence tips the scales in opposing argumentative constructions
2022 AMPRA, Columbia, South Carolina (Nov.)
What's wrong with 'inclusive' or and with verification tasks?
(Ariel, Asherov, Fishman, Katzir)
2022 TOWOCOLP-3 workshop, Tomsk (Oct.) – Online Keynote
Opposing argumentative constructions and discourse prominence
2022 XPRAG, Pavia (Sept.)
Participant control over tasks testing weak scalar expressions
(Shetreet, Tehan and Ariel)
2022 XPRAG, Pavia (Sept.) -- poster
Scalar diversity, boundedness and subjectivity
(Orr, Ariel, and Shetreet)
2022 The Israeli Linguistics Society in honour of Haiim Rosén— Online (Feb.)
Hocus Pocus – Referent prominence in various affirmative and negative constructions (in Hebrew).
(Plotnik, Heilig and Ariel)
2021 MIT Brain and Cognitive Science (Edward Gibson's Lab) (Nov)
Number words are punctual, stubbornly
(with Natalia Levshina)
2021 Usage-Based Linguistics 5 (Jul)
Mind the gap: Interpretation versus verification -- Online
(Katzir, Asherov, Fishman and Ariel)
2021 Usage-Based Linguistics 5 (Jul)
Number words, prototype structure and density -- Online
2021 Conference on linguistic change, Israel academy of Science — Online (April)
Discourse prominence, argumentative direction and semanticization (in Hebrew)
2021 The Israeli Linguistics Society in honour of Haiim Rosén— Online (Feb.)
Mamash 'real(ly)' and its sisters (Bardenstein and Ariel)
2020 Cambridge Linguistics Forum — Online (Nov.)
The crucial role of Truth-compatible inferences
2020 Workshop on the prominence of inferences, Univ. of Cologne — Online (Sept.)
Exceptives and the prominence competition
2020 Societas Linguistica Europea, Bucharest— Online (August)
Hebrew harey: Sometimes old, sometimes new
2020 Societas Linguistica Europea, Bucharest — Online (August)
What do or constructions say? (Fishman, Asherov, Katzir, Arnon & Ariel)
2020 ABRALIN, Brazil —Online (July)
How do or constructions evolve? (Invited lecture)
2020 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem — Online (May)
Exceptives, arguments, counter-arguments, and prominence
2019 Societas Linguistica Europea, Leipzig (August)
Rescuing meaning from logic (Presidential address)
2019 East China Normal University, Shanghai (May)
The uniqueness of number words (Invited lecture)
2019 University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (May)
Who put those meanings in my mouth? (Invited lecture)
2019 East China Normal University Workshop on contemporary perspectives on language and its uses:
Cognitive, functional, and pragmatic (Keynote) (May)
2019 ZAS workshop on The meaning of numerals: Cognitive, experimental, and semantic perspectives, Berlin (March)
Numerous puzzles
2018 The 43rd Annual Boston University conference on language development (Poster, Tal, Arnon and Ariel)
Children's task-related comprehension of or (Nov.)
2018 The VI-th International Forum on Cognitive Modelling, Tel Aviv
Numeral are (almost) forever )keynote) (Oct.)
2018 The School of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna
What's in a numeral? (Sept.)
