Prof. Mira Ariel

Emeritus in Department of Linguistics
חוג לבלשנות אמריטוס
Prof. Mira Ariel
Phone: 03-6409685
Fax: 03-6405109
Office: Webb - School of Languages


                           Mira Ariel: CV






1974-6              Tel Aviv University,

                          Undergraduate in Linguistics & English Literature.


1976-8              University of Pennsylvania Phila. Pa.,

                         Graduate school in Linguistics.

May 22 1978     M.A.,

                         Title of master's thesis: That's a problem in Hebrew,
                         Advisor: Ellen F Prince.


Summer 78       University of Illinois, Summer Institute of Linguistics.


1979-86            Tel Aviv University, Linguistics.


May 25 1986    Ph.D.,

                         Title of doctoral dissertation: Givenness Marking,

                         Advisors: Tanya Reinhart and Ellen Prince.


1986-7               University of. London, Sociolinguistics,

                         Post-Doc: Honorary research fellow.









Advanced methodological seminar: Semantic/pragmatic topics (seminar)

Or: A research seminar (seminar)

Introduction to Pragmatics (course)

Language and Power (course)

Linguistic-Extralinguistic Interfaces (proseminar)

Discourse Reference (seminar)

Pragmatic Theories (seminar)

Grammar and Pragmatics (seminar)

Accessibility Theory (course)





June 2017        LOT (The National Graduate School of Holland), Linguistics, Visiting Scholar

Sept. 2014       Lund University, Intensive course for PhD students: Grammar/Pragmatics Interfaces

Jun/Jul 2012    Ecole Normale Supérieure, Special intensive courses (with John Du Bois), Visiting Scholar

2006-               Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Full Professor

Aug 2001         LSA Summer Institute, Linguistics

Jan 1999          LOT (The National Graduate School of Holland), Linguistics, Visiting Scholar

1998-2006        Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Associate Professor

1992-98            Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Senior lecturer

1988-92            Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Lecturer

1986-87            Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Instructor-Dr

1982-86            Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Instructor

1979-81            Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Assistant

1978-81            Tel Aviv University, Foreign Languages, Teacher

1978-79            Tel Aviv University, Linguistics Department, Teaching fellow

1978-79            Seminar Hakibbutzim, English Dept, Teacher

1977                 University of Pennsylvania, Linguistics Department, Part-time lecturer

1976                 University of Pennsylvania, Phila., Pa., Oriental Studies Department, Teaching fellow











      Talia Rubovitz-Mann, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2000 (committee member)

            Topic: Extractions from relative clauses – an information structure account

      Takaaki Hara, Utrecht University, 2002 (committee member)

            Topic: Anaphoric dependencies in Japanese

      Dana Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2004 (committee member)

            Topic: Intensive reflexives – from sentence to discourse

      Noga Balaban, Tel Aviv University, 2011 (supervision together with Naama Friedmann)

            Topic: Linguistic implications of acquired damage to “Theory of Mind”

      Ofir Zussman, Tel Aviv University, 2014

            Topic: Grammaticization processes of concessive constructions

      Marit Shternau, Tel Aviv University, 2014 (supervision together with Rachel Giora)

            Topic: Levels of interpretation: Linguistic meaning and inferences

      Elitzur Dattner, Tel Aviv University, 2015

            Topic: Mapping Hebrew Dative Constructions

      Daniel Kalev, Tel Aviv University, 2018 (supervision together with Uri Mor)

            Topic: Modern times: New aspectual and modal constructions in contemporary Hebrew

      Ruti Bardenstein, Tel Aviv University, 2021

            Topic:  Grammaticization paths of rectification constructions (מסלולי גרמטיזציה של מבני המרה)

      Itai Kupershmidt, Tel Aviv University, 2022 (supervision together with Moshe Forentin)

            Topic:  Alternative Relations in Biblical Hebrew: A Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Study

            (יחס הברירה בעברית המקרא: עיון תחבירי, סמנטי ופרגמטי)

      Alon Fishman, Ph.D  student, Tel Aviv University, 2023 (Supervision with Yeshayahu Shen)

            Topic: Copulative perception verbs: What ‘looks’ can teach us about evidentiality and synesthesia

      Shirli Orr, Ph.D student, Tel Aviv University, 2024 (Supervision together with Orna Peleg)

            Topic: Predicating truth: an empirical investigation

      Israela Becker, Tel Aviv University, 2024 (Supervision together with Rachel Giora)

            Topic: Constructions on the move:

From independent-sentential to lexical constructions


      Nina Luskin, Hebrew University, 2007- (committee member)

            Topic: Negative polarity items and discourse information structure

      Oshri Weiss, Hebrew University, 2008- (committee member)

            Topic: A pragmatic perspective of the differences between individuals in performing reasoning tasks       

      Nicole Katzir, Ph.D student, Tel Aviv university, 2020-





      Nurit Assayag, 1999 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: Subject selection in discourse: Cognitive constraints and genre effects

      Yafa Rosenfeld, 2000 (Tel Aviv University) (No thesis)

      Evan Gary Cohen, 2003 (Tel Aviv University

            Thesis title: The pragmatics-phonology interface: Accessibility and reduction – Hebrew possessives

      Iman Midlige, 2003- (Tel Aviv University)

      Ruti Kahalon-Bardenstein, 2005 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: הפרגמטיקה של כמתי הקטנה בעברית  (The pragmatics of Hebrew diminutive quantifiers)

      Meira Hass, 2008 (Tel Aviv University) (No thesis)

      Elitzur Dattner, 2008 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: Lower transitivity constructions in Hebrew: The case of motion verbs

      Roey Gafter, 2008 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: Where they linger on: motivating the current distribution of plural feminine pronouns in Hebrew.

