Published in English
1. A. Ophir
Plato’s Invisible Cities: Discourse and Power in the ‘Republic’
London: Routledge 1991 (211 pp)
2. The Order of Evils: Toward an Ontology of Morals
New York: Zone Books 2005 (700 pp) (revised version of H1)
3. A. Ophir and A. Azoulay
The One State Condition: Democracy and Occupation in Israel/Palestine.
Stanford University Press, 2012 (310 pp) (revised and amended version of H4)
Published in Hebrew
4. A. Ophir
Lashon Lara: Chapters in the Ontology of Morals
Tel Aviv: Am Oved 2000 (488 pp)
5. A. Ophir
Aovdat Ha-Hove (Working for the Present): Essays on Contemporary Israeli Culture
Tel Aviv: Hakibutz Hameuchad 2001 (302 pp)
6. A. Azoulay, A. Ophir
Yamim Raim: Between Disaster and Utopia
Tel Aviv: Resling 2002 (207 pp)
7. A. Azoulay, A. Ophir
This Regime that is not One: Occupation and Democracy between the Sea and the River (1967- )
Tel Aviv: Resling 2008 (499 pp)
8. A. Ophir
Divine Violence: Two Essays on God and Disaster
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute and Hakkibutz Hameuchad, 2013.
B REFEREED ARTICLES in Journals (English and French)
1 A. Ophir
“Michel Foucault and the Semiotics of the Phenomenal”
Dialogue XXVII (1988), pp. 387-415
2 A. Ophir
“The Semiotics of Power: Reading Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish”
Manuscrito XII, 2 (1989), pp. 9-34
3 R. Feldhay and A. Ophir
“Heresy and Hierarchy: The Authorization of Giordano Bruno”
Stanford Humanities Review, Spring 1989, vol. 1 no.1, pp.118-38
4 A. Ophir
“Beyond Good-Evil: A Plea for Hermeneutic Ethics”
The Philosophical Forum XXI, no. 1-2 (1989-90) pp. 94-121.
5 A. Ophir
“Des Ordres dans l’Archive”
Annales, Mai-Juin 1990, no.3, pp. 735-54.
6 A. Ophir
“The Place of Knowledge Recreated: The Library of Michel de Montaigne,”
Science in Context 4:1, spring 1991, pp. 163-189)
7 A. Ophir, and Steven Shapin,
“The Place of Knowledge: A Methodological Survey”
Science in Context 4:1, spring 1991, pp. 3-21.
8 A. Ophir
“Two-Tier Thinking: A Moral Point of View”
Science in Context 9:2, summer 1996 (pp. 177-188).
9 A. Ophir
“Between Kant and Eichmann: Thinking on Evil After Arendt”
History and Memory, 8:2, 1996 (pp. 89-136).
10 A. Ophir
“Shifting the Ground of the Moral Domain: Reading Lyotard’s Differend”
Constellations, vol. 4, no.2, Oct. 1997 (pp. 189-204).
11 Y. Ben Menachem and A. Ophir.
“Models of Critique: Introduction,”
Science in Context, special volume on Models of Critique in the Sciences, Arts, and Society 11:1, winter 1998 (pp. 5-15).
12 Ophir, A. and A. Azoulay
“The Contraction of Being: Deleuze after Badiou”
UMBRa: A Journal of the Unconscious, June 2001
13 Ophir, A.
“How to Take Aim at the Heart of the Present and Remain Analytic.”
The International Journal of Philosophical Studies, October 2001.
14 A. Ophir
"Disaster as a Place of Morality"
Qui Parle, vol. 16. no. 1, summer 2006, pp. 95-116.
15 A. Ophir
"The Two States Solution: Catastrophe and Providence"
Theoretical Inquiries in Law, vol. 8, No. 1. January 2007, pp. 117-160.
16 A. Ophir
"There are No Tortures in Gaza"
South Central Review, vol. 24, no. 1. Spring 2007, pp. 27-36.