2018 Societas Linguistica Europaea, Talinn
Evolving three-argument 'give' verbs (August)
2018 The Fourth Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv
Conference organizer (with Dorit Ravid) (July)
2018 The Fourth Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv
How do children interpret or? (Tal, Arnon and Ariel) (July)
2018 The Formal semantics and grammaticization Hebrew University group, Jerusalem
Evolving or constructions: In and out of ‘alternativity’ (June)
2018 UC Santa Barbara
Tell me who your neighbors are (March)
2017 Building categories in interaction: multidisciplinary approaches to categorization workshop
(Caterina Mauri, Ilaria Fiorentini Eugenio Goria, organizers) Bologna University
Ad hoc-ization of numeral categories (October)
2017 IPrA Panel on Pragmatics and Constructions (Rita Finkbeiner, organizer), Belfast
Constructions, cues and pragmatic inferences (Keynote) (July)
2017 The Third Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Hebrew University Hevi’s path towards ‘give’: usage-based all the way (July)
(Gafter, Spicer and Ariel)
2017 Hebrew University, Inbal Arnon's lab
Children, or and experimentation, (May)
2017 Hebrew language Colloquium, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva
איזו פרגמטיקה? "חבל על הזמן" Which pragmatics? 'It's a shame wasting time' (March)
2017 IGDAL
Who put these meanings in my mouth?, Tel Aviv (Keynote) (February)
2017 IGDAL
The case of literally true propositions with false implicatures, Tel Aviv (Poster, Or, Ariel and Peleg)
2017 LSA 91st Annual Meeting, Austin Texas
Bringing about a change: a change in progress in Hebrew lexical semantics (Gafter, Spicer and Ariel)
2016 AMPRA
What's a reading? (November)
2016 Syntax of the world's languages VII, Mexico
The seven grammaticization stages of Hebrew intensifying adverbials within the [not X, but Y] construction
(Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (August)
2016 Societas Linguistica Europaea, Naples
Evoking higher-level categories using or constructions (August)
2016 European Society for philosophy and psychology, St. Andrews
A procedural analysis for or (August)
2016 Language contact, continuity and change in the emergence of Modern hebrew, Jerusalem
The grammaticization path of Hebrew discourse markers within rectification constructions (poster)
(Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (July)
2016 The tenth Israeli association for literacy and language, Tel Aviv
Grammaticization paths of discourse markers in rectification constructions and the compactization of these constructions
(Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (July)
2016 The Second Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv
Conference organizer (with Peleg and Shen) (June)
2016 The Second Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv
What is or all about? (June)
2016 The Second Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv
The grammaticization path of Hebrew discourse markers within rectification constructions (poster)
(Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (June)
2016 Conference in honor of Yael Ziv, Hebrew University (Invited)
Roses or flowers for Yael: Pragmaticizing Hurford Constraint (June)
2016 Disjunction Days Workshop, ZAS, Berlin (poster)
What is or all about? (June)
2016 UCSB Ling Lab Talk series (May)
Linguistic meaning and truth compatibility
2016 The Finnish Centre of Excellence in research on Intersubjectivity in interaction (Invited guest)
Objectivity, subjectivity and the analysis of or (April)
2016 עברית שפה חיה (March)
ניסע למטולה או לצפת? "או" בראי יחידות ההנגנה (Yeverechyahu, Ariel, Giora and Fein)
2016 Harvard University "Language and Cognition" group (Invited)
Intended Meaning Versus Truth Compatibility: The case of scalar quantifiers (February)
2015 Conference in honor of Esther Borochovsky Bar-Aba tel Aviv University (Invited)
מעמד שיחי: הפרגמטיקה לשירות הדוברת
2015 Societas Linguistica Europaea
Roundtable on Interaction and Linguistic Structure, Leiden University (Plenary)
Or: From a Logic-Based to a Usage-Based analysis
2015 Societas Linguistica Europaea
Workshop on Prominence in pragmatics
Revisiting the typology of conversational implicatures
2015 14th IPrA conference, University of Antwerp, Panel on:
'Adaptability, contextualism, and the composition of discourse meaning'
On the distinctness between or construction alternatives
2015 The first Israel Usage-Based Conference, Hebrew University
Logic-based or use-based?
2015 New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Lodz (Plenary)
Reclaiming "logical" words
2015 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara
Logic-based or use-based?
2014 John Du Bois and Mira Ariel
SCUL Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara
Give is not a given: Argument structure and cognitive containment
2014 2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, UCLA
Or, surprisingly
2014 Linguistics Colloquium, Lund University (Invited)
Is language logic-based or use-based?
2014 John Du Bois and Mira Ariel
Ditransitives workshop, Syntax of the world's languages VI, University of Pavia
Give is not a given
2014 Georgetown University Round Table
A use-based analysis for or
2014 Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pavia (Invited lecture)
How many pragmatic statuses do we need? Let me count the ways
2014 Workshop on "Case and agreement: between grammar and information structure", Hebrew University (keynote address)
Motivating verbal person agreement
2013 Pragmatics Society of Japan & Waseda University (Invited lecture)
Semantics versus pragmatics
2013 Pragmatics Society of Japan (Invited)
Discussant: Panel on implicature
2013 Pragmatics Society of Japan (Keynote address)
Pragmatic meanings: Beyond implicatures
2013 A doctoral school on discourse markers, Fribourg, Switzerland (Invited lecture)
Or: A new semantics, a new pragmatics
2013 A doctoral school on discourse markers, Fribourg, Switzerland (Invited Hands-on Session)
How many alternatives does or offer?