      Fainan Ganem, 2008- (Tel Aviv University)

      Tal Linzen, 2009 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: Hebrew Possessive Datives: The effects of affectedess

      Hillel Taub-Tabib, 2009 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: Subject-verb inversion in Hebrew intransitive clauses

      Dolly Goldenberg 2010- (Tel Aviv University)

      Maria Goldshtein, 2015 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: A discourse-based typology of intensifiers

      Shaul Lev, 2016 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: Hebrew Labile Alternation 

      Shirly Malichi-Or 2016 (Tel Aviv University, supervision with Orna Peleg)

            Thesis title: The case of literally true propositions with flase implicatures

      Israela Becker 2016 (Tel Aviv University, supervision with Rachel Giora)

            Thesis title: The Negation Operator is not a Suppressor of the Concept in its  Scope. In fact, Quite the Opposite

      Elior Elkayam 2018 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: From predication to prediction: The grammaticalization of the Hebrew verb haya

      Daniel Asherov 2016 (Tel Aviv University, supervision with Evan Cohen and Outi Bat El) (No thesis)

      Nicole Katzir 2019 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: Minimum and maximum constructions: Semantics and argumentation

      Yael Barkai 2018- (Tel Aviv University)

      Ka Yau (Ryan) Lai 2020-2021 (UC Santa Barbara) (Committee member)

            Thesis title: Beyond anaphoric and emphatic: Diversity and unity in the functions of Literary Chinese reflexive zì

      Shaul Ashkenazi 2019  (Tel Aviv University)

      Anat Sageev 2020- (Tel Aviv University, supervision with Letizia Cerqueglini)

      Elinoar Gannani 2022  (Tel Aviv University, supervision with Evan Cohen)

            Thesis title: Phonological reduction as a marker for modalization in verbs in Israeli Hebrew

      Ittamr Erb 2022 (Tel Aviv University)

            Thesis title: From synchrony to diachrony and back: the case of Hebrew pronominal possessives








Dr. Kristina Zaides Postdoc Oct. 2022-Sept. 2023 

Prof. Patrick Duffley March 2018, Laval University, Canada

Scott Spicer, 2014-15; 2016-17, Northwestern university







2021-      Member of the Academia Europea


2020-24 Israel Science Foundation grant 1398/20:

              Expressing quantities in language


2019-20 Vice-President of The Societas Linguistica Europaea

2018-19 President of The Societas Linguistica Europaea

2018       School of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna (Sept.)

2017-18 President-elect The Societas Linguistica Europaea


2015-20 Israel Science Foundation grant 431/15:

              Or constructions: From Logic-Based to Usage-Based analysis

2009-13 Israel Science Foundation grant 161/09:

               Challenging Gricean assumptions: Towards a corpus-based pragmatics

2003/4    Tel Aviv University grant, Most research

1992       Dvora Netzer grant, Research (with Rachel Giora)

1986       British Council, Post-Doc fellowship

1978       Tel Aviv University, Teaching fellowship

1976       University of Pennsylvania., Teaching fellowship

1976       Tel Aviv University, Dean's certificate of distinction

1975       Tel Aviv University, Dean's certificate of distinction














Accessing Noun-Phrase Antecedents.
(RLE Linguistics B: Grammar)
New York: Routledge Library Editions: Linguistics (Re-publication of Ariel 1990)






Defining Pragmatics.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.






Pragmatics and Grammar.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.






Accessing Noun-Phrase Antecedents.
London: Routledge.






Women and men in language.
Haifa: Haifa University Press. (Hebrew)



































































In press      The counting principle makes number words unique. Corpus linguistics and linguistic theory. (with Natalia Levshina).


In press      From location to conjunction, disjunction, partition, exemplification and association:

                  Hebrew bein constructions. Linguistics (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel).


2023          Discourse context cannot make ‘or’ inclusive (only task can). Journal of pragmatics 217. 7-16.

                  (Alon Fishman, Daniel Asherov, Nicole Katzir and Mira Ariel).


2023          A few or several? Construal, quantity and argumentativity. Language and cognition A few or several?

                  Language and Cognition, 1-28. doi:10.1017/langcog.2023.25 (Nicole Katzir and Mira Ariel).


2023          Mamash: Persistent argumentative strengthening. Leshonenu 85. 298-327.  (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel). (In Hebrew).


2022          The missing link between truth and intensification. Studies in language 46. 285-322. (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel).


2021          Predicating Truth: An empirically based analysis. Journal of pragmatics 185. 131-145. (Shirli Orr and Mira Ariel).


2020          Or  constructions, argumentative direction and disappearing 'alternativity'. Language Sciences 81. 1-17.



2019          How does ‘bring’ (not) change to ‘give'? Folia Linguistica 53: 2. 443-478. (Roey Gafter, Scott Spicer and Mira Ariel)


2019          Different Prominences for Different Inferences. Journal of pragmatics 154: Special issue on Prominence in Pragmatics. 103-116.


2019          Or constructions: Code, inference and cue too. Special issue on Pragmatics and constructions. Constructions and Frames 11. 193-219.