17 A. Ophir
"Power & Catastrophes: Reflection on Immanence & Exteriority"
UMBRa: A Journal of the Unconscious, 2011
18 A. Ophir
Political Concepts: Critical Lexicon vol. 1., 2011
19 A. Ophir, A. Azoulay
"Le Sionisme, l'État d'Israël et le régime israélien."
Cités, 47-48, 2011, pp. 67-82.
20 Ishay Rosen Tzvi and Adi Ophir,
"Goy: Towards a Genealogy"
Dine Israel, vol 28, 2011, pp. 69-122
21 A. Ophir
"The Sciences of the Spirit"
Differences, vol. 24, no. 3 (Fall 2013): 160-174.
22 Ishay Rosen Tzvi and Adi Ophir,
"Paul and the Invention of the Gentiles"
Jewish Quarterly Review 105 (2015): 1-41
Accepted for Publication
23. A. Ophir
"The Right of Return / the Law of Return"
Adalah's Review, forthcoming.
24. A. Ophir
“A Barely Visible Protagonist: Showing Arendt Thinking”
Differences 2015
1. A. Ophir
"Homage to Michel Foucault"
Iyuun 34. No. 1-2, 1985, pp. 79-95
2. A. Ophir
"The Birth of Philosophy as a Serious Game: Reading Plato's Republic
Iyuun 35, no.1 1987, pp.3-29.
3. A. Ophir
"Invisible City: Plato's Ideal State"
Zmanin 25, May 1987, pp. 42-57.
4 A. Ophir
"Beyond Good – Evil: Outline for a Political Theory of Evils"
Theoriave-Bikoret 1, Summer 1991, pp. 41-77.
5 A. Ophir
Habermas' Philosophical Synthesis
Zmanin, 46, 1993, pp. 92-110.
6 A. Ophir
"Damage, Suffering, and the Limits of Moral Discourse after Lyotard"
Iyuun 45, 1995, pp. 149-190.
7 A. Ophir
"The Armed Forces of Reason: on Metaphors of Power in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason."
Iyuun 48. No. 2, 1998, pp. 165-190.
8 A. Ophir
"An Always Armed State"
Iyuun 48. No. 4, 1998, pp. 393-406.
9 A. Ophir
"The First Hour"
Theoria-ve-Bikoret, 12-13, 1999, pp. 14-30.
10 A. Ophir
"A Possible Moral Justification for Postmodern Writing: On some Stories by Orly Kastel-Blum".
Mikaan: Review of Hebrew Literature, no. 1, 2000, pp. 115-133.
11 A. Azoulay, A. Ophir
"We are not asking what it means but how it works: Introduction to Milles Plateaux"
Theoria-ve-Bikoret, 17, 2000, pp. 123-131.
12 A. Ophir
"Jewish-Arab Co-existence: Politics of Rationality"
Democratic Culture, 6, 2002 (9-35).
13 A. Ophir
"Riveted to Being: Suffering in Levinas' Thought."
Criticism and Interpretation, 37, 2003 (137-158).
14 A. Ophir
"Moral Technologies: The Administration of Disaster and the Abandonment of Life."
Theoria-ve-Bikoret, 22, 2003 (67-103)].
15. A. Ophir
"New Philo-Semitism"
Review Essay; Theoria ve-Bikoret, 27, 2005.
16 M. Mass, A. Ophir
"Care, Supervision, and Abandonment: on Closed Adoption."
Reflections in Law, 29 (2),April 2006 (257-310).
17 A. Azoulay, A. Ophir
"Separation, Subjugation and Violence"
Theoria-ve-Bikoret, 31, Winter 2007, pp. 155-172.
18 A. Ophir
The Birth of Theocracy out of Disaster: Three Patterns of Divine Violence in the Hebrew Bible"
Reshit: Studies in Judaism, vol. 1 (2009), pp. 31-65.
19 A. Ophir
"What is 'the Political'?"
Theoria ve-Bikoret 34, Spring 2009.