2013 UC Berkeley, Linguistics Colloquium (Invited)
Or: Myths and realities.
2013 Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza (Invited)
Types of pragmatic meanings
2013 Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza (Invited)
Drawing the semantics/pragmatics distinction.
2013 IPrA, New Delhi (Plenary)
Or: Myths and realities.
2013 Mira Ariel and Caterina Mauri
IPrA, New Delhi, organizers of a three-hour Panel on Natural language connectives:
Evidence from discourse, typology and grammaticization.
2013 Caterina Mauri and Mira Ariel
IPrA, New Delhi, panel on Natural language connectives:
Evidence from discourse, typology and grammaticization
Non-connecting functions of connectives: Focus on (non-) exhaustive connectives.
2013 International Congress of linguists, Geneva University, Workshop on The semantics and pragmatics of logical words:
a cross-linguistic perspective, organized by Jacques Moeschler, Caterina Mauri, Johan van der Auwera
Or: Questioning meaning and use.
2013 International Congress of linguists, Geneva University, Panel on pragmatics, discourse and cognition,
organized by Laurence Horn and Istvan Kecskes.
Interpreting or constructions.
2013 ICLC 12 University of Alberta, Panel on The verbalization of experience in honor of Wallace Chafe,
organized by John W Du Bois and Patricia Clancy
Having trouble verbalizing? Take or, or something. Or whatever.
2013 The linguistic, the cognitive, and the political: A conference in honor of Rachel Giora, Tel Aviv University
Or disjunctions expressing stable and ad hoc categories (in Hebrew)
2012 Princeton University, The Program in Linguistics (Invited)
Or: Myths of meaning and facts of use
2011 Conjunctions vs. contextualizers workshop, Charles University, Prague
Relational and independent and conjunctions
2011 Lattice Research Laboratory, Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris
Pragmatics and grammar: More pragmatics or more grammar? (Invited).
2011 Specification in context project, Stuttgart University, Germany
a) Some somes are quantifiers (Invited)
b) Most somes are not quantifiers (Invited)
2011 Conference on form and meaning, Sorbonne, Paris
The semantics and pragmatics of or constructions (Invited)
2011 Hebrew Language Colloquium, Haifa University
All kinds of meanings: xaval al ha-zman (in Hebrew)
2010 LISO, UC Santa Barbara
Concession and contrast: though and but at the Intonation unit boundary (John Du Bois and Mira Ariel)
2010 Conference on competing motivations, Leipzig, Germany
Or constructions: Monosemy versus polysemy, encoding versus inferencing
2010 Linguistics Colloquium, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
The semantics and pragmatics of or Constructions
2010 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA,
How (not) to use discourse in semantic arguments: The case of scalar quantifiers
2010 Linguistic Evidence 2010, Tübingen University, Germany,
Poster: Testing the boundaries: Scalarity and the argument from discourse
2010 Workshop: Reference and accessibility, Stuttgart University, Germany (Invited)
Reference in three keys
2009 Hebrew Language Colloquium, TAU, Israel
Pragmatics and grammar in Pragmatics and grammar (in Hebrew)
2009 Cognitive Science UC San Diego, USA (Invited)
Or, or something: Constructing categories on the fly
2008 Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel
What use is or?