2019          Ela ('but') in the Mishna and in contemporary Hebrew (in Hebrew). Balshanut ivrit 73. (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel)


2019          An 'alternative' core for or. Journal of Pragmatics 149. 40-59 (with Caterina Mauri)


2018          Why use or? Linguistics 56: 5. 939-994 (with Caterina Mauri)

2016          What’s a distinct or alternative? Journal of Pragmatics 103. 1-14.


2016          Revisiting the typology of pragmatic interpretations. Intercultural Pragmatics 13: 1.


2016          The effect of theory of mind impairment on language: Referring after right hemisphere damage Aphasiology,

                  DOI: 10.1080/02687038.2015.1137274 (Balaban, Friedmann and Ariel)


2016          Higher-level category or constructions: When many is one. Studies in pragmatics 17. 42–60.


2015          Levels of interpretation: New tools for characterizing intended meanings. Journal of pragmatics 47: 86-101. (Sternau, Ariel, Giora and Fein)


2015          Doubling up: Two upper bounds for scalars. Linguistics 53: 3.


2015          Pronominal datives: The royal road to argument status. Studies in Language 39: 257 – 321.

                  (With Elitzur Dattner, John W. Du Bois and Tal Linzen)


2014          What discourse can(not) teach us. International Review of Pragmatics 6: 2. 181-210.


2013          Centering, Accessibility and the next mention. Theoretical Linguistics 39: 39-58.


2012          Relational and independent and conjunctions. Lingua 122: 1692-1715.


2009          Discourse, grammar, discourse: An overview. Discourse Studies 11: 1.


2004          Most. Language 80: 4. (pp. 658-706).


2004          Accessibility marking: Discourse functions, discourse profiles, and processing cues. Special issue of Discourse Processes:

                  Accessibility in text and discourse. Ted J.M Sanders and Morton Ann Gernsbacher eds. 37: 2. (pp. 91-116).


2002          Privileged interactional interpretations. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 8 (pp. 1003-1044)


2002          Introduction. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 4. Special issue: Literal, minimal and salient meanings. Mira Ariel ed. (pp. 345-348).


2002          The demise of a unique concept of literal meaning. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 4 (pp. 361-402).


1999          Cognitive universals and linguistic conventions: The case of resumptive pronouns. Studies in Language 23: 2. (pp. 217-69).


1998          The linguistic status of the “here and now”. Cognitive Linguistics 9: 3. (pp.189-237).


1998          A self versus other point of view in language: Redefining femininity and masculinity.

                  International Journal of Sociology of Language 129. (pp. 59-86) (with Rachel Giora).


1994          Interpreting anaphoric expressions: A cognitive versus a pragmatic approach. Journal of Linguistics 30. (pp. 3-42).


1993          The role of women in linguistic and social change: A study of pre‑state literature. Journal of Narrative and Life History

                  2:4. (pp. 309-332) (with Rachel Giora).


1991          The function of accessibility in a theory of grammar. Journal of Pragmatics 16: 5. (pp. 443-464).


1989          Retrieving propositions from context: Why and how. Journal of Pragmatics 12: 3/4. 1988 (pp. 567-600).

                  Reprinted in Asa Kasher ed. Cognitive Aspects of Language Use. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V. (pp. 63-96).


1988          Referring and accessibility. Journal of Linguistics 24: 1. (pp. 65-87).


1988          Female and male stereotypes in Israeli literature and media: Evidence from introductory patterns.

                  Language and Communication 8: 1. (pp. 43-68).


1985          The discourse functions of given information. Theoretical Linguistics 12: 2/3. (pp. 99-113).


1983          Linguistic marking of social prominence: The Hebrew mi she introducer. Journal of Pragmatics 7:4. (pp. 389-409).


1978          Or something, etc. Penn Review of Linguistics 3: 1. (pp. 35‑45) (with Catherine N Ball).









2024          Accessibility Theory in Linguistics. In Mark Aronoff (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press. (Sofiana Chiriacescu and Mira Ariel).


2023          Hocus Pocus – the discourse prominence of the reference set versus the complement set. Proceedings of the Israeli

                  linguistics society in honour of Haiim B. Rosén 23. 34-46. (Ziv Plotnik-Peleg, Yoni Heilig and Mira Ariel). (In Hebrew).


2023          A Usage-Based Analysis of the Semantics/pragmatics Interface. In  Thomas Li (ed.)

                  Handbook of Cognitive Semantics, Chapter 8. Leiden: Brill.


2022          But, argument prominence, though!. In Chiara Gianollo, Łukasz Jędrzejowski and Sofiana I. Lindemann eds.

                  Paths through meaning and form: Festscrift offered to Klaus von Heusinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday.

                  (John W DuBois and Mira Ariel)


2022          Give is not a given. In Annie Bertin, Thierry Ponchon and Olivier Soutet eds. Synchronie et diachronie: l'enjeu du sens.

                  Paris: Champion. (pp. 33-60). (John W DuBois and Mira Ariel)


2022          Processing polyfunctional discourse markers: Making sense of Hebrew 'harey'. In Maria-Josep Cuenca and Liesbeth Degand eds.

                  Discourse Markers in Interaction: From Production to Comprehension. De Gruyter. (pp. 247-276).


2021          Why it's hard to construct ad hoc number concepts. In Caterina Mauri, Ilaria Fiorentini and Eugenio Goria eds.

                  Building categories in interaction. John Benjamins. (pp. 439-462).


2017          The Case of Literally True Propositions with False Implicatures. In Innocent Chiluwa ed. Deception and Deceptive Communication:

                  Motivations, Recognition Techniques and Behavioral Control. New York: Nova Science

                  (Shirly Or, Mira Ariel and Orna Peleg). (pp. 67-108).


2017          Deniability and explicatures. In Rachel Giora & Michael Haugh (Eds.), Doing Pragmatics Interculturally:

                  Cognitive, Philosophical, and Sociopragmatic Perspectives. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter Mouton. (pp. 97-120)

                  (Marit Sternau, Mira Ariel, Rachel Giora and Ofer Fein).


2017          What's a reading? In Piotr Cap and Marta Dynel eds. Implicitness: From lexis to discourse. John Benjamins. (pp. 15-36).