20 A. Ophir
Mafte'akh, Lexical Review for Political Theory, vol. 1, Winter 2010
21 A. Ophir and others,
Mafte'akh, Lexical Review for Political Theory, vol. 1, Winter 2010
22 A. Ophir
Mafte'akh, Lexical Review for Political Theory,Vol. 2, Summer 2010
23 A. Ophir
"Metaphysics and Violence: Derrida Reads Levinas."
Iyyun 59 (October 2010)
24 A. Ophir
Mafte'akh, Lexical Review for Political Theory,Vol. 4, Fall 2011
25 A. Ophir
"An Israeli Kant: A New Translation of Kant's First Critique "
Iyyun, vol. 62 (October 2013), pp. 340-351.
26. A. Ophir and I. Rosen Zvi
“The Invention of the Goy”
Leshonenu 76 (2014), pp. 497-509
Accepted for Publication
27. A. Ophir
“The Right of Reutrn”
Mafte'akh, vol 9. 2015.
D REFEREED ARTICLES in Books (English and French)
1 A. Ophir
“The Ideal Speech Situation: Neo Kantian Ethics in Habermas and Apel”
Y. Yovel (ed.), Kant’s Practical Philosophy Reconsidered
Dordrecht Kluwer 1989, pp. 213-234
2 A. Ophir
“Introduction” to Le Souper des cendres, Giordano Bruno, Oeuvres Completes, tome II (Paris: Les belles letrres 1994 (ix-lxviii) (in French).
3 A. Ophir
“From Pharaoh to Saddam Hussein: Deconstruction of the Passover Haggadah”
The Other in Jewish Thought and History, ed. by Laurence Silberstein and Robert Cohn New York: New York University Press 1994 (pp. 139-157).
4 A. Ophir”
“The Poor in Deed Facing the Lord of all Deeds: A Postmodern Reading of the Yom Kippur Mahzor.”
Steven Kepnes(ed.), Interpreting Judaism in a Postmodern Age
New York: New York University Press 1996 (pp. 187-217).
5 A. Ophir
“The Cartography of Knowledge and Power: Foucault Reconsidered.”
Cultural Semiosis: Tracing the Signifier, ed. by Hugh J. Silverman
London: Routledge 1998 (pp. 239-259).
6 A. Ophir
“The Identity of the Victims and the Victims of Identity: A Critique of Zionism for a Post-Zionist Age”
Jewish Identities, ed. by Laurence Silberstein
New York: New York University Press, 2000
7 A. Ophir
“Am Haaretz and Talmid Chakham: Commentary”
Michael Walzer (ed.), The Jewish Political Tradition, vol. 2.
New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002.
8 A. Ophir
“On Sanctifying the Holocaust: An Anti-Theological Treatise”
Impossible Images: Contemporary Art after the Holocaust, Shelley Hornstein et al. (eds), New York: New York University Press, 2003
9 A. Ophir
”Evils, Evil, and the Question of Ethics”
Modernity and the Problem of Evil, ed. By Alan Schrift.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005 (pp. 167-187).
10 A. Ophir and A. Azoulay
"La paix qui n'a pas eu lieu"
Israël et l'autre, ed. by William Ossipow, Genève: Labor et Fides 2005.
11 A. Ophir
"The Sovereign, the Humanitarian and the Terrorist"
Michel Feher (ed.), NonGovernmental Politics, Zone Books 2007, pp. 161-181.
12 A. Ophir and A. Azoulay
Cheryl A. Rubenberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Boulder Co.: Lynn Reinner Publishers, 2009
13 A. Ophir and A. Azoulay
"The Order of Violence"
A. Ophir, Michal Givoni, Sari Hanafi (eds.), The Power of Inclusive Exclusion: Anatomy of Israeli Rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
New York: Zone Books, 2009
14 A. Ophir
"The Politics of Catastrophization"
Didier Fassin and Mariella Pandolfi. (Eds.), Contemporary States of Emergency: The Politics of Military and Humanitarian Interventions. New York: Zone Books, 2010.