2008 Workshop on the annotation of animacy and information status Northwestern University, Chicago, USA (Invited)
2008 CSDL, Cleveland, USA,
The reflexive construction
2008 Linguistics Colloquium, Stanford University, USA (Invited)
Or constructions: Meaning and use
2008 New Reflections on grammaticalization, Leuven, Belgium
The intransitivization of English reflexive constructions
2008 A conference in memory of Professor Tanya Reinhart, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Xaval al ha-zman (‘It’s a shame on the time’): In memory of Tanya Reinhrart
2008 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Or constructions: Meaning and use
2006 Penn Linguistics Colloquium, U.O. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA
Implicated, explicated or lexical?: The case of most
2006 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Two strategies in interpreting and conjunctions, or, the nonunitary status of inferred interpretations
2006 Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Looking for asses and finding kingdom: The case of reflexive pronouns
2006 Intersentential pronominal reference in child and adult language, Berlin, Germany (Invited)
Reference: Maxi-grammar, mini-grammar
2006 Bar Ilan Colloquium, Ramat Gan, Israel,
Choosing the proper status for interpretations: The case of an upper bound on most
2005 Winter LSA, San Francisco USA, Organizer: A 3 hour symposium on
Scalars and the semantics-pragmatics interface: the problem of most
2005 Winter LSA, San Francisco, USA
Majority profiled: a circumbounded analysis of most
2005 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
The rise and potential fall of English reflexives
2005 Experimental Pragmatics workshop, Cambridge University, Britain
Most: What you see is what you get
2004 New Developments in linguistic pragmatics (invited plenary speaker), Lodz, Poland
Most: Redrawing the semantic/pragmatic borderline
2004 ICAME, Verona, Italy
Reflexives in Present-Day English: Coexistence of past, present and future
2003 Where Semantics meets pragmatics workshop, East Lansing, USA
Most: Reversing some of the roles of semantics and pragmatics
2003 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Most: Lexical semantic and pragmatic aspects
2003 ICLC, La Rioja, Spain
Most: Semantic and pragmatic aspects
2003 BLS, UC Berkeley, USA
Most: Frequency, semanticization and GCI
2002 לשון וחברה, אונ' ת"א (Language and Society, Tel Aviv University)
על הצורך במעמ"ד: מוסר השכל מ'או' האנגלי
(On the need for a corpus of spoken Hebrew: Drawing the moral from English or)
2002 Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Most: A 'just that' lexical semantic analysis
2002 ICAME, Göteborg, Sweden
What does(n't) or mean?
2002 Hebrew University Colloquium, Jerusalem, Israel
Most: Lexical semantic and pragmatic aspects
2002 BLS, UC Berkeley, USA
Prenominal possessive NPs, Discourse functions and discourse profiles
2001 Reference and coherence workshop, Utrecht University, Holland (Invited)
Discourse functions, discourse profiles and reference
2001 LISO Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Privileged interactional interpretations
2001 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Reference and approaches to the grammar-pragmatics interface
2001 Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Reference and Pragmatics
2000 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Functional levels of interpretation in interaction
2000 CSDL, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Salient, linguistic and interactional meanings: The demise of a unique literal meaning
2000 Corpus linguistics and the study of Modern Hebrew (symposium, invited speaker)
Emory University Atlanta, USA
Why would a pragmatist need a Hebrew corpus?
1999 PRAGMA, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Against a unique literal meaning
1999 PRAGMA (a 3 part panel), Tel Aviv University, Israel Organizer (with Jonathan Berg): Literal meaning
1999 Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA
Cognitive universals and the distribution of resumptive pronouns
1999 ICLC, Stockholm, Sweden
On the similarity between linguistic and extralinguistic constraints
1999 CSDL, Emory University Atlanta, USA
Cognitive universals and the distribution of resumptive pronouns
2015-2018 Linguistics Chair, Tel Aviv University.
2003-2008 Linguistics Chair, Tel Aviv University.
1997-1999 Linguistics Chair, Tel Aviv University.
1997-1999 Women’s Forum Chair, Tel Aviv University.
2003-2007 School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv University. Ph.D. Students Committee.
1993-1997 School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv University. Budget Committee.
1977– The Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
1995– The International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA)
1985– The Israeli Association of Theoretical Linguistics (IATL)
1978– The Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics (ILASH)
2012– The International Pragmatics Association, Belgium (IPrA)
2014- Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE)
2016 ESPP
TAU Tel Aviv University
Linguistics Department
School of Cultural Studies
CoSIH Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew
UCSB University of California, Santa Barbara
Linguistics Department
Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English
ILASH Israel Association of Applied Linguistics
ICLA International Cognitive Linguistics Association
CogLing Cognitive Linguistics, An Interdisciplinary Journal of Cognitive Science
JOP Journal of Pragmatics
CUP Cambridge University Press
נגה . 1982-2004 (עורכות: רחל אוסטרוביץ, מירה אריאל, רחל גיורא, אראלה דאור ומירי קרסין)
Noga, Israel’s feminist magazine. 1982-2004 (eds: Rachel Ostrowitz, Mira Ariel, Rachel Giora, Erela Daor and Miri Krassin)