2017          Pragmatics and grammar: More pragmatics or more grammar?

                  In Yan Huang ed. The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford University Press.


2016          Indifference adverbial X or Y . In Alex Reuneker, Ronny Boogaart and Saskia Lensink eds. Aries netwerk: een constructicon. (pp. 11-15).

                  Retrievable at


2016          A graded strength for Privileged Interactional Interpretations. In Keith Allan, Alessandro Capone & Istvan Kecskes (Eds.)

                  Pragmemes and Theories of Language Use. Switzerland: Springer. (pp. 703-723). (Marit Sternau, Mira Ariel, Rachel Giora and Ofer Fein).


2014          Or Constructions: Monosemy versus polysemy. In Brian MacWhinney, Andrej Malchukov and Edith A Moravcsik eds.

                  Competing Motivations. Oxford University Press. (pp. 333-347).


2014          Pragmatics. Chapter 8 in Carol Genetti ed. How languages work. Cambridge University Press. (pp. 180-199)


2013          On order, subordination and freedom. In Moshe Florentin ed. Studies in Modern Hebrew and its sources

                  (in memorial of Shaul Aloni. The Hebrew Academy of language (Hebrew). 109-116.

                  על סדר, שעבוד וחופש


2012          Research paradigms in pragmatics. In Keith Allan and Kasia Jaszczolt eds.

                  The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 2.


2012          Discourse, grammar, discourse, in Asa Kasher, ed.  Pragmatics II. Routledge, London and New York.

                  Vol. IV, Part 12, pp. 417-452 (a reprint of Discourse Studies 11:1, 2009).


2011          Referring and accessibility. In Adele Goldberg ed. Cognitive linguistics. Routledge.

                  Reprinted from Journal of Linguistics 24: 1. (pp. 65-87).


2007          The demise of a unique concept of literal meaning. Journal of Pragmatics 34: 4 (pp. 361-402). Reprinted in Patrick Hanks ed.

                  Critical Concepts in linguistics: Lexicology, Volume V: Cognition and the lexicon. Routledge


2007          A grammar in every register? The case of definite descriptions. In Nancy Hedberg and Ron Zacharsky eds.

                  The Grammar-Pragmatics Interface: Essays in Honor of Jeanette K. Gundel. John Benjamins. (29 pp.)


2006          A 'just that' lexical meaning for most. In Klaus von Heusinger and Ken Turner eds. Where semantics meets pragmatics.

                  Amsterdam: Elsevier. (pp. 49-91)


2003          Does most mean 'more than half'? Berkeley Linguistics Society 29. (pp. 17-30)


2002          The possessive NP construction: Discourse function and discourse profile. Berkeley Linguistics Society 28. (pp. 15-26)


2001          Accessibility theory: An overview. In Ted Sanders, Joost Schliperoord and Wilbert Spooren eds. Text representation.

                  John Benjamins (Human cognitive processing series). (pp. 29-87)


2000          The development of person agreement markers: From pronouns to higher Accessibility markers. In Michael Barlow and

                  Suzanne Kemmer eds. Usage based Models of Language. CSLI. (pp. 197-260)


1999          Mapping so-called 'pragmatic' phenomena according to a 'linguistic- extralinguistic' distinction: The case of propositions marked 'accessible'.

                  In Michael Darnell, Edith Moravcsik, Frederick Newmeyer, Michael Noonan and Kathleen Wheatley eds.

                  Functionalism and formalism in linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (pp. 11-38).


1998          [An analysis of impositive speech acts: Gender biases in the new Israeli cinema discourse, in Nurith Gertz, Orly Lubin, Judd Ne’eman ed.

                  Fictive looks – On Israeli Cinema. Tel Aviv: The Open University (pp. 179-204). (in Hebrew, with Rachel Giora).]

                  נתוח של פעולות דיבור כוחניות: הטיות מיניות בשיח הקולנוע הישראלי החדש. אצל נורית גרץ, אורלי לובין, ג'אד נאמן עורכים.

                  מבטים פיקטיביים על קולנוע ישראלי. ת"א: האוניברסיטה הפתוחה. (179-204) (עם רחל גיורא) .


1998          Three grammaticalization paths for the development of person verbal agreement in Hebrew. In Jean-Pierre Koenig ed.

                  Discourse and cognition: Bridging the gap. Stanford: CSLI/Cambridge University Press. (pp. 93-111)


1998          Discourse markers and form-function correlations. In Andreas Jucker and Yael Ziv eds. Discourse markers: Descriptions and theory.

                  Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (pp. 223-259)


1998          Applying Accessibility theory. In Asa Kasher ed. Pragmatics: Critical concepts. Vol. VI, Part Twelve: Pragmatics and grammar.

                  London: Routledge. (pp. 55-91). Reprinted from Ariel 1990: 1-16; 22-30; 97-105; Notes and references as appropriate.


1996          Referring expressions and the +/- coreference distinction. In Jeanette Gundel and Thorstein Fretheim eds.

                  Referent and Referent accessibility. John Benjamins. (pp. 13-35).


1992          Gender versus group relations analysis of impositive speech acts. In Kira Hall, Mary Bucholtz and Birch Moonwomon eds.

                  Berkeley Linguistics Society 1992: Locating Power. (pp. 11-22) (with Rachel Giora).






2022-         Editorial board: Forum for Linguistic studies

2022-         Review editor Frontiers in language sciences

2021-         Editorial board: Linguistic Typology at the crossroads

2013-         Editorial board: Cognitive Linguistic Studies


2012-         Editorial board: Semantics and pragmatics (Online Journal)


2012-2015 Advisory board: RefNet Project, UK


2011–        Editorial board: Pragmatic interfaces (book series), Equinox


2010–        Editorial board: Linguistic Cognitive Science


2010–        Editorial board: Intercultural Pragmatics


2007–        Advisory board: Studies in meaning and communication (book series), Davis Group.