15 A. Ophir and A. Azoulay
"Abandoning Gaza"
Marcelo Svirsky& Simone Bignall (eds.), Agamben and Colonialism, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012, pp 178-203.
1 A. Ophir
“Postmodernism: A Philosophical Point of View” "
I. Gur-Zeev (ed.), Education in the Age of Postmodern Discourse
Jerusalem: Magnes 1996, pp. 135-163.
2 A. Ophir
“The Sublimity of War in Kant’s Philosophy”
Y. Sanderovitch and E. Friedlander, The Work of Judgment: Beauty, Sublimity and Teleology in Kant’s Critique of Judgment
Tel-Aviv: University Press 1999, pp, 182-201.
3 A. Ophir
“Suffering as a Challenge to the Covenant”
Avi Sagi and Zvi Zohar (eds.), David Hartman Book, A Renewed Jewish Commitment: David Hartamn's World and Thought.
Jerusalem, The Shalom Hartman Institute and Hakkibutz Hameuchad 2002.
4 A. Ophir
"I and Anybody Else"
Avi Sagi and Nahem Ilan (eds.), Jewish Culture in the Eye of the Strom.
Tel Aviv, Hakkibutz Hameuchad 2002, pp. 161-171.
5 A. Ophir
“Life as Sacred and Forsaken: Introduction to Homo Sacer”
Shay Lavie, ed., Technologies of Justice
Tel Aviv: Ramot 2003, pp. 353-394.
6 A. Ophir
"Understanding the Political in the Work of Hannah Arendt"
Idith Zertal and Moshe Zuckermann eds., Hannah Arendt: Half a Century of Polemics
Tel Aviv, Hakkibutz Hameuchad 2004, pp. 171-198.
7 A. Ophir
“The Infinity of the Loss and the Finitude of the Solution,”
Dan Michman ed., The Holocaust in Jewish History,
Jerusalem: YadVashem 2005, pp. 637-681.
8 A. Ophir
"On Space and Time in the State of Emergency"
Y. Shenhav, Christoph Schmidt, and Shimshon Zelniker, eds., State of Exception and State of Emergency
Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute 2009, pp. 55-68
In English
1 A. Ophir, Steven Shapin
Science in Context, 4:1 (special volume on The Place of Knowledge), 1991 (218 pp)
2 Ben Menachem, Yemima and Adi Ophir
Science in Context , vol. 10, no. 1 (special volume on Models of Critique in the Sciences, Arts, and Society), 1997 (220 pp).
3 A. Ophir, Michal Givoni, Sari Hanafi
The Power of Inclusive Exclusion: Anatomy of Israeli Rule in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
New York: Zone Books, 2009 (641 pp).
In Hebrew
4 A. Ophir, founder and first editor
Theory and Criticism: An Israeli Review of Critical Studies, Vols. 1-15,1991-1999.
The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute
5 Y. Peled, A. Ophir
Israel: From Mobilized to Civil Society
Tel Aviv: Hakkibutz Hameuchad 2001 (397 pp).
6 A. Ophir, founder and chief editor (2009 -)
Maft'eakh: A Lexical Review of Political Theory,
The Minerva Center for the Humanities, Tel Aviv University
G TRANSLATION (into Hebrew)
1. Isaiah Berlin, The Crooked Timber of Humanity (Am Oved, 1989)
2. Daniel Boyarin, Carnal Israel (Am Oved, 1995)
3. Hannah Arendt, The Human Condition, with Ariella Azoulay, (Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2013)
H SCIENTIFIC EDITING of Hebrew Translations
1. Martin Buber, A Land for Two People (Schoken: Tel Aviv 1986)
2. Michel Foucault, History of Madness in the Age of Reason (Keter 1986)
3. Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality, vol. 1: The Will to Know (Hakibbutz
Hameuchad 1996)
3. Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition (Hakibbutz Hameuchad 1999)
5. Jacques Derrida, Plato's Pharmacy (Hakibbutz Hameuchad 2002)