2004–2012 Editorial board: Cognitive Linguistics.


2002          Journal of pragmatics 34: 4 Special issue: Literal, minimal and salient meanings


2001–        Advisory board: Journal of Pragmatics.


1998–2004 Consulting board: Cognitive Linguistics.


1982–2004 Noga, Israel’s feminist magazine. (eds: Rachel Ostrowitz, Mira Ariel, Rachel Giora, Erela Daor and Miri Krassin), Hebrew.

                  נגה  (עורכות: רחל אוסטרוביץ, מירה אריאל, רחל גיורא, אראלה דאור ומירי קרסין)






2011          A review of Yael Maschler’s Metalanguage in interaction: Hebrew discourse markers. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

                  Journal of Pragmatics 43 (1154-1156).


2008          A review of A Goldberg’s Constructions at work. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Language  84 (632-636).


1996          A review of Y Huang's The syntax and pragmatics of anaphora. Cambridge: Cambridge university press. Language 72 (pp. 422-3).


1996          A review of K Lambrecht's Information structure and sentence form. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.

                  Journal of Linguistics 32 (pp. 205-10).


1995          A review of R Perkins' Deixis Grammar and culture. Journal of Pragmatics 23 (pp. 455-9).


1994          A review of Y Azmon & D N Izraeli eds. Women in Israel. Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 28 (pp. 59-61).


1994          A review of T Givon's English Grammar. Journal of Pragmatics 22 (pp. 549-55).


1990          A review of T Katriel's Talking Straight: Dugri Speech in Israeli Sabra Culture. Journal of Pragmatics 14 (pp. 333 6).


1989          A review of B A Fox's Discourse Structure and Anaphora. Journal of Linguistics 25 (pp. 493 8).


1986          A review of J L Mey's Whose Language: A Study in Linguistic Pragmatics, Journal of Pragmatics 10 (pp. 123 9).






2006          Accessibility theory. Encyclopedia of language and linguistics (second edition), Vol. I. Edited by Keith Brown.

                  Oxford: Elsevier, (pp. 15-18).Reprinted in Jacob L Mey’s Concise Encyclopedia of pragmatics. Elsevier. (2006, pp. 1-4).


2000          Pragmatics. Encyclopedia of psychology. American psychology association. New York:

                  Oxford University Press, (pp. 272-275) (with Rachel Giora).


1998          Pragmatic operators. Concise encyclopedia of pragmatics. Amsterdam: Elsevier. (pp.704-707).

                  A minimally revised version of the entry in The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics.


1995          פרגמטיקה לשונית. האנציקלופדיה העברית כרך מילואים ג'. תשנ"ה. עמ' 861-863.

                  (Linguistic pragmatics, the Hebrew Encyclopedia supplement volume 3, pp. 861-863).


1993          Pragmatic operators. The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford:Pergamon Press. (pp. 3250-53).



Other Information






2024          Workshop on the relations between space, language and numbers, Tubingen (Sept)

                  Comparing Spatial Conceptualizations: Collective Numerals in Hebrew (poster) Katzir and Ariel

2024          The Rosen linguistics society, Tel Aviv (March)

                  Usage-based grammar explains the acquisition of ‘or’ construction (in Hebrew) (with Inbal Arnon and Shira Tal)

2024          Theoretical and experimental pragmatics, Pavia  (Feb)

                  Rethinking approximation in round numbers (poster) (Katzir, Levshina, and Ariel)

2023          AMPrA Graduate student workshop on experimental pragmatics: Bridging theory and praxis (Nov.) -- Online plenary

                  Testing for interpretations versus truth-compatible representations

2023          XPRAG, Paris (Sept.)

                  Scalar structure cannot impose semantic meaning (poster, Orr, Ariel and Shetreet).

2023          Colloquium on Cyclicity and the Theory of Language Change, Manchester (Jul.)

                  The or cycle (with Caterina Mauri)

2023          Bar Ilan Linguistics Colloq (March)

                  Prominence tips the scales in opposing argumentative constructions

2023          Int’l webinar on Cognitive and Pragmatic Approach to Lexis and Grammar (Moscow City University) (March) – Online Keynote

                  Prominence tips the scales in opposing argumentative constructions

2022          AMPRA, Columbia, South Carolina (Nov.)

                  What's wrong with 'inclusive' or and with verification tasks?

                  (Ariel, Asherov, Fishman, Katzir)

2022          TOWOCOLP-3 workshop, Tomsk  (Oct.) – Online Keynote

                  Opposing argumentative constructions and discourse prominence

2022          XPRAG, Pavia (Sept.)

                  Participant control over tasks testing weak scalar expressions

                  (Shetreet, Tehan and Ariel)

2022          XPRAG, Pavia (Sept.) -- poster

                  Scalar diversity, boundedness and subjectivity

                  (Orr, Ariel, and Shetreet)

2022          The Israeli Linguistics Society in honour of Haiim Rosén— Online (Feb.)

                  Hocus Pocus – Referent prominence in various affirmative and negative constructions (in Hebrew).

                  (Plotnik, Heilig and Ariel)

2021          MIT Brain and Cognitive Science (Edward Gibson's Lab) (Nov)

                  Number words are punctual, stubbornly

                  (with Natalia Levshina)

2021          Usage-Based Linguistics 5 (Jul)

                  Mind the gap: Interpretation versus verification -- Online

                  (Katzir, Asherov, Fishman and Ariel)

2021          Usage-Based Linguistics 5 (Jul)

                  Number words, prototype structure and density -- Online

2021          Conference on linguistic change, Israel academy of Science  — Online (April)

                  Discourse prominence, argumentative direction and semanticization (in Hebrew)

2021          The Israeli Linguistics Society in honour of Haiim Rosén— Online (Feb.)

                  Mamash 'real(ly)' and its sisters (Bardenstein and Ariel)

2020          Cambridge Linguistics Forum — Online (Nov.)

                  The crucial role of Truth-compatible inferences

2020          Workshop on the prominence of inferences, Univ. of Cologne — Online (Sept.)

                  Exceptives and the prominence competition                                  

2020          Societas Linguistica Europea, Bucharest— Online (August)

                  Hebrew harey: Sometimes old, sometimes new

2020          Societas Linguistica Europea, Bucharest — Online (August)

                  What do or constructions say? (Fishman, Asherov, Katzir, Arnon & Ariel)

2020          ABRALIN, Brazil —Online (July)

                  How do or constructions evolve? (Invited lecture)

2020          The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem — Online (May)

                  Exceptives, arguments, counter-arguments, and prominence

2019          Societas Linguistica Europea, Leipzig (August)

                  Rescuing meaning from logic (Presidential address)

2019          East China Normal University, Shanghai (May)

                  The uniqueness of number words (Invited lecture)

2019          University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (May)

                  Who put those meanings in my mouth? (Invited lecture)

2019          East China Normal University Workshop on contemporary perspectives on language and its uses:

                  Cognitive, functional, and pragmatic (Keynote) (May)

2019          ZAS workshop on The meaning of numerals: Cognitive, experimental, and semantic perspectives, Berlin (March)

                  Numerous puzzles

2018          The 43rd Annual Boston University conference on language development (Poster, Tal, Arnon and Ariel)

                  Children's task-related comprehension of or (Nov.)

2018          The VI-th International Forum on Cognitive Modelling, Tel Aviv

                  Numeral are (almost) forever )keynote) (Oct.)

2018          The School of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna

                  What's in a numeral? (Sept.)

2018          Societas Linguistica Europaea, Talinn

                  Evolving three-argument 'give' verbs (August)

2018          The Fourth Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv

                  Conference organizer (with Dorit Ravid) (July)

2018          The Fourth Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv

                  How do children interpret or? (Tal, Arnon and Ariel) (July)

2018          The Formal semantics and grammaticization Hebrew University group, Jerusalem

                  Evolving or constructions: In and out of ‘alternativity’ (June)

2018          UC Santa Barbara

                  Tell me who your neighbors are (March)

2017          Building categories in interaction: multidisciplinary approaches to categorization workshop

                  (Caterina Mauri, Ilaria Fiorentini Eugenio Goria,  organizers) Bologna University

                   Ad hoc-ization of numeral categories (October)

2017          IPrA Panel on Pragmatics and Constructions (Rita Finkbeiner, organizer), Belfast

                  Constructions, cues and pragmatic inferences (Keynote) (July)

2017          The Third Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Hebrew University Hevi’s path towards ‘give’: usage-based all the way (July)

                  (Gafter, Spicer and Ariel)

2017          Hebrew University, Inbal Arnon's lab

                  Children, or and experimentation,  (May)

2017          Hebrew language Colloquium, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva

                  איזו פרגמטיקה? "חבל על הזמן" Which pragmatics? 'It's a shame wasting time' (March)

2017          IGDAL

                  Who put these meanings in my mouth?, Tel Aviv (Keynote) (February)

2017          IGDAL

                  The case of literally true propositions with false implicatures, Tel Aviv (Poster, Or, Ariel and Peleg)

2017          LSA 91st Annual Meeting, Austin Texas

                  Bringing about a change: a change in progress in Hebrew lexical semantics (Gafter, Spicer and Ariel)

2016          AMPRA

                  What's a reading? (November)

2016          Syntax of the world's languages VII, Mexico

                  The seven grammaticization stages of Hebrew intensifying adverbials within the [not X, but Y] construction

                  (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (August)

2016          Societas Linguistica Europaea, Naples

                  Evoking higher-level categories using or constructions (August)

2016          European Society for philosophy and psychology, St. Andrews

                  A procedural analysis for or (August)

2016          Language contact, continuity and change in the emergence of Modern hebrew, Jerusalem

                  The grammaticization path of Hebrew discourse markers within rectification constructions (poster)

                  (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (July)

2016          The tenth Israeli association for literacy and language, Tel Aviv

                  Grammaticization paths of discourse markers in rectification constructions and the compactization of these constructions

                  (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (July)

2016          The Second Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv

                  Conference organizer (with Peleg and Shen) (June)

2016          The Second Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv

                  What is or all about? (June)

2016          The Second Usage-Based Linguistics Conference, Tel Aviv

                  The grammaticization path of Hebrew discourse markers within rectification constructions (poster)

                  (Ruti Bardenstein and Mira Ariel) (June)

2016          Conference in honor of Yael Ziv, Hebrew University (Invited)

                  Roses or flowers for Yael: Pragmaticizing Hurford Constraint (June)

2016          Disjunction Days Workshop, ZAS, Berlin (poster)

                  What is or all about? (June)

2016          UCSB Ling Lab Talk series (May)

                  Linguistic meaning and truth compatibility

2016          The Finnish Centre of Excellence in research on Intersubjectivity in interaction (Invited guest)

                  Objectivity, subjectivity and the analysis of or (April)

2016          עברית שפה חיה (March)

                  ניסע למטולה או לצפת? "או" בראי יחידות ההנגנה (Yeverechyahu, Ariel, Giora and Fein)

2016          Harvard University "Language and Cognition" group (Invited)

                  Intended Meaning Versus Truth Compatibility: The case of scalar quantifiers (February)

2015          Conference in honor of Esther Borochovsky Bar-Aba tel Aviv University (Invited)

                  מעמד שיחי: הפרגמטיקה לשירות הדוברת

2015          Societas Linguistica Europaea

                  Roundtable on Interaction and Linguistic Structure, Leiden University (Plenary)

                  Or: From a Logic-Based to a Usage-Based analysis

2015          Societas Linguistica Europaea

                  Workshop on Prominence in pragmatics

                  Revisiting the typology of conversational implicatures

2015          14th IPrA conference, University of Antwerp, Panel on:

                  'Adaptability, contextualism, and the composition of discourse meaning'

                  On the distinctness between or construction alternatives

2015          The first Israel Usage-Based Conference, Hebrew University

                  Logic-based or use-based?

2015          New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Lodz (Plenary)

                  Reclaiming "logical" words

2015          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara

                  Logic-based or use-based?

2014          John Du Bois and Mira Ariel

                  SCUL Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara

                  Give is not a given: Argument structure and cognitive containment

2014          2nd Conference of the American Pragmatics Association, UCLA

                  Or, surprisingly

2014          Linguistics Colloquium, Lund University (Invited)

                  Is language logic-based or use-based?

2014          John Du Bois and Mira Ariel

                  Ditransitives workshop, Syntax of the world's languages VI, University of Pavia

                  Give is not a given

2014          Georgetown University Round Table

                  A use-based analysis for or

2014          Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pavia (Invited lecture)

                  How many pragmatic statuses do we need? Let me count the ways

2014          Workshop on "Case and agreement: between grammar and information structure", Hebrew University (keynote address)

                  Motivating verbal person agreement

2013          Pragmatics Society of Japan & Waseda University (Invited lecture)

                  Semantics versus pragmatics

2013          Pragmatics Society of Japan (Invited)

                  Discussant: Panel on implicature

2013          Pragmatics Society of Japan (Keynote address)

                  Pragmatic meanings: Beyond implicatures

2013          A doctoral school on discourse markers, Fribourg, Switzerland (Invited lecture)

                  Or: A new semantics, a new pragmatics

2013          A doctoral school on discourse markers, Fribourg, Switzerland (Invited Hands-on Session)

                  How many alternatives does or offer?

2013          UC Berkeley, Linguistics Colloquium (Invited)

                  Or: Myths and realities.

2013          Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza (Invited)

                  Types of pragmatic meanings

2013          Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza (Invited)

                  Drawing the semantics/pragmatics distinction.

2013          IPrA, New Delhi (Plenary)

                  Or: Myths and realities.

2013          Mira Ariel and Caterina Mauri

                  IPrA, New Delhi, organizers of a three-hour Panel on Natural language connectives:

                  Evidence from discourse, typology and grammaticization.

2013          Caterina Mauri and Mira Ariel

                  IPrA, New Delhi, panel on Natural language connectives:

                  Evidence from discourse, typology and grammaticization

                  Non-connecting functions of connectives: Focus on (non-) exhaustive connectives.

2013          International Congress of linguists, Geneva University, Workshop on The semantics and pragmatics of logical words:

                  a cross-linguistic perspective, organized by Jacques Moeschler, Caterina Mauri, Johan van der Auwera

                  Or: Questioning meaning and use.

2013          International Congress of linguists, Geneva University, Panel on pragmatics, discourse and cognition,

                  organized by Laurence Horn and Istvan Kecskes.

                  Interpreting or constructions.

2013          ICLC 12 University of Alberta, Panel on The verbalization of experience in honor of Wallace Chafe,

                  organized by John W Du Bois and Patricia Clancy

                  Having trouble verbalizing? Take or, or something. Or whatever.

2013          The linguistic, the cognitive, and the political: A conference in honor of Rachel Giora, Tel Aviv University

                  Or disjunctions expressing stable and ad hoc categories (in Hebrew)

2012          Princeton University, The Program in Linguistics (Invited)

                  Or: Myths of meaning and facts of use

2011          Conjunctions vs. contextualizers workshop, Charles University, Prague

                  Relational and independent and conjunctions

2011          Lattice Research Laboratory, Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris

                  Pragmatics and grammar: More pragmatics or more grammar? (Invited).

2011          Specification in context project, Stuttgart University, Germany

                  a) Some somes are quantifiers (Invited)

                  b) Most somes are not quantifiers (Invited)

2011          Conference on form and meaning, Sorbonne, Paris

                  The semantics and pragmatics of or constructions (Invited)

2011          Hebrew Language Colloquium, Haifa University

                  All kinds of meanings: xaval al ha-zman (in Hebrew)

2010          LISO, UC Santa Barbara

                  Concession and contrast: though and but at the Intonation unit boundary (John Du Bois and Mira Ariel)

2010          Conference on competing motivations, Leipzig, Germany

                  Or constructions: Monosemy versus polysemy, encoding versus inferencing

2010          Linguistics Colloquium, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

                  The semantics and pragmatics of or Constructions

2010          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA,

                  How (not) to use discourse in semantic arguments: The case of scalar quantifiers

2010          Linguistic Evidence 2010, Tübingen University, Germany,

                  Poster: Testing the boundaries: Scalarity and the argument from discourse

2010          Workshop: Reference and accessibility, Stuttgart University, Germany (Invited)

                  Reference in three keys

2009          Hebrew Language Colloquium, TAU, Israel

                  Pragmatics and grammar in Pragmatics and grammar (in Hebrew)

2009          Cognitive Science UC San Diego, USA (Invited)

                  Or, or something: Constructing categories on the fly

2008          Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel

                  What use is or?

2008          Workshop on the annotation of animacy and information status Northwestern University, Chicago, USA (Invited)

2008          CSDL, Cleveland, USA,

                  The reflexive construction

2008          Linguistics Colloquium, Stanford University, USA (Invited)

                  Or constructions: Meaning and use

2008          New Reflections on grammaticalization, Leuven, Belgium

                  The intransitivization of English reflexive constructions

2008          A conference in memory of Professor Tanya Reinhart, Tel Aviv University, Israel

                  Xaval al ha-zman (‘It’s a shame on the time’): In memory of Tanya Reinhrart

2008          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Or constructions: Meaning and use

2006          Penn Linguistics Colloquium, U.O. Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA

                  Implicated, explicated or lexical?: The case of most

2006          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Two strategies in interpreting and conjunctions, or, the nonunitary status of inferred interpretations

2006          Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel

                  Looking for asses and finding kingdom: The case of reflexive pronouns

2006          Intersentential pronominal reference in child and adult language, Berlin, Germany (Invited)

                  Reference: Maxi-grammar, mini-grammar

2006          Bar Ilan Colloquium, Ramat Gan, Israel,

                  Choosing the proper status for interpretations: The case of an upper bound on most

2005          Winter LSA, San Francisco USA, Organizer: A 3 hour symposium on

                  Scalars and the semantics-pragmatics interface: the problem of most

2005          Winter LSA, San Francisco, USA

                  Majority profiled: a circumbounded analysis of most

2005          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  The rise and potential fall of English reflexives

2005          Experimental Pragmatics workshop, Cambridge University, Britain

                  Most: What you see is what you get

2004          New Developments in linguistic pragmatics (invited plenary speaker), Lodz, Poland

                  Most: Redrawing the semantic/pragmatic borderline

2004          ICAME, Verona, Italy

                  Reflexives in Present-Day English: Coexistence of past, present and future

2003          Where Semantics meets pragmatics workshop, East Lansing, USA

                  Most: Reversing some of the roles of semantics and pragmatics

2003          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Most: Lexical semantic and pragmatic aspects

2003          ICLC, La Rioja, Spain

                  Most: Semantic and pragmatic aspects

2003          BLS, UC Berkeley, USA

                  Most: Frequency, semanticization and GCI

2002          לשון וחברה, אונ' ת"א (Language and Society, Tel Aviv University)

                   על הצורך במעמ"ד: מוסר השכל מ'או' האנגלי

                  (On the need for a corpus of spoken Hebrew: Drawing the moral from English or)

2002          Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel

                  Most: A 'just that' lexical semantic analysis

2002          ICAME, Göteborg, Sweden

                  What does(n't) or mean?

2002          Hebrew University Colloquium, Jerusalem, Israel

                  Most: Lexical semantic and pragmatic aspects

2002          BLS, UC Berkeley, USA

                  Prenominal possessive NPs, Discourse functions and discourse profiles

2001          Reference and coherence workshop, Utrecht University, Holland (Invited)

                  Discourse functions, discourse profiles and reference

2001          LISO Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Privileged interactional interpretations

2001          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Reference and approaches to the grammar-pragmatics interface

2001          Linguistics Colloquium, Tel Aviv University, Israel

                  Reference and Pragmatics

2000          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Functional levels of interpretation in interaction

2000          CSDL, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Salient, linguistic and interactional meanings: The demise of a unique literal meaning

2000          Corpus linguistics and the study of Modern Hebrew (symposium, invited speaker)

                  Emory University Atlanta, USA

                  Why would a pragmatist need a Hebrew corpus?

1999          PRAGMA, Tel Aviv University, Israel

                  Against a unique literal meaning

1999          PRAGMA (a 3 part panel), Tel Aviv University, Israel Organizer (with Jonathan Berg): Literal meaning

1999          Linguistics Colloquium, UC Santa Barbara, USA

                  Cognitive universals and the distribution of resumptive pronouns

1999          ICLC, Stockholm, Sweden

                  On the similarity between linguistic and extralinguistic constraints

1999          CSDL, Emory University Atlanta, USA

                  Cognitive universals and the distribution of resumptive pronouns





2015-2018 Linguistics Chair, Tel Aviv University.

2003-2008 Linguistics Chair, Tel Aviv University.

1997-1999 Linguistics Chair, Tel Aviv University.


1997-1999 Women’s Forum Chair, Tel Aviv University.


2003-2007 School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv University. Ph.D. Students Committee.

1993-1997 School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv University. Budget Committee.






1977–        The Linguistic Society of America (LSA)

1995–        The International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA)

1985–        The Israeli Association of Theoretical Linguistics (IATL)

1978–        The Israeli Association of Applied Linguistics (ILASH)


2012–        The International Pragmatics Association, Belgium (IPrA)


2014-         Societas Linguistica Europea (SLE)


2016          ESPP








TAU          Tel Aviv University
Linguistics Department
School of Cultural Studies


CoSIH       Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew


UCSB       University of California, Santa Barbara
Linguistics Department
Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English


ILASH      Israel Association of Applied Linguistics


ICLA         International Cognitive Linguistics Association


CogLing    Cognitive Linguistics, An Interdisciplinary Journal of Cognitive Science


JOP            Journal of Pragmatics


CUP          Cambridge University Press


נגה . 1982-2004 (עורכות: רחל אוסטרוביץ, מירה אריאל, רחל גיורא, אראלה דאור ומירי קרסין)

Noga, Israel’s feminist magazine. 1982-2004 (eds: Rachel Ostrowitz, Mira Ariel, Rachel Giora, Erela Daor and Miri Krassin)





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